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Everything posted by skigurl

  1. yeah i'm desideding what i want to do for a pass this winter. Papasteeze don't you get 3 yrs of passes b.c you bought a house in Northridge?
  2. if you make friends with the rangers you can get away with alot of stuff, but don't try to pull stuff off if the ranger by you isn't one of your friends
  3. skigurl

    Jobs at cb

    Get in touch with them around october, then plan to be at the meeting around thanksgiving. if you sign up expect to work all weekends, and even weeknights if you are a student in school. they make pretty good money and if you are lucky enough to get a private lesson you make good tips. leave alot of november open for training weekends
  4. the restruant thingy is weird but i like the closer park and free lockers and on the slope earlier
  5. I've got a pair of 160 Salomon Equipe 10 3V 160 w/Salomon S900 Bindings, i'm willing to trade (for race skis size 155) or for money asking between $300 and $320, they are 2 yrs old, and have been used maybe 50 times. great condition with awesome bases and edges, just to long of a ski. they have demo bindings on them as well. AIM=shortykicksbutts PM on here E-mail= skigirl408@yahoo.com
  6. it's tiny, and they could use some help in the ski patrol area
  7. the traffic wasn't that bad, i've seen worse at other places
  8. Nestors did the best, i also have two different foot sizes, no arch, and rolled ancles and they made all the pain i normaly have go away
  9. what are the five abilites and terain pick?
  10. smuglers notch has good deals with all the accomadition and stuff in one package, lift tickets, lessons, house good prices stuff to do other then ski. stuff for ALL ages, 3 mountains
  11. sadly i think it all melted away. but i'll check tomorrow when i get to school
  12. haha thanks ski, makes my day 20 times better
  13. i had to scrape ice off my car this morning just to get a little hole to see out of....
  14. nestors does an AWESOME job with boots, and making sure they are the right size and everything. i have to go back this yr to get the custom footbeds for mine....
  15. it kicks butt to be a girl in USSA because you almost always go first (before all the guys bet to the course)
  16. i loved my locker at CB, they are inside up there though, i could get like 6 pairs of skis and a pair of poles and if i did it right i could get my helmet in it. if you wipe your edges before you put them away they are great b.c it means not having to carry them up every time you go.
  17. how come we got ban for saying stuff that was true yet he is still thre bashing the race program and kids into the ground and no one gives a crap?!?!?! i really wanna shove something up his @$$!
  18. Can you hike the trails as long as you want or is that not allowed?
  19. i'm on Brigantine Island ALL the time...sry noticed that was the contact address....
  20. after he plants he drops his hands....thats a no no
  21. i played flute and then quit and now i'm in the drum line
  22. yes, they do talk behind each others backs....ALL the time, but it's due to who they sleep with.
  23. regarding the band geeks, maybe it's just my school, b.c the band kids have nicer cars, better grades, and get more "action" then anyone else in our school, i mean we gota do something on those three hr bus rides to compitions
  24. bio sucks, chem is okay, and physics is cool. and the "band geeks" arn't so geeky
  25. thank you jamie, now i'm not the only one who thinks hes HOTT, i want to meet him, yeah he does drugs and drinks but hey look at John F Kennedy......
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