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Everything posted by DHarrisburg

  1. It definately makes you feel more "open" to the rail, but I'm still trying to get over my fear of bashing the shit out of my knee again. A few weeks ago I was hard way 270ing onto a down rail with a ollie to it and caught my tail. My knee still doesn't feel anywhere near 100% (maybe 60%) so I'm trying to take it easy right now. Oh, and spinning BS onto rails off your heels is AWESOME. I learned back tails/back lips off my heels the other day and it's just as fun as toe-edge FS spins, if not more so.
  2. It's all personal. I know some people who can only spin FS off their toes and vice versa. Spinning FS off your heels feels more natural for most, but popping off your toes eliminates shushing off the lip. It's a little harder to learn, at first, but once you grasp the concept of popping opposite of your "turn" it's super fun. Right now front 270s off my toes is probably my favorite trick just becuase it feels so much different from spinning them off my heels.
  3. Sounds like you were a dick and she was a dick right back at you. Congrats on pissing off mountain employees, it's not like gapers don't do that enough already.
  4. Don't turn off the lip, pop off it. One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is trying to just continue a spin off a lip, as if they were just carving down a hill. Keep weight on your edge, but don't turn. Wrong.
  5. Get the Technines. Wouldn't be my first choice but I'd go with them over Flows any day of the week.
  6. A 50-foot jump for any PA mountain is already "huge." There is absolutely no reason to go any bigger than 60.
  7. What's that saying? "What goes around comes around?"
  8. DHarrisburg

    New goggles

    I've still got a set of Subrosas for sale. $35 shipped. More info here.
  9. Pole jams are pretty pointless on a snowboard. Unless you're really into steep ride-on up rails.
  10. 15 minutes to Northstar, 45 minutes to Boreal, 45 minutes to Sierra, just under 3 hours to Mammoth.
  11. DHarrisburg


    Me and little Johnny Lazz have come to the conclusion that 15 -12 is the best stance in the world and anyone who says otherwise is poorly mistaken!
  12. DHarrisburg


    As far as I know a 15 -13 stance is either impossible or you have some strange binding plates. Most plates only change in increments of 3 degrees.
  13. DHarrisburg


    Riding a forward forward stance is fine if you're riding an alpine board, but for anything else I'd suggest at least +15 on the front foot at least -5 on the back. I ride +15 -12 with a 23.5 inch stance.
  14. Sick board, I'll probably pick up the 56 in a few weeks.
  15. 04.05 Academy Otterstrom 52 05.06 Burton Cartels 04.05 Burton Sabbaths Targas would care to disagree about the 390s being the only Rome binding
  16. DHarrisburg

    New Board!!

    Why in God's name did you get a 46? Unless you weigh somewhere between 100-120 lbs, that is.
  17. I'll be doing the contest but I'll be at Boreal
  18. Thanks Rob, that means a lot. Truthfully I really haven't been taking many photos or video lately but when I do I'll show it off here.
  19. It seems that people get bent out of shape if I talk about snowboarding outside of PA.
  20. Third. Spent two seasons in Mammoth, now in Tahoe. Most likely moving back to Mammoth next year.
  21. All I was doing was telling him that he shouldn't sell a 3 year old VHS video for $20. I don't like watching people get ripped off.
  22. Rode Mammoth the last 3 days and just got to Bend to ride Bachelor for the next four days or so.
  23. Unless you got it the year it came out, you got horribly ripped off.
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