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woah doggy


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i was there when the commercial was being filmed.. i do know that several people were just pretty much following the cameras around, but they were also filming anybody riding through who could throw down. local talent would also include several of the park crue who can shred... let me tell ya, you would be suprised at what some of them can do *cough*max*cough*


and thats why i want to see it.

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A 70 footer, i find that kind of joke to have a jump that big, i dont know too many peopl that would hit it and exspecially with the landing of all ice, they probally are just making it to say hey look what we got.





DING DING DING!!!!!! we have a winner!!!! hey they need some claim to fame because their rails arent going to get them there, not with bear creek and big boulder stepping it up this year....... sorry guys but like ive said a million times, blue has good ideas but horrible execution....

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well thats commonly known as an expression and i didnt literally mean it but i have had this talk with my friends, and ill admit that blue has some really good ideas ( ie. the bus) but their execution in them just does not make any sense. Heres a good example, i dont understand why you guys built that huge c rail but didnt bank it???? its gonna be so hard to slide even when it is on a bank. the rail needs a bank to it, not it needs to sit on a bank.... dont get that. And with the bus i dont understand why they didnt go either rail OR butter box instead of doing both.... like i said, good ideas but i just dont understand the logic behind them, why not stick to proven designs that work istead of going with ( in my opinion) cheaper, less professional designs... just my 2 cents, i know alot of people disagree with me but thats ok....

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well thats commonly known as an expression and i didnt literally mean it but i have had this talk with my friends, and ill admit that blue has some really good ideas ( ie. the bus) but their execution in them just does not make any sense. Heres a good example, i dont understand why you guys built that huge c rail but didnt bank it???? its gonna be so hard to slide even when it is on a bank. the rail needs a bank to it, not it needs to sit on a bank.... dont get that. And with the bus i dont understand why they didnt go either rail OR butter box instead of doing both.... like i said, good ideas but i just dont understand the logic behind them, why not stick to proven designs that work istead of going with ( in my opinion) cheaper, less professional designs... just my 2 cents, i know alot of people disagree with me but thats ok....


Ok for one, the park has not a drop of snow on it, so how do you know how the c-box will be set up? Where it is at now the landing is a snow maker. So don't think thats exactly how its gonna be set up and just because its harder doesn't mean its not good. It just means you need to step it up. It said somewhere (I think the park crue myspace but I could be wrong) that the c-box was designed like a wall ride so I imagine it will be on more of a bank than usual. Proven designs are good cause you know they work but Blue deserves some credit for trying to be different than simple flat-down boxes or straight boxes. Its fine that you feel the way you do but I am just expressing my point of view. They are experimenting this year where the other mountains are using the same stuff, just more of it or a little bigger. And someone said early about the 70 footer. They had a 65 last year and it worked out nice. I personally loved it and I know a lot of people who did do it and it was one of those features that the noobs didn't go near so the lip and most of the landing stayed in good shape. It just seems to me that the people that are talking bad about Blue are just afraid of a challenge. I can guarantee if something doesn't work out they will take it out during the season or won't have it the following year. I don't see how anyone can say something about something that is not even set up yet.

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