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Posts posted by momskeeztoo

  1. I wish we would do away with DST. It's amazing how 1 hour can really screw you up. They don't do it in Az. and 1 other state, not sure which one. I used to work overnights and if you were on when they turned clock back in the fall, it was torture.

  2. I wouldn't know Justin Bieber if I fell over him.....also don't know who 3/4 of the people are in People Magazine. And don't care. One of the benefits of being a little older.

    But I love those pics of Montana. I really think that's gonna be my first trip skiing out west. 

  3. I've eaten 1800 calorie meals I'm definitely not doing anything right.

    I also won't deny the fact that I probably should seek out some sort of depression help. I know counseling is a waste of time for me personally....I'm way to headstrong and stubborn...

    I'm not a big fan of medications either. Honestly most medications scare the shit out of me after everything I've gone through with my reaction to flouroquinolones in the past.

    Whatever you do, DO NOT go to a psychologist. They will fuck you up for life. Phillycore, it sounds like you lost a lot of weight a couple years ago. You can do it again. Think about how great you felt at a lower weight. 

  4. Another great Thursday here. Still blowing snow. Kept most trails nice and fluffy. I need to learn how to wear contacts. Glasses and goggles causes a headache after awhile. Tried the prescription sunglasses at first. Just didn't cut it with all the guns on.

  5. When kids are young, you pretty much should stay with them. As they get older, depending on their skill level, and common sense, you can let them do their own thing. But it's still a lot of fun to be out there , meet up, they show you some new tricks they are learning. I'm not saying be on their back all the time. But if your kid is bombing Challenge- they need a little guidance. 

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  6. I feel there are a lot of young kids there with no helmets, and often without any adult supervision during the week. I think they must have some kind of home school special when I'm there on Thursdays. Lots of moms in bottom lodge, chatting. Kids out on the hill.I feel like shaking them, and telling them get out and ride with your kids, they will be some of the best days you've ever had!

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  7. Yes, I was at Killington early this week. Huge piles on Superstar Still making snow there and several other places. Just got done at Blue. Conditions amazingly decent. Razors closed, and from what I understand racing there 3 days. Last run down Paradise, snowboarder fell, and Iiterally heard his head hit the ground. he didn't get up very fast. No helmet. Kid is prolly abut 16-17. With his Dad, who says to me "we've never done this " I'm like really, why don't you take a lesson or two, and next time rent helmets. Told Dad they should stop and maybe take the kid to the hospital. I hope kid is ok. I went down again and they were gone.

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