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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. Down when its really cold and I have to be outside in it overnight 20/20 shell when you don't know what weather you'll get Stylish jacket for resorts How much do you ski in the rain or deep snow ? If its a decent amount get something in the 15k to 20k range.
  2. We had a dusting outside of Reading Thinks are looking much better, probably going to head to Tug Hill on Sat.
  3. Johnny Law


    Go early in the morning like 5am and you can beat a mandatory road closure, I leave the question of driving in it up to you. Bonus is you are one of 100 people skiing until the road opens. I was interlodged only once so it doesn't happen all that often but essentially you have to hang out in the lodges for awhile until UDOT can clear the avy danger, I have heard stories of people staying over night but haven't actually meet anyone it has happened to. Honestly if it happens you should just be stoked about the snow.
  4. Johnny Law


    Its really simple, in a lower oxygen environment your lungs and heart need to adjust in order to continuing providing you body what it needs. Fat people, smokers, people who's heart and lungs are used to making adjustments have no problem with this. I'm a smoker, essentially for some period during and after a smoke my body is in a state of Hypoxia, essentially my heart and lungs have to do more work because I'm getting less oxygen per breath than normal. Clearly you can see how this is functionally the same as operating in a lower oxygen environment. Generally very fit 20-30 year old males are most prone to real altitude sickness, for whatever reason their body simply does not adjust. Less oxygen gets to their system and things go downhill real fast. Telluride I know has a chamber for people who have altitude sickness, essentially you bring them down and then back up hopefully their body gets its act together and their fine.
  5. Johnny Law


    Come on though, you live there you know what I'm saying. Its not the Andes, you aren't at 13k and the overwhelming majority never hike farther than from the car to the lifts. Where not talking about the fit 20 year old guy that shows up to a 14er and gets real altitude sickness. I'm talking about persons that could probably use to lose a few pounds and who have to work 5% harder and have serious trouble doing it. Really fit people do get real AS (most studies actually find that fit people are more at risk) but that isn't what where talking about here. UT resorts top out at like 10k.
  6. Johnny Law


    Hahah so true Park City is weak, It lacks the terrain and snow you came to Utah for. Canyons has the 9990 and Murdock stuff which is good and alot of access to the BC options. Bottom line though is they aren't what you came to Utah for. Powder is a totally different type of place, if you like amenities and can't actually drive your car in the snow you aren't going to like it. Additionally their terrain is huge but with only a couple of lifts, for most stuff you are going to have to work to get there. Twice I've been left at the end of the day for maybe an hour waiting for Woody (still love ya Dog), additionally its the kind of place where lifties are asleep in the house while a sheave wheel is literally coming apart as you ride. Personally I love the joint and hope it somehow can retain alot of its charm with the development and BS. BCC/LCC is as close as you can get to heaven on earth. Altitude shouldn't really effect anyone who isn't massively out of shape....
  7. Johnny Law


    Did I fuck up the location of the Brazilian joint ? http://www.alcbev.state.ut.us/Liquor_Laws/...g_visitors.html BTW is the Mongolian joint still around ? It wasn't looking good last time I stopped by. That's perfect, I didn't know there was one in the NE. Whats the name of place ? I know what I'm doing tomorrow.
  8. Johnny Law


    Don't believe the BS there is plenty to get wasted on. Harry O's in PC is the best for debauchery, Duffy's is good to get drunk on the cheap, Lumpy's (both of them) are good sports bars, Port o' Call is really good too, Habit's apparently was the place to hook up but I was never there, Shaggy's is fun, Depot is good. There are a butt ton of places, ask around and have a good time. Lot of house parties too. Here's the deal on booze in UT. 3.2 beer is grocery store only, liquor store/bar is just like everywhere else. You can drink with no membership if your eating otherwise you have to purchase a "membership". 5 or 10 bucks for the week done deal, its kinda like a cover charge everywhere else. No drinks on the dance floor - fucking weird but whatever If you want to get drunk in UT and aren't a complete idiot its just as easy as in PA SLC is now 40/45% non mormon and it isn't the 1820's its not hard to have a good night in SLC. P.S. There is a Brazilian meat place down by the mall that kicks ass, the only time I was there I was completely out of my gourd so I can't give you any more info but find it and eat there.
  9. Maybe Boulder The next 14 days looks all right with lower than average temps, but not a whole lot will change until the AO goes negative. Most charts don't see that happening anytime soon and the above chart says it's going to be a warm December. The Arctic Oscillation (AO) in simple terms determines how much cold air gets pumped into the NE from the Arctic. Essentially going negative for the AO indicates higher air speeds in the Oscillation which drops the Jet Stream and blasts the NE with nice cold air. The North Atlantic Oscillation determines how long storms stick around, obviously this is more important for natural snow but the AO and NAO are very interrelated. Until they go negative cold temps and decent storms will most likely be very hard to come by. The early Oct. storm VT had though was very strange as both oscillation were positive so don't loose hope yet.
  10. Johnny Law


    Stay in SLC so you can hit multiple resorts if a particular canyon road gets closed. Personally I like the Embassy Suites (Big rooms) and the Little America (Cheap) but most of them in the 600 south area are fine. UTA goes to all of the resorts in BCC and LCC, if your going from SLC you take a surface train to bus transfer station near Sandy and then to the Canyon of your choice. The buses are plentiful in SLC but will be totally full by the time you reach the park and ride lots just outside the canyons. The bus can be ungodly slow depending on the driver you get and you may have to wait at closing time to get on a bus that isn't packed, it doesn't really matter though because you aren't going anywhere anyways. Cost round trip last time I did it was like 6 bucks. Honestly if you can, rent a car as UTA is slow as balls. 20-30 mins in a car is a lot better than an hour 30 in a bus. If you don't look like a pedophile you can also bum rides up and down the canyons, etiquette dictates that you must pick people up if you have room so you probably won't have to wait too long. I've never waited more than a minute at the 9'oclock rush. Snowbird is the shit but check out some of the BCC mountains too, you will probably be too slow trying to find your way around to really hit the good shit before it gets tracked out. Snowbird/Alta are the fastest tracked out mountains I've ever seen. Don't go to Park City, you didn't travel 2,000 miles to ride at a large Killington. Lastly and most importantly don't eat the cheese steaks at the bird, they cost like 8 bucks and are some of the worst things I ever experienced.
  11. Cham is in France, though close by, to get to Cham you need to pass pretty close to Verbier so most people don't bother as Cham is a mad house on its own.
  12. Switzerland is F**king expensive, crap hostel = $40, a slightly less piece of shit hostel can be had in Zermatt or Interlaken. Italy is the cheapest in that neck of the woods but France has the best terrain. Verbier is the big daddy, if they are serious tell them to go there. Bourg St Maurice or Brides Les Bains is a good place to stay in for short stints. Interlaken and Engleberg are supposed to be cool and smaller. I would guess from your post they aren't the hardest of schraplers, in that case they should just go local. Switzerland has an amazing hut system, if they can do it they should check it out as it would be an unbelievable experience. 1. Take trains 2. Be careful, Euroland isn't NA and they don't do the trail thing well, additionally they will be rude in line by NA standards and drop the damn bar on your head. They panic and for some reason feel the need to slam the bar down 1/4 of a second out of the gate. They will smoke everywhere. 3. Stay away from the Bunker...DO NOT SLEEP THERE. 4. Go see Zermatt and the Matterhorn 5. Hike to http://www.zermatt.ch/trift/ drink tea and enjoy 6. Good ole pot is sold in stores as a potpourri, I don't know about the specific legalities but no one cares. 7. Consider a guide.....riding will be alot different with alot more challenges, life will be much simpler with a guide.
  13. Bottom line no snow or cold temps until the NAO goes negative, right now the models say late November. Early season should be good though. EDIT: My dumb ass forgot the chart
  14. They did a great job with angles that make the place look huge....the show is hilariously bad.
  15. Johnny Law


    The skate is more responsive and actually locks the heal better, though they will reek in about 5 mins. I know people that swear by silk, never tried it but I bet they could be comfy.
  16. Its true...... they also have the clutchest waffle haus in N. Am.
  17. When the 1080's came out soo many people wanted them, some didn't have the $$$ so they ghetto twined there boards. It was mad funny because if they used to much heat to get the bend it would eliminate the bonds between the layers and hello instant delam.......I had some Dynastar big max's I did this to.
  18. Dacks and Catskills are getting hammered, took tommorow off work so I could get some riding in the High Peaks area.
  19. The lower half of Skyeship did not run most mon-thurs last year, some weekends too. I don't think anyone knows for certain what Powder's plans are but I don't think it is likely to change. I would imagine at some point there will be an announcement, you may want to call them. If you end up not going to Killy, Sugarbush is a good alternative as it's only 30 or 40 mins further.
  20. As far as I know no and everything I've heard says it may never. Now is not the time to try to pick up millions for a very shaky project.
  21. I hear that its certainly difficult in the NE, if you have a car, watch the weather and just show up the night before. Most places in VT have cheap nearby accommodations that don't get too full on the non holiday weekends. Additionally, you can always just stay in Burlington and VT is known for lots of B&B's not my thing but some are reasonable. Killy - Happy Bear/Rutvegas hotels Jay - Grampa Grunts Stowe - Stowe Motel - GSS is this the one out by the church where S. Main meets 108 ? I sleep in the parking lot a lot but can't remember the name Burke - Fairbanks Inn Mt. Snow - Alpenhaus Utah is by far the most consistent on early season snow, for almost 10 years now my retarded family has made a Christmas trip there and we've never gotten skunked. Probably 50% of the time we get truly epic snowfall. CO and UT are probably the cheapest you can do a trip for, CO is just as fantastic as UT but I feel they get a little more spotty early season snow. MT can be cheap too and has great snowfall but probably the sharpest rocks in the history of skiing personally I would wait for better coverage....if all else fails......Xanadu ?
  22. I agree, Jay is one of my favorite places on the East Coast but Stowe and the Notch (the area not the resort) have much more gnar gnar terrain. Besides the face Jay doesn't have the terrain like stowe. Erin808 - Christmas...... go West....occasionally VT is worth traveling for around Christmas but most years things haven't really started cooking yet. 06 I think was almost a total wash out.
  23. Ever been to Burke or Magic ? Regardless your mostly right but they are ramping up development at Jay, so go now if you like it the way it is.
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