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The things I saw tonight...

Metz the Jersey boy

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I know that when there is an accident the Rangers will stand uphill from it for traffic control and tell everyone comming down the hill to slow down. That's because people have gone flying out of control into an accident scene plenty of times. It sucks to have them yell at you no doubt but they are just looking out for the poor guy/girl that's hurt.


Yeah sometimes you will be just bombing down a clear run in a tuck but be in control and get yelled at. That totally sucks. Some people think that it's a crime to ski fast at all. Don't ask me why.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry guys, I've been in traction for a month. the last time we got snow I had to find the closest pitch to ski down. turned out it was my roof.




anyways, i've been around, working 2 jobs, full time school, playing golf, and daydreaming about skiing next year are all keeping me busy.


Also, ever since '999 posted those speedsuit pics of me I've had more dates than i could handle. That has taken up a lot of my time as well :rofl


Well, if anyone needs me, send me a PM... or for that matter, if anyone wants to play golf, send me a pm or email me.

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im up for a game of golf. no one in my family plays so i dont get out but maybe once a year if im luckly. so if i play with anyone they would have to be able to put up with someone that suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks

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  • 2 weeks later...

PASR golf outing??? what what??? I'm there. give me details. Maybe I'll even figure out the driver again before we do it... the game's a hell of a lot easier from the fairway. My short game is money right now though... watch out doug... lol... yeah right, might take a meteor shower for me to beat you on the course...

I just have this vision of me overswinging at everything, shanking, skulling, and duffing my way to doubles on everything. solid.

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PASR golf outing??? what what??? I'm there. give me details. Maybe I'll even figure out the driver again before we do it... the game's a hell of a lot easier from the fairway. My short game is money right now though... watch out doug... lol... yeah right, might take a meteor shower for me to beat you on the course...

I just have this vision of me overswinging at everything, shanking, skulling, and duffing my way to doubles on everything. solid.


Give me a course and a day too and I'm all over it like my mid irons on a flagstick. :P

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