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Everything posted by DHarrisburg

  1. You pretty much hit the nail on the head. I don't understand why people get so stoked about rails with "wacky" features when you can learn real tricks on regular rails, then take it to a handrail. Plus, for the price of one of those boxes, Camelback could have put in a good flat rail and a good flat down, OR just a good down flat down rail.
  2. I'd hardly call WM films "reality." Also, WM videos are filmed at the best locations in the best conditions with some of the best skiers and snowboarders in the world. Warren has been making films for 50+ years and has a ridiculous budget. These are a few of the reasons why people watch his videos. I had a long paragraph about the amount of work that goes into the type of project that VFS is talking about, but I'll keep it (somewhat) short. EASY HARD Finding someone to film you for a day Finding three people to film you all season for free Finding a camera Finding 3 GOOD cameras for free Finding someone who can edit Finding someone who is GOOD at editing for free Making the Poconos interesting Affording hundreds of hours worth of miniDV tapes Finding somebody who actually wants to watch a movie about you and your friends What you are proposing is not a bad idea. Unfortunately, it requires hundreds of hours of work and strong dedication. Mabye some day there will be a reality show based on a ski town and it's inhabitants, but trying to make one yourself would be insanely difficult. Also, I don't mean to be a dick, but it seems a bit egotistical that you are trying to find all these people to work so they can film you, your brother, and your friends. Camelback really isn't all that interesting :/ But hey, prove me wrong. If you are serious about this, put a ton of effort into it and make your video and it will be, at the least, entertaining. I'd love to see a thread here about your finished video a few months from now, but just know that the road to that finished product is a very long, hard, and expensive one. Good luck.
  3. So basically you want to make a reality show about your hobby. Good luck with that.
  4. I'd like to see CB not invest their money in circus rails and actually have decent, stock rails for people to learn tricks on. But I guess circus rails are all the rage so that's what they're going to buy.
  5. Ideally they'd either make a jib park or just trash the old rails and completely replace them with decent ones. Edit: What a surprise. The new boxes look like shit
  6. No video of the handrail yet but there's a few shots on the OHYEAH! website. I've been trying to get my hands on the footage but the kid who filmed lives in Squaw and Johnny won't call him to come out here
  7. Hell yeah, JJ Thomas won snowboarding big air
  8. DHarrisburg

    Snowboard Helmet

    Pro-tec is making multi-impact helmets now, I'm not sure if Giros are multi-impact. Worth checking out. Otherwise, R.E.D. helmets are pretty solid.
  9. All my gear got stolen at hood and I still havn't got a new pair of binders. Gimmie a week or two and I'll have some handrail shots up. Strange. They were optimized for quicktime from the get-go, what broser are you using? When I put everything together I tested it in Firefox and Safari, and I hoped for the best when it came to IE. Once I get another copy of my web editing software (my current one locks at the loading screen ) I'm going to rehaul the site, so you might have to wait until then :/
  10. Don't try to get more than 5 to 8 hits in a run. The most common mistake by beginner pipe riders is not traveling down the fall line enough on each hit. If you try to fight the fall line all you're going to get is a bunch of 1 foot airs.
  11. Season passes are great deals, but it still blows my mind when gapers pay $70 + rentals + lodging + food every day for skiing/snowboarding. It's insanely expensive.
  12. That's what I thought. How the hell do people justify spending $70 on a day pass?
  13. DHarrisburg

    Ski pants

    I was thinking more along the lines of them stopping production of high-quality jackets for snowsports, mountain climbing, etc. Ever since they hit mainstream popularity in the '90s they've been churning out jackets for soccer moms who ski two weekends a year.
  14. DHarrisburg

    Ski pants

    Tell him that Northface gear took a dive after their sudden sucess in the '90s :/
  15. Did you see me using the parking blocks in Harrisburg? Concrete works wonders in a pinch If you have a burr or forgot to detune, the metal racks used to hold skis outside of lodges can be used. Same goes for the metal bars on a chairlift. Personally I'm a fan of using the lighter, airy (pumice?) rocks you'll find up at Hood. Works like a charm. You use it on your edges, not your base. I usually take a 60 grit and smooth the whole job out after using the 30. If you think my method is a little out there, I'll have to introduce you to friends of mine who use angle grinders to take their edges off. Two swipes with a grinder and you won't have to worry about hanging up on anything.
  16. If not wanting to murder yourself coming through a kink is a gimmick, I guess I'm guilty as charged. The reason I was never quite sure about Palmer plates was due to the fact that it's going to raise you even higher off your board. Why not just invest in a board with a wider waist width (provided you're trying to avoid overhang) or adjust your angles/highback rotation? Just because there's "proven technology" behind a product doesn't make it worth your money. It just seems to me that Palmer plates have gotten a reputation along the lines of "HOLY CRAP BUY THESE IF YOU HAVE BIG FEET BECAUSE THEY WILL ELIMINATE HEEL/TOE DRAG AND MAKE YOU A BETTER SNOWBOARDER" and sell a ton of units based off this idea.
  17. Usually I just take a power-sander with a 30 grit sandpaper to my edges for a bit. I guess only detuning your inner edges is fine if you don't do nose/tail slides
  18. Super-fun board that you can ride pretty much everything on. I rode a 52 and it held up everywhere, including jumps, pipe, and poaching the skier race course Academy makes awesome boards and I'm pretty positive that you'll be happy with the Rhythm, especially if you like boards that are a little stiff.
  19. Just out of curiousity, why are you getting Palmer plates? They always seemed like a bit of a gimmick to me.
  20. Yeah, I wish I was there, too. After riding the most banked C-boxes in the world at Mammoth I'm sure I would have done pretty well. I definately want to come back to PA for a week or two to hit up some old hills and get some more urban shots for the OHYEAH! promo video. I'll let you know when I'll be in the area, I'll probably ride at BC, CB, Blue, and mabye some other spots. Oh, and if Steven wants to step up to some handrails, he's invited Edit: Does anyone know what the winning tricks were for the snowboarders?
  21. Last season I rode a Dominant until it broke (11 days, IIRC), then bought a Jeenyus Rental 156. All summer I rode a Academey Otterstrom 152. It got stolen, but I got another one for the season. I'm thinking about picking up a Rome Anthem or Agent. Maybe another Jeenyus.
  22. Here's another comparison shot. Top left is EG-5s (I think), top right is the Sabrosas, bottom right is Figments, bottom left is some pair of Smiths that I don't know the name of.
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