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Everything posted by NMSKI

  1. Some people just have to measure/quantify everything. While a PSIA guy might look at me and see a total mess, I laugh because there's nobody having more fun than me. Of course, to each his own, if measuring "skill" is what somebody likes I'm not gonna hate either.
  2. NMSKI

    Bunny Hill

    Thanks for the info everybody.
  3. So when's the PASR killington late season invasion? I'm down
  4. NMSKI

    Bunny Hill

    Where's the easiest beginner area at Blue? Is it the spot with the magic carpet at the bottom, or up by the summit lodge? Thinking about taking my son out on Saturday.
  5. Sunday the 29th is good for me. Could do the 28 but would have to leave early. This too!
  6. Thanks for the heads up on the woods/glades! I'll only be there Saturday unfortunately, but I hope I get upLIFTED! If nothing else I'll still get "lifted" hehe. Enjoy the St. Party's parade!
  7. Anybody going to be up tomorrow? Schif, Sara? Heading up with my wife, sister and brother-in-law for a day of leisure. I'll be playing amateur ski instructor for a good bit of the day but will sneak away for some excitement at some point.
  8. NMSKI

    Taos 2015

    OK I think this is the last one unless my buddy sends me anything from last week.
  9. NMSKI

    Taos 2015

    Highline Ridge from yesterday
  10. NMSKI

    Taos 2015

    Here's one of the videos from yesterday, one of my favorite steeps on the upper front side.
  11. NMSKI

    Taos 2015

    Yep, we were going to leave Saturday, then extended it to Sunday, then our flights on Sunday got cancelled. Leaving in a few hours but hoping it gets cancelled again. I don't even remember what I do at work anymore.
  12. NMSKI

    Taos 2015

    Today was awesome, but not quite the endless powder I thought it was going to be. I was a day late on the frontside steeps, and no kachina yet. Some of the steeps that are extreme dead serious no fall type shit were skiing like blues the snow was so perfect. Hiked the ridge once which never disappoints. Also finally got to ski North American, the one non hike-to run at Taos that I'd never skied before (never enough coverage to open). Will put up some more videos tomorrow. Beer o clock now.
  13. NMSKI

    Taos 2015

    Well lucky me. My flights got all fucked up and I can't get back to philly till Tuesday night. Just rented a jeep and heading back up to taos tomorrow for what I hope is the deepest powder of my life. If they can get it open everything in west basin will be in play. Lines you can only get once every 10 years
  14. NMSKI

    Taos 2015

    Last one. Carnage at the end, as I guess I've been watching too many ski movies and thought I could just straight-line the entire apron. Shark got me. Already busy laying down plans for next year.
  15. NMSKI

    Taos 2015

    Glad you enjoyed!
  16. NMSKI

    Taos 2015

    For sure, but I have to drink somewhere.
  17. NMSKI

    Taos 2015

    The chute at the end of this was so nice. Never had found my way in there before but was real happy I stumbled across it!
  18. NMSKI

    Taos 2015

    You're quite welcome, more coming soon!
  19. NMSKI

    Taos 2015

    Here's one of several Kachina videos:
  20. NMSKI

    Taos 2015

    Here's the crappiest of the videos, just figuring how to edit. Will post some more tomorrow.
  21. NMSKI

    Taos 2015

    Thanks! The only time I didn't ski right on to a lift was when they opened kachina.
  22. NMSKI

    Taos 2015

    Hard to say, but at some point I would like to spend at least 1 month in the winter and 1 in late summer/fall there.
  23. NMSKI

    Taos 2015

    Forever I wish, but we leave Saturday.
  24. NMSKI

    Taos 2015

    Perfect way to finish things off today. Deep powder and snowing all day filling everything back in. I think they reported 3-5 inches but it was knee deep in spots and if I had a beard it would be icy. Al's, Lorelei, Blitz, Reforma, repeated that a couple times. Lost my voice from screaming like a little kid.
  25. NMSKI

    Taos 2015

    After my break I hit some of the trees on the backside, then did Longhorn which is a mega leg burning 1500 vertical extremely steep run on the front side with no bail out once you're in the gate. Did a couple more runs just kind of poked around looking for untracked snow. My kids are in ski lessons and my daughter is really getting it after 2 days. I rode the bunny lift with each of my kids once to finish off the day. No kachina lapping pics but like I said video coming soon.
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