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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. they close for the big bad wolf though. when that comes out, they dont mess around oh, and its like sleet and snow now and i have to leave for my game. what the hell. my subaru better treat me well if the roads are bad
  2. um... Blue is taller.by 200 vertical feet. but normally they just reduce the speed of the quad when it is windy. and what he said
  3. yeah the park doesnt get crowded there because there arent as many idiots that ski there and think that its cool to use the lips to rails as jumps or families that think it would be fun to bring their 5 year old children through the park and hang out on the landing of a jump. i need to go ski in vermont again to get away from them sometime.
  4. 1080 eh? sounds like it was hucked pretty hard if it was over a 30 foot jump and probably without a solid grab or two. but props to whoever got it around. some kid threw a 9 over a 10ft jump and Bear the other day and it made me want to vomit because it was so ugly.
  5. thats sick. i bet some crazy stuff can get thrown off of that.
  6. if the lip is 15 feet in the air and it has good pop... that landing must be pretty long and steep... 15 feet in the air just seems to be prett big to me and a little unnecessary if it actually is. but yeah show me a pic if you can get one cuz that would be sick.
  7. probably where the challenge chair is now... if they actually put one in. i think they should jsut wait until the expand past paradise though and just put another one in on the other side of where the tubing is... or just get rid of tubing all together.
  8. the only time they need a quad is sometimes on the weekend and holidays because it is crowded. its like that anywhere else. before they put in another lift they should work on expanding the mountain a little bit. i ahve been up there 35 days this year and the only time they could have really used a secnd quad was when the first one was broken down and we had to use the challenge lift. other than that i think its a waste and they should spend ther money on other things until it really is needed. i think we are taking for granted how quickly we can get up that mountain on a regular basis because we all start bitching when we have to wait for a few minutes.. if we need anything... its people that know how to get on and off a lift. if that would happen that waiting time would be reduced drastically.
  9. 20ft above the ground? thats probably higher than your house. maybe its 20 feet long.... but if the lip is 20 feet off the ground, i want to see a picture because i honestly havent heard much going on with montage's park like i said.... i havent heard anything about a jump that is "20 feet high". and this kid knows whats goin down in that park most likely.
  10. i dunno about that. whoever does public relations at blue doesnt do a very good job in my opinion. and i think that blue should have a ton more comps than they do since they have such a quality park this year. maybe they should spend their money on something else besides tubing.
  11. i'm pretty sure they started out with 5 or 6 this year and there are twice as many interested for next year from what i have been hearing from Chris and others who run the program.
  12. id go up but i have to go back to school for some stupid team leadership conference for soccer. they just dont understand how important skiing is. its gonna be mad crowded anyway being a holliday weekend.... the worst part is that i probably wont be able to ski tomorrow or monday either and three days off in a row is going to kill me.
  13. tubing is a piece of crap. screw it. they should spend $0 on that. Blue isnt known for its tubing, its known for its slopes. spend money on what people care about.
  14. you cant seriously believe that what they had set up for the comp last night was better what Blue has now. a 10ft table? be real son. have you been to Blue since three years ago?
  15. yeah the boarder girls werent that great... some of the skiers though were pretty good. like Kate, who won. papasteeze... nips did pretty well last night. he should have gone into the older age group for more of a challenge instead of staying with the little kids though... i think he would have dont fine there and thats one way that he can definately get better... if he is pushed to do more stuff to compete
  16. Nothing special? Say that once Bear has a better park. 1) Blue has had the pipe open for more than 2 weeks... where is Bear's? 2) Blue has at least three 40ft+ jumps... Bear has ughhh...??? 3) Blue has more than a 3 inch base. 4) Bear's park is loaded with dirt jibs. Don't say its nothing special when it is 10x better than what Bear has out now. Not that i dont like Bear's park, because I do when it is like last years.... but right now it is pretty much nonexistant.
  17. toast21602


    i think i'm heading up to Blue now... it looks like crap outside with the fog and drizzle but i need to feed my skiing addiction one last day before i go back to school.
  18. he was saying that the lip onto it kicked you up too high... not that he thought it should be ride-on with no gap at all.
  19. i jsut sent Blue and email as well...
  20. nice nice... how are the jumps looking and how big?
  21. what other rails are there besides big, wide, flat boxes? oh, decent vid. some of the boarders were good.
  22. i dont ski at Bear that often but i kinda think that having tree skiing there isnt worth the money or effort to clear the trails. look at the place now.... its hard enough to keep a solid base on the the trails that they blow on. i couldnt immagine tree skiing being open for more than a few days each season with the occasional 6+ inch dumps... just my opinion...
  23. no they are lame. while watching ski movies you rarely see a backflip unless its a crazy backcountry booter with shitloads of snow. you see cab 9s and 10s with double grabs because flips are lame and dont require skill. if i wanted to do a flip i would try one. but they suck. and you know it. flipping off of a rail is a completely different story though
  24. its about a 7 1/2 - 9 minute drive depending on who you get stuck behind and if the passing lanes are clear... but yeah... it was mad foggy when i left. i think i might head up again tonight if it isnt too rainy... but for now i'm taking my aunt out for lunch and probably hitting up Nestors to see whats new and then to Home Depot to buy some more supplies for rails....
  25. if you are going to drive 2 hours go to Blue. they ahve the same stairs set-up but better. and the park is rediculous. and judging by that video... the place looks lame this year so far
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