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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Wow just wow...that lift is slippery..and that is like a 15-20 foot drop onto a very flat slope. Maybe they already pulled the bar up. It's insane how many people don't use the safety bar. I can't think of many worse ways to get injured or die than falling off a chairlift. Out at Jackson hole most of the locals don't put the bar down and many ski with backpacks. So stupid. Many also don't use helmets.
  2. I will say you definitely are good at analyzing skis. Also I don't understand how you ski at Blue so much without having a season pass. Did you buy six time passes??
  3. Eaf why would you even think about skiing on women's skis?? Eaf are you just getting back into skiing or just more curious about comparing different skis?
  4. Looks a lot worse on the webcams. In Allentown visibility is 1/4 mile at best.
  5. Snow is picking up in Allentown along with the wind. I don't think we have an inch yet. Radar is alright.
  6. Please stay on topic everybody. The topic is fuckery.
  7. SallyCat you're alright lol. Marxism FTW
  8. You get a like for knowing Philpug!! He's a legend!!
  9. I don't talk about first class with my karaoke fans and groupies because I like to stay humble
  10. Actually way more times than that. One trip was like all four segments roundtrip because AJeff was extra elite status
  11. I've only flown first class like 7 or 8 times because I know Atomic Jeff
  12. So we're like gods living on a mountain? Cool! Mt. Bluelympus? If I can at least get a deposit we can begin work on the TP4 statue atop honeybee bowl.
  13. You would have loved the Papasteeze, Ski999 and TTC6 days. TTC6 spent a season trying to organize carpools and a PASR pocono ski house with not much interest. He even got me on the guest list at a fancy philly nightclub like a true Philebrity..wooo
  14. I can make slow deliberate turns..it's just not my steeze...I can ski all of lazy mile on one ski..I'd rather ski it on two skis wahahaha
  15. Models are all over the place from a low of 1.7" for Allentown up to around 5". Many models are putting around 8" for Philly and around a foot in places like Ben Dover DE and Brick NJ..this is gonna be a true nowcasting a 50'mile bump east and we get nothing and a 50 mile bump west and we could experience blizzard conditions. As you can see the storm is far away.
  16. 99.9% of the tourists to JH don't..That video was from the backcountry except the beginning and end.
  17. Only 3 weeks until Jackson hole. As we get closer I'll have to post stoke more frequently. Here's a cool video from a few years ago. It's pretty unique. Snow in the forecast Saturday and around Wednesday next week..they need another solid storm or two to open the Hobacks and other lower faces.
  18. Salty out of all the days I've skied Jackson hole I've received a refund once when the mountain shut down around 1015am..I did ski a couple runs and later on took the bus to snow king and bought a two hour ticket there and was able to ski almost all the way back to my hotel room 5 blocks away as the streets were packed powder.
  19. That was likely a day where no singles were allowed on the sublette chair. Last April at Loveland I was on one of the higher fixed grip triples by myself and winds were like 40+ mph and no safety bar and holding on for dear life as each gust lifted my 117 underfoot skis like a sail but the corn was so good on that part of the mountain I had to ride that lift 5-6 more times.
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