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Everything posted by Ski

  1. Tamer? Yes, absolutely. Better? Well, that's not really for us to judge And I'm sure Doug was just kidding.
  2. Ha, we spent weeks going through all the different languages and words for snow and ice, including all the Eskimo words, like kaniktshaq, qanik, anijo, hiko, tskio, tsikut, hikuliaq, quahak, kanut, pugtag, pegalujak, manelag, ivuneg, manerag, akuvijarjuak, kuhugag, nilak, and tugartag. Little Pugtag kinda has a nice ring, eh? So Rain is was... Anyway, as to her racing, I'm just happy she's in the mix, so to speak. I kind of embarrass her one coach by always saying, "Have I told you thank you, today?" all the time. What ski team coaches do---for that age---is 100 times harder than, say, what soccer coaches do. Imagine having a group of 6 to 8 yr old's out in winter weather five hours a day, mostly on black diamonds. That's a job for heroes, in my book. Oh, and btw, the girl who'll probably be the 'rabbit' on the team for years to come is named Summer
  3. I believe it was in 2004 that Killington was fed up with paying too much in taxes and tried to secede from Vermont and become part of New Hampshire. Hasn't happened, yet.
  4. You like the beach, right?
  5. Nothing more than a little recognition of what the Sno Devo Team coaches have done for Ty, who has always been the last one down the hill. At the end of the season (they have two more practices), I'll do a detailed report---a report any parent with little skiers might be interested in. But the team has moved on to balance drills which include leaving one ski at the bottom of the hill and navigating the mountain on one ski. And they spend about 80% of the time on the NF Running gates is a tiny portion of what the kids do and not important at all. It's kind of their 20 minutes of fun after lunch period. She's been having a blast, though, and hasn't missed a practice even with a cold or two.
  6. Well, it only switched about an hour ago, right around the time the thunder and lightning started. It'll switch back, but I bet Tobyhanna has an inch or two.
  7. It's snowing with enormous flakes and there's thunder rumbling.
  8. Hmmmmmmm.....TT, didn't you used to work at the Camelback tubing park and have a thing for Fidel Castro?
  9. Ski

    Ski's Wet TR 3/4/8

    Ha, they were only free passes for 'Dude and me...leftover's off his mom's Camelcard, or something.
  10. Hahahaha...you have to be related to TP4... You mock it now, but spend one weekend at the PASR Delaware beach house and maybe you'll see things a little differently, TT.
  11. Why? What could you possibly do to someone?
  12. Oh. I think it's planned again for this year. I'll just watch snoskier do it.
  13. It's picking the worst of tragedies, but Swiss skier Silvano Beltrametti went through the netting during a race in 2001 and was paralyzed. With the amazing titanium prosthesis now available, Lanzinger will be up and running in six months. Downhillers are warriors.
  14. Ski

    Ski's Wet TR 3/4/8

    This house was our vacation home and became our full time home during my fairly recent CB days when I was getting my oldest to CAT practice. CB's kind of a rough ride from here---just under 45 minutes, but the first 23 miles are winding country roads. But very doable, Poc Skimom is a patroller I can say no more. Eh, except to say "Thanks for the tickets, 'Mom. We miss you!"
  15. Doesn't PASR have a beach house in Delaware?
  16. The ski industry's first ever wave pool pond skimming event? The NF will be fine. That's all I care about...
  17. Method, if I can chime in on a few of your points (eh, respectfully), but first: dy-lan, you're a fucking tool. Anyway, "Because if they don't have criticism they won't improve."----Method, 99% of the so-called criticism regarding Sno is lost because it's filled with jealousy and hate by people who don't ski/ride Sno ever. Sno's parks will improve with the current commitment they have given to it. There's no argument on this. Just look at the park pre and post sale. Nobody wants to listen to NS bitches scream and yell. Sno management is relying on input from riders/skiers, not just Neptune. This MB is inconsequential to the park's improvement. Ever wonder why every mountain's official MB's are all gone? It's due to the haters and flamers, like the one's on here. Their incentive is MONEY. It's TICKET SALES. Like every free market business in America. Their incentive is NOT to follow the lead of flamers. BC polls kids and half say one thing and the other half says to do the opposite. "We rip on it because it is RIDICULOUS."----Be honest. Most posts have ripped Sno because they are following the leader. They haven't skied/ridden Sno. If you've been riding Sno regularly and rip on it, it's one thing...but your long rants are lost in the "Sno is gay" milieu. Your posts are intelligent and well written, but people like JordanA and dy-lan make them worthless. That's a shame. "Except Sno IS NOT developing a park crew"---Yes they are. And they are led by a local, very smart guy. Building a park isn't rocket science. It's common sense. It's very basic math. But you already know that, I'm sure. "NO SHIT they got a great pipe right now, that is like looking at little league game after Barry Bonds just pinch hit for you and saying our team is great. How about the next time?"---You are welcome to assume that, but you might be very wrong. The park director oversaw every phase of the construction. If you knew him, you'd have a little more faith in his talents. I built an addition to my home last year. It was MUCH more complex than a superpipe. I had help from my father-in-law, but am confident I could do another addition on my own. Being so negative with no knowledge of the local people involved hurts your cred, IMO. I'm not trying to offend you, but I read great information littered with things that sound like NS cheap shots. "So far no one I believe has been giving me a positive report on the place."---People say the Poconos suck, Method. Go join TGR's MB and tell them where you ride. Are all those kids sitting at their computers in Miami and New York City correct? "Yea, I do think a 22' pipe for 4 weeks open is a bad thing. How much time, money, snow, labor was wasted on that thing?"---C'mon, Method, a ski area doesn't work on a one month plan. Look at a five year plan and it was a smart move. Did they waste your money? Five weeks this year, then eight weeks next year. At what point will you be satisfied? You are writing them off and it just comes off as hating. Most companies work this way. Why do you think Beaver Creek hosts a World Cup downhill? They lose money on the race, since the FIS requires them to give free room and board to all athletes and all support staff. Is Beaver Creek wrong to do it? "You need guys who are there day in day out, who are invested in the park, for it to work out."---Actually, you need a leader who is there day in and day out, year after year. Otherwise, NO BUSINESS IN AMERICA WOULD EVER LAST. I won't bore you with details, but the ideal employee/lowly worker will be at his/her prime during their third and fourth years. After four, apathy sets in. I took a few business classes...hated them, but read most of what I was supposed to. "I'm all for comps but if you are going to build something for the comp and never duplicate it for the public what good is that?"---Well, it happens in every other sport. Ski racing is a great example. But you are jumping to a conclusion. A negative conclusion. You have no idea what internal meetings have decided. What has been shown is a willingness to make a huge effort for comps. To say they are just saying 'screw the public, we'll just level it all', is disingenuous. There's a good possibility they are using this all as a learning experience to provide a great park/pipe. I mean, you have to admit it's possible, right? Method, I hope you take this post with a grain of salt and I hope you're not offended. Who knows, I might be totally wrong and you might be totally right. But it sure seems to me that Sno's management has proven it's commitment to making progressive changes. Is there a point in which you'd consider sitting back and seeing what happens? That's pretty much my stance...btw, did you know that after installing 193 guns last year, they bought 40 more? This year alone, they quietly added the equivalent of 58% of Elk's entire snowmaking output. And all they get is hate. Crazy. Lastly, thanks for speaking up. I have learned quite a bit from you. I disagree with some things, but I don't dispute your passion.
  18. Ski

    Ski's Wet TR 3/4/8

    Ha, thanks Poc. I was in a great mood after spending the afternoon hangin' with the 'Dude.
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