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Everything posted by forumpl155

  1. i might just not care for a lil while. might just only be able to make frontside turns on the ice. ha. just go back and forth from regular to switch on a real icy windy trail
  2. haven't been to CB but blue was real nice at least this past Sat. won't be back that far north till spring break. till then it's west virginia mountains for me...
  3. ye ye I figured I'd do that right now with my two boards but it's a pain cause my old board is junk and I really don't like the feel of it on a trail. once I get nice boards going though probably should be easier
  4. hmm I don't remember seeing him. I rpoibably did just doesn't stick out or anything. I saw some dude in a black hoodie pull one. saw some kids later on hit the c-rail. I would've accept that damn terrain warning sign in front of each feature was right in the way. later some guy moved it so you could actually hit it...
  5. well I'm gonna hand tune it real quick, see how bad it is still, which I know it's still gonna not hold an edge worth shit on the ice coast which means Ima take it to the local shop here. I'll see what they say. if not maybe I'll get a new board over the summer, but the problem is I need a board I can ride the whole mountain with and also hit the terrain park. a board with no backside edge doesn't help. was lookin at the forum youngbloodz board though.
  6. i did see someone do a backflip there. didn't see a one footer but did see one backflip...
  7. i don't think a new edge wouldn't be any worse then my current one IF i can even do that... It all comes down to how many rails I do and if I fall or not. and u need to fall to learn... I absolutely destroyed it at blue when I fell backwards on the fun box... it dulled a section of about like a ft wide....
  8. haha, i remember waiting a long time right around then but other then that we didn't wait all that long most of the time.
  9. can you remove the edge and put a new one on? I assume it'd probabnly cost a good deal but it's a lot cheaper then buying a new board...
  10. atomic, I was at blue yesterday from 8am to 5pm. wasn't really crowded at all if ya ask me. buddy only hit 2 people and only like 3 times we had to wait longer then 5min for the quad...
  11. nah I got a sharpener, but the prob is there's like grooves in it from that retarded 3wide rail they got there where I fell back a couple times and it just grinded it down. I'm thinking next season Ill get new board...
  12. bear creek's quad looks almost brand new and yet it's not a high speed quad... retarded. spend more time on the lift going up the mountain the coming down their noobie slopes... though the terrain park was nice...
  13. hey, i don't have time to take a pic of it right now. but the backside edge of my snowboard is starting to get jacked up from jibbing rails. aka it's getting rounded off in areas which means it ain't diggin into the ice coast. any way to fix? I figure no and I'll be buying a new board next season probably. it's a forum peter line 155 wide. any ideas on a new board? I was kinda looking at the forum youngblood board. looked tight...
  14. ski999, the rangers at blue are worse I'd say but that's only cause Blue insists on having those couple trails as "slow" trails which is plain retarded. my friend and I boarded away from them idiots. probably woulda been kicked off if they caught us...
  15. did you go down the sidewinder park at all? wondering what its likes right now...
  16. forumpl155


    should see the air ya get off the jumps. and I'm not quite sure what's there yet but it's gonna get attacked this sat
  17. forumpl155


    if all goes well I'll be there, pending on the status of rhodo. I'm torn between blue and cb but blue's opening of sidewinder park is making me lean toward them... get them boxes up and maybe I'll change... but to be frank, CB's jumps suck and Blue has the ill first one on sidewinder park...
  18. it was so bitterly cold today.... I wasn't at CB but at Bear creek (not a bad lil mountain, better terrain parks if ya ask me) and it seems like we barely did any runs cause we were always cold. I was layered to the max just about. and the snow was so frikin slow too... I just waxed my board with all temp wax and it didn't wanna move.... anyways it was so cold that I didn't notice that I think I sprained my wrist till I got home because it was so numb... also the INSIDE of my car windows frosted up while driving on the way home... that's with defrost and heat on high and i was sweating... lol
  19. i think only a few trails were closed. one being a whole trail dedicated to a snowboard terrain park and another being the halfpipe... heh. conditions were good. hard pack with powder on top. they were making snow all day. absolutely freezing on the face... brrrrr good coverage on the trails though I did see a couple places with rocks or grass. real good impression though for such a small mountain this early in the year. seems to me that these smaller mountains are setting up terrain parks for the boarders which aren't the prettiest (the rails didn't look perfect or nothing) and also they had some monsterous jumps which I passed on due to the fact the lips were a little screwed up on them when I got there. but they attract some good local boarders/freestyle skiers and it seems to be working for em. pretty cheap ticket too...
  20. forumpl155

    BC stuff

    aight so I hit up Bear Creek today with some friends for my first time out. I was really impressed by how many rails they had. like 15+ and they've yet to open there other terrain park. my favorites were a mailbox and a c-box. perfect backside boardslide on the c-box was a highlight. I was also surprised as to how easy it actually was.... as long as you hit it with enough speed your basically getting the whole thing. very cool though
  21. I'd recommend a burton. don't get too cheap a board but not too expensive either. Burton tends to have a huge lineup of boards for any age, sex, or riding style. I can't name specifically a board to go with because I'm not familiar with the kid models. however I love my forum peter line pro model. sure as hell beats the pos liquid freestyle I used to ride
  22. i gashed my shinn last year on a fun box at blue and it STILL hasn't healed all the way. big ol scar that I guess at this point isn't gonna disapear. it gashed me down to the meat if not the bone on the shinn and the brilliant doc at the hospital said no stitches. frikin moron. the thing even hurts now and then. so now I wear a shinn gaurd on my right leg when boarding. :-\
  23. my head's hard enough, that's my helmet
  24. whatever happened to that group?
  25. unfortunately... only about 6-10 i tihnk the most I did was like 15. due to living a distance away fromt he slopes and being a poor college student doesn't really help
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