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Everything posted by sexkitten

  1. Woke up this morning, saw 60 degrees on the alarm panel and had to do a double take. WTF?
  2. I'll see what I have when I get home tonight and PM you or Root later or tomorrow. I know there are stickers just not sure which ones.
  3. Look at it this way... all that hiking means that much more fatty food and beer you can consume. You're welcome.
  4. I have a bunch of extras. I'll make sure I put them in the car in case I see you at Blue.
  5. Hahaha!! I see the end of employees smoking on the job on the horizon. Management is way more professional and business minded nowadays. Also insurance costs for business that allow smoking on the premises are on the rise. I HATE smoking BTW and can't wait till the day comes. I don't mind if there are designated areas but I hate when the smoking is everywhere and I can't get away from it. Maybe they could make a "smoking" lift. Ugh.
  6. I like it better when it's bitter cold too. Not quite sure why now that I think about it... I just do.
  7. I would love to see Doug on a board. We should have a PASR Switch Day where all the skiers board and all the boarders ski. Maybe not.
  8. Should have joined us at BC Robert! Sucks that ice was her first experience on a board. Make sure she doesn't give up.
  9. Bailing for Saturday. Some stuff came up. Will be at BC tonight instead. Oh well.
  10. One for the history books people. Guess that rules you out for Saturday night at 212 and Sunday morning at Blue.
  11. Can't... I have chronic insomnia.
  12. Sam Adams Afternoon Saturday, January 16, 2010 08:00 A.M. to 06:00 P.M. - Find the 3 Sam Adams Skiers, Get your ticket punched by all 3 and get prizes. I am all over this... or not. Haha.
  13. The Blue e-mail I got today said the park opens Friday.
  14. Sorry but I think AJeff is right. When we went to Killington I skied all the greens and blues easily and a single black or two carefully but I'm pretty sure JH is a much harder mountain to ski. Sadly I do not have balls in life or as a skier. I think they sell them at the porn store but they aren't cute or sexy so... Honestly if I fall and break something that the docs have broken and pinned back together multiple times it's a bad time for all. This is my problem but really I'm happy doing what I'm doing. Someone has to ski the groomers. I hold that shit down for real. Ugh.
  15. Sadly this is true. Even when my knees at in my chest because the lift pad is a disaster can I push myself off of the lift chair so I am right there with you on this one. The six pack is actually scary to me after like 10 AM. I feel like I could honestly get taken out at anytime.
  16. I love how excited Phillycore gets. He's like a big kid. I'm actually starting to get excited now and I'm not even going on a big ski trip this year.
  17. If you remove your drawers and throw them off of the gondi into a tree you'll get more than a light snow. Just so you know.
  18. Look for a tall girl in a black and white jacket and black hat with her arms out like she's about to take flight. That'll be me. Ugh.
  19. I'll be in a black and white coat and black pants and Bob is in a blue and black coat and black pants. Look for us!!
  20. I think the skis are by request only and I agree about the NM ski gear. I've seen some nice stuff on clearance in the summer but can't buy it cause I can't tell if it's waterproof or washable or what not. After seeing where this thread went I think I'm going to label up my skis and see what people say. Of course I'll have to misspell stuff like the knock off stores at the Jersey shore so I don't get in trouble.
  21. Uh... either Saturday morning, Sunday morning or both but I think it's going to be messy weather for Sunday so...
  22. If we went to JH we'd stay at the 4 Seasons. As for a discount... I wouldn't hold your breath. Believe it or not there are some weirdos out there to go to JH for reasons other than skiing in the Winter.
  23. I've actually been to Wyoming a million times as a kid but I had an external fixator on forever so skiing wasn't possible. It would be like skiing at Blue for quadruple the price! FYI, I am now able to ski almost every trail at Killington fairly well. OK... fairly well is a relative terms. Whatever. Haha. Cheaper too but the hotels are nothing like the fabulous ones in JH.
  24. Oh please wear those for gaper day 2010.
  25. Who said I was going to ski? Glad you guys are having a good time.
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