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Posts posted by indiggio

  1. 22 minutes ago, C1erArt said:

    Ski patroller at the bottom of where Main Street lift used to be was trying to control speed coming off lower main and snowboarders plopping down in the middle of the trail. Had an electronic device to ding your pass. He said 2 dings and the pass is invalid for the day. Said it was the worst job ever. 

    If they'd regrade that intersection so there's not a hump at the beginning of Shuttle to keep people moving, they wouldn't have that problem.

    • Like 4
  2. 28 minutes ago, Schif said:

    I would love to see your encyclopedic knowledge of past ski seasons put down on a calendar view or something similar where we could look at a specific week and see how much terrain Blue had open for the same time period across multiple years. 

    For those with time, energy and inclination, one could probably go back through the reports and ascertain a lot of that information.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, JFskiDan said:

    Obviously hoping for the 4 pm closure.  Looking over all of the weather sites, i do think the morning would most likely be dry, but i think some are trending for it to come in sooner.  i didnt quite realize how much rain was gonna be associated with it until today.  Typical east coast fuckery in December.  cold, then as soon as some moisture shows up, it pisses warm rain.  then gets cold again.  this was our pattern last year.  we need to get out of it.  

    El Nino, La Nina, doesn't seem to matter anymore.  PA gets fucked either way.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, JFskiDan said:

    damn.  i was really thinking paradise would be a lock after the amount of hours they put forth on the snowmaking this week.  

    the pic for upper is obviously a no go, but its hard to judge what the depth is on the last pic of paradise.  Maybe FF to paradise? 

    Ugh! Ditto!

  5. Sure doesn't look like they got very much production out of blowing last night.
    Hopefully tonight's temps will allow for increased quantities.

    I'm thinking the ice rink may have just been an optical illusion, as now it doesn't look all that bad there and earlier there was what looked like a snowmobile track through it.

  6. 25 minutes ago, Johnny Law said:

    So dope to wake up and the guns are still on, fucking blow that place superstar deep....... tonight is supposed to be a bit warmer but that should give them 3 nights where they can blow. 

    Wed & Thu nights looking good, plus light winds helping to keep the snow on the trails instead of the woods & @toast21602's back yard.

    • Like 2
  7. 30 minutes ago, JFskiDan said:

    hopefully its just a troll on the loose.  Never a good thing to hear.  

    Maybe the wrecked Asian we saw last weekend was back?

    We were in the super 6 line and 3 Asian boarders were in front of us, one was blazing away on a joint right at the gate and could barely stand up.
    Of course, they didn't have a clue how to get on the lift, taking a couple of steps out from the gate and tried to sit on the chair as it came around.
    The liftie told the one guy you can't be smoking that here to which the guy replied "Sorry, I thought I was in Jersey.  Isn't it legal here?"
    They had to stop the lift and get the 3 out of the way since there was a full boat at the line for the chair they tried to sit on.

    Later, Slim saw the guy chowing down in the lower lodge, said he must've had the munchies big time with the way he was eating.

    • Haha 4
  8. 12 minutes ago, JFskiDan said:

    Forecast for the next few days is so-so.  i mean, it could be worse.  Thurs night into friday looks to have the most significant window.  other nights are just a few hours, but im sure that will help refresh whats open.  


    Keep in mind, that last monday is Christmas.  I really hope we get some more open before then.  hopefully they go aggressive when they can turn the shit on.  

    They're calling for dryer air this week and coupled with the nightly temps and being closed all week, they *should* be able to get at least Paradise, Coming Soon and maybe even upper Main open.  Of course, it's Blue, so there's always the chance they blow another pipe somewhere and shit the bed yet again.

  9. 6 hours ago, Ride Delaware ? said:

    I’ve never been a huge fan of Hunter, but I did appreciate it for early season.  They can really blast that mountain and they know how to dial those guns in.  Every time early season was under the guns and they were dry and soft.  Fantastic snow.  I don’t know if they’ve evolved since being bought by Vail, but I always loved how easy it was to “accidentally poach” there.  They never roped off closed trails.  They had this small sign in the middle of the trail, which was always covered in snowmaking snow that said “closed”.  By the time you were close enough to read it, you were already too committed to go back uphill.  

    From what I hear, things have changed since being bought.  I've heard they don't put in the snowmaking effort like they used to.

    The last time we were there a couple years back now, one of the guys we were skiing with decided to poach a run that had the guns going.
    SP tracked him down and yanked his pass w/out even a warning.
    Of course, he managed to skirt the readers at the bottom lift and rode the upper lift the rest of the day.

    • Like 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, AirheadD8 said:

    Hopefully the rain didn’t do to much damage.

    I have an inch at my place, the wind hasn’t picked up yet. Hopefully the power stays on. 

    Looking at Main Street cam, it looks like it survived better than I expected.
    There were some skid marks on Saturday and with how warm it was and then the rain, I thought lower would have some bare spots, but looks like it came through ok.

    • Like 5
  11. 11 hours ago, GrilledSteezeSandwich said:

    There will be more people cause of Ikon and I’m sure some camelback regulars have infiltrated Blue since they’re not open yet and I’m sure some Bear creek regulars.  I’ve been watching the Vista cam looking for Dirtwolf and Matt Edge..it’s chaotic and I heard the super summit safari six pack was down so everybody was taking the quad.  

    Yup, rode up with an older gentleman last weekend who told me he's a Cameltoe regular but came to Blue because they weren't open.

    Gary said it was pretty crowded with a lot of knuckleheads out there, he even got taken down by a boarder with luckily no injuries as he saw them coming and had started moving to avoid them.

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