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contest idea for passholders


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for mark or mary or any management at BC...


since there are so many smartasses on these forums that are criticising the way you are running the mountain and the lack of snow and blaming it all on you guys, why dont you have a little contest thing among passholders. have a drawing to pick someone to run the mountain for a day and then they can see that it isnt as easy as they think to run the operations.


i think that woudl be a pretty sweet thing to do. who else thinks so too?

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hahahhahahhahahhha ive never trashed talked BC.. ive actually always supported them and gave them props for what they are doing with the weather conditions and what not i know they are getting hit the hardest with the bad weather..



but honestly that has to be one of the dumbest ideas ever!!!!!!

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This would be an intresting thing to do. However their would be many limitations upon the person who would win this supposed contest. From a public relations stand point its a smart idea and would have validitly in getting certin people to quiet down about 'poor management', however this is not how i feel i think that the management has done everything in their ability to stay open. Lets remember people if their not open their out of work, their just like us they need money too. If this was to be done u'd pretty much have the winner sitting behind a desk being served on for a day and ordering around a personal waiter, you would not acheive what is intended this being someone who runs the mountian. After all they cant have someone who knows nothing and has no qualifycation to runn a ski resort take controll. Over all its a good idea and both sides have their points.

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