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Everything posted by mbike-ski

  1. nick do you know what size ski are you looking for? there were some k2 pipe piste tm skis with skins on sac yesterday (?) but they were like 163's - seemed too short. you may want to check backcountryoultet.com, as there were also some black diamond deals floating around
  2. .....bump........pssshhhhhHHHH! (results - you know, like the crash of a cymabal) he sucks
  3. thanks, sorry - don't want to start a sh!t storm...
  4. ...ba dump... (results listed) Edited by Glenn to add spoiler warning.
  5. well the pressure's on now......drum rolllllllllllllllll.........................
  6. wow.... it looks a little more/less rotation in either direction could have ben catastrophic
  7. ...cuz it sucks, it seems like all the americans are struggling a bit....
  8. the more i thought about it the better boulder sounded - BUT mrs snowbunski gave me the major stinkeye when i threw it out there...if she cant't ski either can i...so its's mtb'ing for me, i feel your pain phillywippedimeancore
  9. ooooooh torn...mtb or ski?!?!?!? leanin towrads mtn, much better conditions
  10. thanks all, i'm gonna give'm a go at this position - if i don't like it THEN get 'em re-mounted
  11. ok, the CL of my boot is aligned with the hash mark in the sidewall which is +2.5 from center of "binding mounting zone" plate....
  12. Just got my 180 Fischer Riu tt's back from the shop...when I dropped them off I asked for them to be mounted in the "traditional" aft "big mountain" position but when I got them they're mounted in the forward park and pipe spot... I got them for skiing with my kids so I am skiing switch and goofing around in the park and pipe as well as intending on using them as my tree and bump ski...I'm thinking I just leave 'em forward for now and and see how it goes. FYI the other ski in my "quiver" are 177 head ixrc1100's for cruising the groomers and dabbling in NASTAR....any thoughts?
  13. another 90 secomds of my life in the crapper
  14. cool...i'll do that, any takers on the recons?
  15. nice handle, i hope i don't confuse you with the snowmiser - hmmm maybe i found a new avatar! when / where do you typically ski? i'm usually at blue thurs and fri pm's, and switch my saturday morning ride from the mtb to blue...
  16. Me and MrsSnowBunski might try to hit one, we really wanted to try to do the Sugarbush camp but cant get away...damn kids ;-/
  17. I think they should lift the blade of that dozer and setit up like a wall ride...
  18. bump...GREAT for doing Thursday night NASTAR!
  19. the supports pretty much have to be set in concrete - too bad the wall connections are welded vs. bolted to provide some adjustment
  20. mbike-ski


    anybody see Julia in Outside Magazine? To stay on topic, go bode!
  21. We are once again doing flex passes to Blue - a great deal! Six visit pass for $120 - you can use your pass anytime Monday-Friday (open to close8:30 am - 10 pm) Sat & Sun Nights (4 pm - 10 pm) NON-HOLIDAYS (12/26-1/1, 1/21, 2/18)!!!! PM me for details. Must be submitted by 11/9/07 to get the 6th visit (only 5 after 11/9/07)
  22. ouch...effindaaawg....hatin' on the blue
  23. A few years back we had a huge family reunion weekend at Fernwood,a little shabby but it was Ok, you could see at one time it was prabably pretty nice. The golf course was OK too and the beer was cold! I gotta say at the bar and show ( I think it was magic OOOOOOooooh!) it was definitaely one of the biggest/strangest mixes of people I had ever been in- young/old/white/black/rich/poor - and everything in between, a veritable smorgasbord if you will! Made for some mad Karoake!
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