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Everything posted by Zonked

  1. uhh i live 15 mins from WC and I'm sure as hell it isn't snowing. lol just extremely windy
  2. I want to thank Skidude for being a slut (ha inside joke) I thank Doug for readin all my stories about my horsey haha, I bet it gets boring
  3. Zonked


    O right. thats what I mean't ...
  4. haha about 8 months away
  5. Zonked


    metz looks like a dork.
  6. Zonked

    PASR day!

    I have just enough money to go to BC, So you can count me in..hopefully my bro gets home from SC before sunday with the jetta. It will be my last day for this season O yeah anyone have any requests? Bathin suit tops? bathin suit bottom perhaps?
  7. Zonked

    Open In april

    I was there this afternoon for a couple of hours teachin my friend to ski. It was extremely nice weather-long sleeve shirt + tshirt and was perfectly fine all evening. The snow was a little slushy but I had a blast working on carving. Hopefully I'll be back up there sunday the 19th. We'll see how the snow holds up till then
  8. o man I could have some fun there. Bikini race?! haha too bad I'll be at bear instead
  9. awww! soo cute!!! my parents had to deal with that too. I had sleep apnea (spellin?) and had to wear heart moniters for about 4-5 months. My parents were always very scared.
  10. yikes-I'm gunna have nightmares tonight haha
  11. right on! Now thats what I'm thinkin. I've been telling people all winter that I can fit into luggage very easily. I'm not very good at cooking, but I can make some awesome ezmac or pasta!
  12. I'll be at Bear saturday afternoon with my Best friend, its gunna be sooo nice out!
  13. OUCH! I hope you feel better!!!!
  14. uhhhh How would he know? hahaha
  15. I, of course didn't do it, but while riding one of the lifts up I definately saw 2 skiers totally wipe out. And the next lift ride up, I saw the same thing happen. One guys skis and poles went flying, while the other guy slid under the orange fence I hope you're feelin alright!
  16. whos all going tomorrow anyway? I've been thinkin and I'm willing to make the drive tomorrow..
  17. haha great pictures. Good to see you postin again 999'!
  18. OoO juicy huh?! I love there bathin suits, You should definately get style points if you're wearing Juicy! haha
  19. True that! I don't know, I can't decide whether I want to go or not. I only have about $80 left to spend on skiing so I'm going back and forth on whether I just come up for a few hours tomorrow in the AM and forget about the money aspect haha..ehhhh i hate decisions
  20. hahaha Uhhh I don't have any bathin suits at the moment. I out grew my famous purple one. Soo sorry not bikini show for anyone haha
  21. Razers edge around 2 was icy at the top but half way down it was smooth sailing. Over all a pretty good day.except my friend isn't the bravest skier so I ended up taking a handful of runs by myself. I wish I could make it out tomorrow but I don't have enough money But everyone have fun!! I'll definately try and make it to the next PASR whenever/where ever it is
  22. Who all was up at blue today? I was trying to find some people but its pretty hard when I don't really know what everyone looks like. ha If anyone happened to see a girl with a bright yellow coat that had fur on it, that was my friend, and I was somewhere around her. I was hoping I would find someone to take some runs. But o well. It was effing windy today, but now that I just got home I need to shower and drive to Philly for the Wing's game! woohoo minus the driving part hope everyone had a good day of skiing!
  23. uhh mine too. they would have the police lookin for me. They might even be soo pissed that they would have the cop arrest me haha
  24. I'll give you..... my friendship for life, if I can go in your luggage. I'll just leave a little post-it note for my parents. "Mom,Dad- I went on vacation and will be home,uhh sometime soon. Don't call. Love your daughter, kristin" They won't care at all
  25. can I go in someones luggage?
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