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Everything posted by DHarrisburg

  1. There's a difference between eating shit and trying so hard to huck a backflip that you hit your head on the jump. P.S. Shut up.
  2. I used to think that Wiig was tough. Then I saw him face an avalanch and not flinch. Now I know he's tough.
  3. Mack Dawg's "Picture This" premiering at High Cascade Snowboard Camp Session 5.
  4. CLICK HERE, YOU FOOL! I've got a buddy who films with MDPeople and he was telling me about the new HD cameras that MD was investing in but I never thought they'd look this good
  5. That looks like the opening month at Boreal.
  6. Did you put it's name on your transcripts?
  7. Once to do it, twice to prove it, three times to claim it
  8. Shit, I better get cracking on my Christmas Day railjam, scheduled December 15th, 2007!
  9. No, but some people think he was a jerk for not caring about spinal cord injuries until his accident.
  10. Unfortunately California isn't one of those states :/
  11. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I'd probably agree with you on 90% of the "snowboard" fashion. No grown man should have a ball on his hat, though.
  12. But everyone knows that a conversation about Jeff's jacket will eventually move on to Papasteeze's jacket so what's the point?
  13. Apparently you're not familiar with what the term "internet detective" entails.
  14. And where did you find his daughter's race results*? *the subject of this thread
  15. Let's hear it for internet detectives.
  16. Stealing woot's business model is neither "new" nor "original."
  17. It's your run of the mill extruded jib board, but TWENTY SEVEN INCH STANCES WOO
  18. Whatever, party's over, tell the rest of the crew. Heading up to Bear, should get there around quarter to five, the name is Terence and I wear red so say hello if you see me.
  19. Running one fixed grip double is not "open."
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