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Sno Mountain Skier

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Everything posted by Sno Mountain Skier

  1. They should start it much earlier. Last year it started at noon, and by that time landing was starting to become difficult.
  2. A lot of the Sno people will be there, including myself.
  3. I dont have work, but i dont have poles, a season pass, or the time to go up the mtn tommorow.
  4. You should have used more shots from the sunny day, because i know there was some good shots then.
  5. I went skiing for the first time in awhile and the park was pretty decent, all the lips are fine.
  6. Rob we didnt have a Jeep TPC qualifiying event at Sno this year, so how could he be repersenting Sno?
  7. RAILS. Does Neptune know what a rail is? Maybe some good jumps, only jump worth hitting all year was the first one.
  8. Last year they said that it would be an annual event. I havent been to Boulder in quite some time, but maybe someone who was there recently can tell you the snow situation on Boulder park.
  9. I was bored and just got out of SAT's, so i decided to come up, i took 2 runs and left. Its no fun when you are by yourself. Im pretty sure today was the last day of the year for me.
  10. Well if you are all gonna bitch about it close it. But the option is open to anyone who wants it.
  11. Nope, i havent shown my pass to a liftie all year.
  12. I will sell my season pass to anyone who wants it for $75. With work and just hanging out i dont have much time for skiing, and really have lost all intrest in it. So anyone want to ski for the rest of the year for only $75.
  13. They will be open, They will probally close like a normal year. March 20th. But in our minds it early because of how much snow we have. They will be open, They will probally close like a normal year. March 20th. But in our minds it early because of how much snow we have.
  14. If you are looking for a good pipe come to SNO. Its been outstanding every single time i have hit it, while it might be short, only 4 hits. Its quality makes up for it greatly.
  15. Minimal as in 30 seconds at most.
  16. Crowds werent bad anywere on the mountain at all today. There were a lot of cars in the parking lot, but liftlines were minimal.
  17. Who said anything about fighting. This is the shit im talking about, you are a loser, you are 19 and fight over the internet. I would have hoped you lost all this shit when you were my age. Seriously get your head check, before you start fights.
  18. You may have joined four months after me, but you dont know who i am, or the kind of rages i could go on. But enough about me, i think i should just get on my knees now since you are 19. Little 16year old, you have less than 3 years on me. And you are going to be so tough to talk shit over the internet. Fuck that, go watch some porn in your mothers basement. Better yet, you should get on your knees. But in all seriousness im finished with you, you obviously are narrow minded, and isnt fun fighting over the internet, because it gets you no were. While i wasnt at COC last year, i saw plenty of edits and pictures, and there park was outstanding. Just because you had a bad time 3 years ago doesnt mean a thing. Ever hear of progression? Places get better every year. And COC is no different, especially last year with record setting snowfall, and this year they are having another great snow year, and should be putting out an even better park.
  19. These new members are starting to become quite annoying, especailly shit for brains here.
  20. Ya i was liek 80% sure it was you. But i saw some of your deck hits, luckily i only had one but it wasnt to bad. I wish i could go up tommorow but i got work. Definetly friday.
  21. Ya the pipe was really fun today. It was my first time ever hitting a pipe, and by the end of my day i had a run down i was happy with. Riderossi, were me and you talking on the lift, and then numerous times in the pipe?
  22. Ya its open, but i didnt make it up today because i had work. Tommorow i should be up there.
  23. You have that backwards, the parks at BB are top notch. IMO Sno really isnt that great. Myself, along with many others only hit the first jump, because the other two arent worth it. But, Sno has completely done a 100% better job than last year.
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