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Posts posted by indiggio

  1. Indeed it was crazy how good it was for the first run on practically all the trails and then just went to shit on the next run down them.

    Quit the shit-show around 11:30 since everything was down to boiler in the middle and crazy sugar on the edges. 
    Lower Main was just a pile of sugar waiting to envelope those who weren't paying attention.

    Left around 1:30 or so with lots of people still pouring in and searching for parking spots.  Pay lot was down to 15 free.
    Departure was interrupted by a pretty good 2 car accident on the North side of Mountain Drive.
    Looked like the lost it on the top turn and T-boned and uphill car and then spun into the ditch.
    Staties were there limiting traffic to one direction at a time.

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  2. 13 hours ago, Johnny Law said:

    Most of it is just for marketing now, dv doesn't matter and mad river more of the same.

    I can see the argument to ride Alta but Alta is also all traverses. I'm not saying they can't but the high t on a board would suck hairy ballsack. 

    Alta doesn't stand for Another Long Traverse Again for nothing...
    Yeah, it torques the locals when rookie skiers can't even handle the traverses properly let alone the problems boarders would have with them.

    Deer Valley on the other hand...

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  3. 21 minutes ago, JFskiDan said:

    just for fun, i looked at this on GE.  I mean, they could do this, (in Red), but thats a shit ton of work, and it would wipe out that little hike park or learning center what ever that is.  it doesnt make sense to do all this work and connect it back to P-dise at the pond.  it cant go around the pond the other way, unless tubing isnt there any more.  if it hooks left and goes in between tubing and the ponds, that area is basically flat VIA topography/elevation map.  If they didnt have snowmaking on skier right of P-dise, they cold just mow down the trees on the right some, and make it Snowbasin wide.  

    I can think of like 100 other things Blue needs to "fix" before doing this, so to me just none of this makes any sense to me, but, we are talking about Blue, so....... 

    Rumors/lift talk has been that since they acquired the plot of land across the street, they were going to move tubing over there and then make the entire lower area a town complex, complete with all the resort amenities.

    But then again, it'll probably be sold by then...

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  4. 12 hours ago, Johnny Law said:

    Next time your there peep the long haul, at least the last time I was there it's 4938382 different lift pieces put together with all kinds of fabricated stuff. It's amazing. 

    I don't understand really why there is never anyone there. I get scranton/wb is economically depressed but people go everywhere now and it's a great product. It's so low key you can mess around all day and miss nothing, the bar/restaurant is good and it's cheap. 

    I do think though that its like Elk though in which the low crowds are the major factor. Both can't handle the blue crowd and would be far far far worse due to layout/lifts etc etc etc


    If I'm around when you guys go I would definitely go.  

    There were a lot of cars in the lot when I left, but the expert slopes were still virtually empty.

    We did make our way over to the beginner/intermediate area to leave and found where all the people were as it was packed. 
    Going through there was like being back at Blue on a Saturday at 11am, dodging families, beginners, etc. 
    Luckily we found the extended Lower Sidewinder-like snake trail that nobody was on so we could avoid the masses to get back to the lodge.

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  5. 12 hours ago, C1erArt said:

    According to the guy skiing with him, he hit one of the ramps wrong, got launched, went through the first of the double fence and stopped tangled in the second fence. He did have broken vertebrae in his neck, but will recover ok.  I hit the ramps for the first time today carrying some speed, but was careful to pre jump them.

    They're in a bad spot and from what I hear, not marked at all by SP.
    The light is typically flat in that area which makes the rollers disappear until you're on them.

    If they're going to leave them overnight and open Razor's to the public in the morning, the rollers need to be painted or marked by a lollipop or sticks.

    • Like 4
  6. 5 hours ago, PSUFrankenstein said:

    Nice report.   I always try to hit Montage for my 2 indy days. It never gets crowded and their terrain and various bars are pretty fun.  I've found the same conditions off of the long haul lift,  seems icier on Fast Track and Runaway.   Not sure if you hit Rattler but taking that to Cannonball is one of my favorite runs there

    Yeah, we hit the Rattler connection, well some of us did.  A couple of the stragglers missed the rest of us make the turn and they ended up taking the long way round.

    We also made a run through the trees on Branch Line that had a lot of ice in the middle and inside corners.
    One of the corners was a sheet of ice and most of us barely survived it without going down.

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  7. A bunch of us had had enough of Blue lately and decided to use up an Indy on Montage yesterday and from the sounds of the reports out of Blue, it was a good decision.

    Arrived in the lot just after 8am to 19' and hazy sunshine.  It felt cold in the lot, so went with the extra puffy just in case.  Later the sun came out and standing around in it, felt overdressed, but out on the slopes it was cold again. 

    In all the years I've skied, I've never bothered to venture to Montage and have to say I'm happy I finally did.  Even though the mountain has a bizarre layout, it's unique and a throwback.  The beer shack in the middle of the mountain with a DJ cranking tunes was cool, even though we didn't stop for a beer.  They had another DJ cranking tunes at the bottom of the Phoebe Snow lift.

    They opened precisely at 9am and for kicks and giggles we took the Short Haul lift out of the lodge area.  The snow was spectacular, loose talcum powder groomed to perfection, what a concept!

    We cruised on down Boomer which too had perfectly groomed snow and the run had some giddy up.  Passed by White Lightning that unfortunately had a Closed sign, and the reason was evident when we got to the bottom and saw a winch cat grooming the bottom headwall.   Up and down Smoke which was also perfectly groomed and a lot of fun.  
    Is it Saturday?  The place is a ghost town!  If it were 930am at Blue, we'd be dodging people already and the runs would be cookies, marbles and ice, but none of that was around, at least in the expert area.

    Giving the groomer some time on White Lightning, we went over to the Iron Horse lift and down Switch were they were setting up the Nastar course.  Next to the run under the lift, there was overblown chalk that a few sampled and found quite enjoyable.   The run itself had groomed powder.

    Up the Long Haul and now we found ourselves back in Blue conditions.  They evidently hadn't put as much effort into the conditions over here and/or it has a lot more traffic from beginners and intermediates.  The snow was more granular with patches of ice here and there that you had to be careful of as they'd take down an unsuspecting slider.

    Back over to Boomer to check on White Lightning and they had just dropped the rope.  Down the in run, it reminds me of Coming Soon, flat.  Up ahead there are a bunch of people just standing around.  We all fly past them and down the headwall.  Woo-hoo, it definitely has some giddy-up and woah that compression at the bottom was unexpected.  Wow that's fun!
    We lapped that a bunch of times and discovered a bunch of overblow into the woods next to the run where you could actually get a few nice pow turns in the trees.

    Definitely a fun diversion from the rigamarole that is Blue.  This place holds a lot of potential for Spring skiing and warrants a repeat then to use up the second Indy ticket.






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  8. 5 hours ago, enjoralas said:

    The quad and the Main St chair are currently running (would assume the OG6 is as well but can't see it on the cams). I guess they're running them to avoid icing issues. Good on ya, Blue!

    Edit: looked again and can make out chairs moving through the house on the OG6, so running all three

    Light snow falling up at Blue and the quad, at least, is running...

    • Like 1
  9. 17 minutes ago, Johnny Law said:

    Saturday was hilarious, I think it's fair to say it will be along time before myself, schif and Ben all slide off the platform. Bonus points to benm for the Keri strug like recovery. 

    Sunday I thought was actually a vast improvement and not just because enjo cooked but they blow snow and it was better. Saturday you could get an edge with lots of angle but it felt to high risk whereas Sunday you could let it rip more.

    The 1 inch last night similarly super helped today. Also only the quad was working for awhile which actually made it super nice. Switch and main held untouched cord well after 10 and I mostly bombed the fuck out of switch.

    Word of caution and it's scary if I'm the voice of caution but the surface underneath still sucks, Razors in particular is still very hard underneath with somewhat unmarked jumps. One of the weekday regulars took a scary beater, twice couldn't get back up and had to get a ride. The grip is there but think about it if it goes wrong because with the glide your going to be on the ground in a hurry.  

    That's how I thought Sunday was, you'd feel you're fine in a turn and then next thing you know you've slid 20' sideways on a sheet of unseen ice lurking just below the surface.
    Later runs down Challenge had parallel sheets of ice running down the headwall where the freshly blown lipstick had been scraped off the pig underneath.
    Then you encountered the booter mid run that sent you airborne if you weren't paying attention.

    • Like 2
  10. 7 hours ago, RidgeRacer said:

    What do they care. They’re selling lift tickets and season passes regardless. Our gripes are irrelevant. Especially when they know that’s ours asses will all be buying passes again in march.

    Yup, we say that too.  It's not the quality, but quantity.  Gotta get all the slopes open, regardless of how shitty the conditions.

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  11. It boggles the mind that other slopes can just blow small whales and leave them alone (not push them totally flat) so that they don't create marbles/cookies.
    Pretty much every slope I went to up in New Hampshire last week does this and the snow was excellent.
    The belief that ski trails need to be flat as glass is incomprehensible.  It's skiing!  Undulations are part of the fun, just look at Coming Soon's ditch.

    • Like 3
  12. 18 hours ago, PSUFrankenstein said:

    Nice reports.  I may hit somewhere in NH next week also 

    Unfortunately it's somewhat low-tide condition-wise up there. 
    Waterville definitely had the best and most snow, but even they didn't have everything open.

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  13. 1/23/2025

    Up at the usual 0 dark thirty and made ready for an hour or so drive over to Black Mountain.  Over hill and Dale, passing by the amount Washington resort and Attitash and finally ending up at Black, a tiny podunk family ski area that exudes the original charm of skiing.

    The one triple chair that only goes 2/3 of the way up wasn’t running, but the main double donkey was, so we boarded that towards the peak.  Up through the woods you come upon a mid station when you could drop off to avoid the peak or just hit the little LOSTBO hut where they have music blasting, a deck with fire pit and beach chairs out on the snow, which we found odd until after lunch, when the Sun broke out.   Black is different in that the mountain faces South, and their motto Ski in the Sun became evident.  Every trail was lit up like springtime in the middle of winter.

    Up on the peak you could see for miles and miles, Attitash off to the left and Mount Washington on the right.  Unfortunately another mountain that would bee a hoot had it been a good snow year.  They have ample snowmaking, but the real fun runs rely on natural, especially the winding Upper Galloping Goose right under the lift.

    We did the tour of open runs, all of which had beautiful, soft, well-groomed snow.  The runs are fast and quite steep and very tight through the woods.  The place was empty and we made fun when a second row of 10 or so cars appeared.

    We had to stop in the LOSTBO shack for kicks to see what it had.  A range of snacks hung on the wall, some brats rolling on the hot dog cooker, beer, wine, etc.  we opted for cider and hot chocolate and Tom the tender, a Boston transplant was very willing to tell the tales of Black and its savior Indy who’s committed to keeping the mountain going, but doesn’t want to own the land, where the hopeful co-op takes over.

    He also told us from where the LOSTBO name originated that’s all around the mountain.  Evidently Les Otten at one time promised to buy the mountain and make the owners wealthy but backed out at the last minute after having them cut out the expert terrain at the top.  Sitting around pissed at him for backing out the one came up with Les Otten Sucks The Big One and so it stuck.  He also told us of Friday night skin up, party and ski down nights that sounds crazy fun.

    The place is tre-cool and a throwback to the old days of skiing and we were all glad to get there.

    On the ride back passing the Mount Washington inn, the sun was setting and lighting up the Presidentals, spectacular!

    Stopped at Rek-lush brewery on the way back for some dinner















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