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Everything posted by Shadows

  1. i dont know how far it is from keystone, so ill just go based on vail cause thats all ive been to. the hotsprings are incredible, not sure where they are, but i went twice and they kicked it.
  2. no, just in general. the little kids/idiots who get in the way. although when i was there, i didnt see anybody who shouldnt be there. there was one guy, but he didnt get in the way. i never really have a problem with people who shouldnt be there. i dont rush my runs down the park, so i have alot of patience and wait for them to move/leave. i just do a couple hits, chill, then hit some more. unless im tryin to get an actual "run" down, they dont bother me.
  3. thats got to be the worst lodge ive seen.
  4. Shadows


    yea, i dont even know give us another hint. i dont even lok at the signs going up the access road. i stop looking at signs when i get off 80.
  5. its a week away, and theyre saying it could take two tracks. obviously, we're not gettin snow.
  6. haha, no f'in way. erik horn? he was in my math class with roger at tech. hes such a burnout. i could kind of see him being good at riding. dont know about all that 9 business though.
  7. i think there needs to be a better line between the table of the jump and the landing. blue has is going pretty good, but i would like to see a more "crisp" line of where the flat stops and the landing starts. it'll teach you how ride jumps better and give it more excitement/challenge. the consequences will be worse if you case it too haha.
  8. yea, next seasons gonna be big for me for sure. i got a lot to make up for. i think its obvious isnt it? if not, i will be very dissapointed in you. and then laugh at how you still ski at cb.
  9. Shadows

    New Skis?

    unless you have a bunch of money, the BEST value out there right now are 06 fujis. theyre 199 at proctorjones. i have them and they kick ass. they hold up good on rails, got good pop, great dimensions. perfect. oh, sizing. id say like 170-180.
  10. http://www.rossignolsnowboards.com/tzr/scr...ame=RS_mini.wmv its the snowblades of snowboarding.
  11. i think ive made that clear
  12. i dont know how many times this can be said but blue and their parks are killin it. i love everything about it. when youre in the parks, its such a good atmosphere. reminds me of the days when im at a skatepark just chillin and riding for hours. everyone has a good time, theres no hate at all for anybody in there (except the gapers)
  13. the mountains could make money off of the parks though (park passes) they could even put like vending machines out there haha. and if people keep gettin hurt it will be because they tried a new trick, or didnt do something right. not because someone got in their way.
  14. doc says about a month left till i can do anything. as to what that "anything" means, not sure. im feeling good though, just cant really stretch my stomach much cause of the scar is still pretty fresh, like baby skin. i hope my internals are healing, i guess the docs are only worried about my spleen being damaged more. not sure about my intestine though.
  15. definately, if i have money i will no doubt go.
  16. toast...are you tryin to say you will pay for her if she hits on you?
  17. what about picture spot lights? like in "shaun palmers pro snowboarding" i forget which mountain, but they got spot lights with the mountains logo on the face of the jumps. it would be pretty cool.
  18. ask for your money back. they dont post reports or anything on the mtn. how are you supposed to know?
  19. this has been talked about for a long time. the other kid was in front "skiers code" but you did call drop. so i dont know.
  20. i liked the look on tanners face when he was standing next to gagnier on the podium. gagnier was all celebrating, holding his ski up, and tanner was standing there, almost gettin hit by gagniers ski acting like hes the s*** even though he got his ass handed to him.
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