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Everything posted by sexkitten

  1. Oh my God....I am petrified of goats!!! It all stems from an incident at a petting zoo that resulted in a goat bite on my neck. My family thinks it's funny and they always make goat noises at me, but I am seriously afraid. This sucks.
  2. The better clubs keep the "dancers" from giving you their sob stories. Who wants to go to a club where the girls spend all night whining about their kids, tuition, etc.? Rule of thumb when choosing a SC, the better the area the hotter the strippers are. Think about it...really hot girls aren't going to stay in Bath to strip. If I owned Tattle Tales North I would send the hottest girls to Blue to flirt with guys and mention the club. I would also offer 1/2 price beers to anyone with a Blue Mt. lift ticket.
  3. How about a damn trash can under each lift. Trashy mountains do not impress rich people with lots of disposable income. Besides trash cans I think the best investment for any mountain is more trails. Cut more trails!!!! Please. A shiny new lodge is nice, but no one goes to the mountain for the lodge. The Condos will be cool, but I think Blue would do better with hotel rooms like BC. Who really wants to ski Blue for a whole week? I love the mountain cause it's pretty fun and relatively close but lets be honest, it is pretty small and can get boring after a few days. I wouldn't choose it for a vacation, but maybe that's just me. I think hotel rooms would give the "daytrippers" the opportunity to make their day trip a weekend trip. Keeping people at your mountain is never a bad thing. One final thing Blue should shell out some bucks for is a restaurant. I normally wouldn't suggest this for a ski mountain, but with onsite lodging it would be a good idea. Besides, it could potentially generate income off season if it is good.
  4. I disagree too. You can't call say Babydolls or Pumptown is the same as Cheerleaders or Show and Tell just like you can't say that McDonalds is the same as Ruth's Chris.
  5. Bob & I are thinkin about going tonight. Maybe we'll see you up there. I will be skiing slow too on account of the horrible shin splints I have from running. Bob is so thrilled.
  6. Do you wanna help Doug/ MC Spartacus keep the place up in the summer and on the week days in season when Bob & I can't get up there? I could start a sign up sheet.
  7. Hey MC Spartacus I dig the "I smoke crack and thought this stuff went together" look so if you don't mind cleaning the house in that get up then neither do I. Actually, now that I think about it, I might have to require you to wear your stripper outfit when in the house. That way I can take pictures and sell them on the internet. I suspect quite a few PASRers would be interested. I would have to change my signature to "PM me for pics. This week Doug mops the floor and looses his grannies in the process. Hotttt!"
  8. So are you saying I should buy a place off the mountain and not waste my money on a 1/4 share condo? I think that the upkeep a house requires would be way more of a PITA than sharing a condo. Maybe one of you guys would like to be my maintainance man. Think about it, you could stop by the joint on the way to or from Blue and make sure that it is clean and in one piece once a week or so. There would be no pay, but I would be willing to negotiate a discounted cover charge.
  9. Oh the drama. Leave Doug alone, I like his posts. BTW, I like your posts too. Can't we all just get along? Hahaha.
  10. I would second that but I can barely type cause I'm laughing so hard. Doug...I have no words.
  11. Sexkitten's Gentleman's Club in North Coventry is my fav. There is no cover, girls always drink free, the food is great and Robbie the bartender is hot, hot, hot. BTW, rumor is that they are planning on opening a new location right at Blue Mt. That would rock!
  12. The age of consent is 16 but between the ages of 16 & 18 sex is considered statuatory rape if other person is more than 4 years older than the minor. The only exception is if the people are married. Eeeewww. Not to get serious, but you have to be careful now a days. Ok, back to Bode bashing.
  13. I keep telling Bob that it would be a nice tax write off and would save us money in gas. He isn't really buying it, so I will proabably end up buying it on my own. I think a condo is a great"almost 30" present don't you?
  14. I'll let you know since Bob & I are seriously looking at getting a condo and requested info yesterday.
  15. Vermont? I wish. North Coventry is the snobby way of saying outside of Pottstown, PA I live in Chester County, but barely. North Coventry's most notable landmark is the Coventry Mall, or as I like to call it "The Dirtball Mall". It is a fun place to visit if you want to see a bunch of 14 year olds pushing strollers looking for a new baby daddy. BTW, I did some time at Boyertown High School, and if you went there and weren't into Phish you were in serious jepoardy of being lynched. Needless to say I learned to say "Phish Rocks!" very quickly.
  16. Oh no, here come the haters. They'll never catch Bode though. Drunk or not he still skis faster that all of us put together.
  17. Damn. Does anyone want a free evening ticket? It can be used weekdays and weekends. I have two left. PM me if you are interested. They are free, since I got them for free.
  18. I didn't see anything on the website. Who here knows the official last day?
  19. the trails at blue mountain have plenty of character, but there are so few of them compared with camelback. this is their main and possibly only disadvantage compared with CB, but it is a big one. blue needs more variety - if you don't count the tiny connecting trails, then they have the following trails: I agree. Just becuase you can call it a trail doesn't mean you should. Upper and Lower Switchback for example....that is one trail damn it! Who does Blue think they are kidding? Hahaha. I also agree that CB's trails are better/ have more character, but everything else there that sucks cancels out the good trail factor. Just my $0.02.
  20. I agree as well. More trails, more trails, MORE TRAILS. I would put up with a single chair lift if Blue had like 50 trails. Especially if, like you guys said, those trails had some character.
  21. sexkitten


    Jeff is this you?
  22. What did you expect from "Sexkitten"? BTW, I am thankful for Doug's posts. Many a boring afternoon at work were brightened by them. And I second that Zonked countdown.
  23. What is wrong with you? No one should be thinking of their parents doing it! BTW, I'd also like to thank your Mom... for dropping you on your head and damaging your brain. Thanks to her we get the crazy world according to Doug everyday on PASR for free. Thanks!
  24. Maybe the snake saw your "you know what" and thought it was another snake. Maybe the snake was like "Hey, why is there an anaconda in Palmerton?" Sorry, I couldn't resist. Hahaha.
  25. They were there in December. Oh well.
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