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Everything posted by setagehtta

  1. I checked CB's webcam and it looks fine...c'mon CB one more day closer to the end of the season!
  2. This weather sucks Would've been nice to at least open at 3PM like Mountain Creek did...
  3. man what a bummer to have your girlfriend leave after such a long vacation. Coming back to reality after experiencing that must really SUCK.
  4. I tend to check skicamelback.com every morning and at this point I feel like it's my duty to post when CB shuts down lifts. I like CB a lot...IMO CB is the best in the area, but shutting down lifts in light rain on a Sunday in late January is just so...waterparkish.
  5. How old is that pic? Still looks great... take it to a private garage for inspection and she may live again...
  6. Once again CB shut down the h.s. lifts on a Sunday. Sure the weather sucks (edit: no winds and light rain) and I'm sure attendance is low, but wtf CB this is getting ridiculous. ANY stupid reason huh?! It is a Sunday afterall...
  7. Not to mention that on a slow day/night you could take the quad to the top, and ride down to the park quicker than the damn glen lift...
  8. Huh?! It's about having the OPTION to use the highspeed lift and take a 20 second run down to the park. This isn't out west, we're riding a small hill. Freeriding for a few seconds then hitting the park mid-mountain is an option that shouldn't be cut off.
  9. 8: Give us our hour back! Closing at 9PM on the weekday sucks. Not lowering night riding prices sucks too. We want 10PM back all week! 9: Keep all the lifts open even if it's cloudy...
  10. So last time it was the winds... Current wind speed: 3.0mph NE Soooo CB...why this time?! Those pesky rain dropplets screwing things up again?! lol
  11. WOW I didn't expect a response like that. You're right,not nearly as much as I had pictured. Thanks! I look forward to this thread everyday!
  12. Jesus H Christ man great TR... I know that never in my lifetime will I be able to take a trip remotely like that. Your comment talking about not even knowing the day of the week made me laugh! I looked up the price for a season pass to WinterPark and I almost fell out of my chair. I can only imagine the cost of that trip...condo, food, nightlife,skiis/board, etc etc etc etc daaaaayam. Keep the TR's coming. If you don't mind me asking, wtf do you do for a living?! Insane man insane.
  13. Safety is of course #1, especially with all the litigation possibilities in weather like that... HOWEVER the wind gusts never hit 70mph... According to wunderground at the top of the mountain for 1/3/10: Max Wind Gust: 49.5mph from the NW Sure that sucks to ski in, but CB is always the first to close for any little reason. Let's not even mention how night skiers have lost an entire hour of riding (now close at 9PM weekdays)...
  14. great video but I have to say it saved me from ever going to blue. It just looks...well...boring.
  15. Once again CB is the only resort to close due to windy conditions. Anyone out today? Blue/Shawnee/JFBB etc remain open...
  16. Blue's lodge is better than Mountain Creek's tents that were supposed to come down in 2 years...about 10 years ago...
  17. You couldn't pay me to ski this week...well I guess you could pay me... I can't imagine CB on a holiday week.
  18. ..."when the crowds came in" What's CB like on a Sunday? Never been on a weekend and I don't think I ever will, but I'm curious as to liftlines,etc. I don't go if I can't get the quad to myself, which means that if the 1st lot is full, I go back home.
  19. I'm guessing next weekend will be a madhouse at Kmart if the weather is decent. Barely any early-season riding and very limited terrain will make for one crowded weekend.
  20. so you met a dentist, a convict and some rednecks at MC...we get it
  21. The website does... BTW, Shawnee is projected as opening on Thanksgiving weekend...guess they ain't makin that!
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