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boot problems


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i have been skiing in a boot that is a size too big for me for the past year. i have tired and bought the right size boot. but my toes the little one and the one next to it go numb actually hurt on my right foot, in my old boots and in new boots. in new boots my toes start to tingle on my left foot. some times it takes 5 mins or could take up to 2 hours.


i have custom foot bed mad, have a metatarsal pad onthe bottom of both foot beds. doesn't seem to help.


i went to a foot doctor and he said my nerve ending are pushing together when i go on edge thats what gives me the pain. i have had 2 cortisone shots in my foot this year to dull the pain and have been put on steroid for a week to take the swelling down. the doctor said i need a metatarsal pad on top of my custom foot bed.


what i need is a really good boot fitter that can work with me on this. who is a good boot fitter to goto?

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since you are from philly, take a drive up the NE extension to quakertown and talk to nick, brian, or peter jr at nestors. any one of those guys will be able to get you dialed in. the met pad can probably be molded into your custom footbed so it doesnt seem quite as bulky, which will help bring your toes away from the sides of the boots, but we can also stretch the shell of the boot if the met pad doesnt fix everything.

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I went to Wicks and they were great. I have also heard that Nestors is very good. Years of dancing on pointe have resulted in many borken bones below the ankle and flat feet, but my boots always feel like bedroom slippers. If your feet hurt you aren't going to have fun. Get new boots, ASAP.

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i can ski with the bottom 2 binding undone and i still get the pain


its not good to ski with them undone... just the lift ride with them like that. skiing with them undone means that your foot is going to be loose and increases the chance for your toes to get smashed to one side of the other while carving turns.

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its not good to ski with them undone... just the lift ride with them like that. skiing with them undone means that your foot is going to be loose and increases the chance for your toes to get smashed to one side of the other while carving turns.


Yeah, restrap them before you get off the lift, or just after getting off.

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