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Everything posted by Switchsideskier.

  1. Lol I was gonna say I hope you didn't lol but ya that sounds good Oh PS if hunter or Belleayre open...if anyone is down for a pre-season trip next weekend let me know
  2. Your welcome. Top lodge doesn't look complete as far as rental shop/courtyard go, but will be nice to see the final product!
  3. So I was at Blue to hand in my groups deposit yesterday heres some news: Robert2 will love the new lockers, however they are only near the skiers-store/first aid area. They added more of the older lockers everywhere else, I don't think anyone will have any trouble finding a locker. The new ticket office area is very impressive and handicapped accessible. The rental shop has been expanded almost out to where the seasonal lockers were, however it is nowhere near completion at this time. Will be very nice once finished. The summit deck is there as well as as the new fancy courtyard. Ski school has been replaced with a larger building which extends almost out to the ski school paddle toe. You can now ski directly to vista, all the trees have been removed. BTW, the door by explorers is no longer accessible, they moved it down near group sales, and made it a nice very wide double door. They were also doing some patching work on the drive-way to the mountain as well So far, im impressed.
  4. I remember stumbling into Blue Mountain at 725am on January 1st 2007, yes that was back in the good ol' days when 730 opening occurred. I remember going down Come Around, except it was extremely foggy, I wasn't skiing on snow anywhere to say the least..
  5. Ah Ok, I drive by there everyday, but today I didn't lol that explains.
  6. I believe 7am-4pm is the norm, unless they changed.
  7. Why Not? I'm suprised they aren't charging $10 like they did the other year.
  8. Ya that's really lame they delete them. I de-friended Blue
  9. Ha. Yup Got that right. Hopefully they have their shit straight this year.
  10. Let me know. Looking for some people to possibly car-pool or something.
  11. Ya when I worked at Boulder in high school it was actually worth working there, got a nice paycheck, nice swag and got to ride a lot.
  12. FYI don't waste your time, nothing but crap I was just there before work.
  13. Haha I don't even know how to spell beo's ? name Hes nuts though, saw him working mountain biking a couple times this year Ya I never rely on Blue opening around Thanksgiving anymore...would be nice..but I don't give my hopes up he died in a horrible ski accident
  14. PS I bet Dave will be working the Six Pack for the rest of his life
  15. Haha ya man, were all over the radio and news, its funny most people think we are a news agency of some sorts.
  16. Haha I'm good man, I quit Blue that year and worked @ Boulder on Park Crew for 2 years....I'm just working Full-Time for PenTeleData and skiing everyday at Blue pretty much, since it's only a 4 mile drive for me. But I went to the Leadville campus for a tour in 08 wasn't really impressed ..
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