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Everything posted by skigurl

  1. they are hiking stuff in CO, my aunt and uncle in denver got like 4 inches or something like that
  2. thats awesome hope he has fun and gets a FS team going
  3. for now is he training gates or will they have a coach for him to do FS with?
  4. haha yeah right, how did your kids like it papa?
  5. we had some on cars here, it's about 40 at 6 AM all week the whiteface gore area has been at about 50 for highs and gets really cold at night
  6. i don't think skierforever hates just racers...i think he hates anything that walks and breathes
  7. new ownership at CB trying something different maybe
  8. yeah i saw that too do big hurricans bring snow if it's cold enough?
  9. skigurl

    hydro pack algae

    yeah, i use mine in the summer, and if you leave water in it for like the whole winter some nasty stuff can grow in them
  10. skigurl

    hydro pack algae

    my mom did it to mine, rinse it out a bunch of times after you put the clorox in it though don't put stright clorox in it, it's like a 1/20 ratio
  11. skigurl

    hydro pack algae

    take the pack out, put water in it, close it and shake it, then use clorox with water in it, then dump it out, put it out in the sun or a really really really dry spot, or by a dehumidifier then when you think it's all dried out put paper towels in it until you plan on using it
  12. wooded area below Cinemark Movie Theatre is a rail road track isn't it?
  13. it's nasty up here, it's soooo Humid....it feels like the middle of august around 3 pm
  14. skigurl

    New Stuff

    i think thats where i got my GS Skis and they were really nice and had great packageing
  15. skigurl

    New Stuff

    fleece, skis, knee brace and new goggles
  16. the races at Gore are awesome, i watched while my family skied last yr
  17. that doesn't take alot on this site
  18. skigurl

    A rumor

    just don't do it on Cliffy! and i'll be happy
  19. it's doing great, i get clearned on the 12 of sept. i've been marching (marching band) sence mid august and it was fine as long as i had a knee brace on so i hope it will do fine this winter
  20. i'm out there mon - sun, blue jacket, or black fleece that says CB Ski Team
  21. skigurl

    A rumor

    i don't think it would be cliffy, i'd almost say hump b.c i thought at one point they did start to let that one bump up but i could be wrong
  22. i did it two season ago at like 9:30(no rangers) in under a min i belive so i'm ganna say a min 30 seconds
  23. Granola Bars are nasty....i hope they aren't ugly gates
  24. Interesting, sounds like fun, i really like it, it will be nice to see more USSA racers out there
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