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Sno Mountain Skier

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Everything posted by Sno Mountain Skier

  1. What kind of education do you have? Saturaday?
  2. Thank god, im sick of calling and asking the dumb asses in the office.
  3. Its a fast trail, with one steep section, then followed by flat, then a steep headwall, then it loses some of its pitch, into flats.
  4. Good to hear, ill definetly do the Nastar again, that was kind of a good time last year. Any chance we can get it on Smoke?
  5. Trust me if you were a park rat ou would know. Someone in all black, on rentals, with a goggle gap, usually bought shitty snowpants at Kmart, and a shitty black starter jacket. Come to SNO 75% of people in all black, fit that categorie. "You had to start somewere". NO SHIT i had to start somewere. I started with an already expierenced park skier, who taught me how to correctly use features, how to hit a rail or box, how to not go off the lips of rails, and not to slide down a landing. Read the code, People who shouldnt be in the park arent following smart style at all. And Honestly, I dont know why all of us season veterans of PASR are fighting with a bunch of strong oppionated noobs. Congratulations to Ben, and the other guys, the park rats of PASR dont get along with you.
  6. Sno grooms on open trails. Last weekend they reshaped the park mid day, and kept the people to skiers right.
  7. Lines usually throw out a big amount of snow, also a lot of K2's.
  8. Ill be honest i am quite the dick to people who shouldnt be in the park. So i have the sense of entitlement. But, the reason, is because some people flat out just dont belong in a park. Anyone who wears all black (most), people with huge goggle gaps, rentals, little kids, and the list could go on. Ask any park skier or rider, and if they stood at an entrance to a park, they could tell 99% of the people who should/shouldnt be allowed in the park. EDIT- I read 4 posts in this thread, so it may be offtopic.
  9. Go to the mountain for yourself. Theres probally 4 tables, biggest around 45 or 50. No one knows when it will open.
  10. Ill be honest, i really dont like the look of the park.
  11. Really good chance of 95%, they havent even started snowmaking on Easy Street.
  12. Wait till you guys see the big park, The jumps are Freaking huge. Some of the mounds of snow are 20+ feet tall, and the rails in this edit were only 1/3rd of what Sno has, so the big park with 2/3rds more rails.
  13. Wow, i dont really remember saying i was gonna kick his fucking ass.
  14. I didnt really think i was that close to hitting him in the neck with my ski. But dope edit Nick, I just wish i could have skied a little longer to get the cork 5's on tape. If you bring up your camera this weekend, we will get them.
  15. Are you serious? After reading that report why would you wanna drive there from Jersey. Go to BB, much better.
  16. Sno does have the fire power compared to anyone in the Pocs. You should see the amount of snow on Boomer.
  17. Even though, i cant stand most of the staff at Sno. I have to give it to the new snowmaking, this many trails open in just two and a half weeks is unthinkable, and a park in 10 days is pretty cool. I just wish they had some better ski patrol, and snowmobile dudes.
  18. I highly doubt it, remember both upper and lower fast track/ runaway are wide slopes and need a lot of snow to open. You are also forgetting that easy street hasnt had any snowmaking yet. Kinda hard to get it open in 2 nights of snowmaking.
  19. Last year it was a cafeteria worker, now its ski patrol. I cant win up that place.
  20. Well when a GM of a ski resort presents his hand for a shake, you would figure it would have been traditional shake. But he threw in two moves, and a pound at the end.
  21. Heres the story for those who havent heard yet. I was in the park today, and told a ski patroller about the gapers who shouldnt be in there. He agreed. Well i was on my next run, and told some guy and his two kids that they shouldnt be in the park. He flipped shit. So i was hiking a box, and the same patroller whistles me and a friend down. We keep hiking. So he runs up to us, and flips out because were hiking and i pissed off a customer. So we get into an arguement, and it gets pretty bad. He called me an asshole, and put his hands on me. I told him to fuck off, and i had my ski off, and was a foot away from hitting him, when i swung it around. So he calls back up, and guys on a snowmobile come up. They start listenin to the patrol and i ask them if i could get a word in, they say no . If get mad and say fuck this, because i wanted to put my story in there. The snowmobile guy then says you are gone. So i put on my skis and say peace, ski away sayign fuck sno mountain and what not. It was a pretty big scene, everyone in the base area could hear us and were watching. SO im running up the steps, and the snowmobile guys stop me in the parking lot. They then tell me i have to go to the office. So i go down there and get my pass taken away for the day. But we have the whole thing on film, and the ski patroller may have been fired. Not positive, but Richie Schwartz came up to me, and gave me a black handshake, and said that he took care of the ski patroller, and he shouldnt be a problem anymore. So i think he may have been canned. Who knows. But tommorow i get my pass back, and all is well. But seriously Sno isnt gonna fuck with me, or they will see the tape with the patroller putting his hands on me, and calling me an asshole.
  22. Word, the wind was such a hassle today. But actual snow conditions were pretty good. WL, definetly had the best conditions, and the park was fun to play in. Hopefully without wind tommorow, ill be able to get enough speed to disaster the flat down, 270on the picnic tables, and maybe try a cork 5.
  23. They do plan on snowmaking over there. They alreadu have some portables hooked up to switch, but blowing on the new side of Spike. And we got word today from a park crew member, that Mainline will have the small park all year, Spike will be the big park with rails, and jumps, and Whistler will have 3 jumps on it.
  24. The park was still being groomed as i left at 4:30. But it should open tonight, but no one likes night pictures. Im pretty sure Nick is bringing up his camera tommorow, so look for i really high quality edit within the next few days.
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