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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. You are welcome to put me on ignore. I haven't seen you post any reports all you do is make fun of Salty...why so bitter??
  2. Nice I've still. Ever been to qdub it's been next to Panera in Whitehall for like ten years.
  3. Wow some crappy team names. Whenever I've done trivia the team names are usually pretty vulgar.
  4. You can always take them to the Loft and get them stretched out.
  5. Did you work a night job out there?
  6. What was your favorite place to ski out there??
  7. Is that 134 days at Blue mountain??
  8. The title should maybe say freeski not freestyle as they are two different disciplines.
  9. Do you just go straight on them or sideways?? I was only ever able to go straight on them. Jibbing a 32 ounce Gatorade bottle is fun for me. I see boxes as a recipe for an awkward low speed fall. I should start doing them again since I already got my fall out of the way this season.
  10. What do you like about boxes? I'm too old to hit jumps. Ten years ago I hit every small and medium jump I saw.
  11. I'm gonna buy another pair of mantras and stash them away for a later date when TP4 switches to skiing.
  12. The falls has a bit of a lip now that's a good place to get air.
  13. The bike path ruined the marquee route
  14. Congrats check my stats from 2006-07..that's the last time I cared about how many runs I skied. I only care about days now and not that much. My really old stats from the late 90s are on notebook paper in a bin with my old report cards.
  15. I think the only PASR who skis this style of ski is SaltyAnt
  16. I haven't skied Yeti yet this season..I don't get over to Burma as much as you
  17. Slalom skis are probably high 60s underfoot.
  18. Anyway they look like good Blue mountain skis for hardpack. In slush and big sugar piles they'll feel narrow.
  19. Boom!!!! And I actually had Elan S12s years ago and they were east coast carvers.
  20. Just my opinion...the video posted by Ed bacon is like 4% as exciting as the big mountain freeski competitions where wrong moves have dire consequences.
  21. Wow just wow. There used to be a light up disco box in the lower park at Blue I woild hit alot(no steeze just straight run) and a stair set in the sidewinder park I would ski down.
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