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CB Message Board - RIP (Papa gets his wish)


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Posted today on the CB message board.


After considerable thought and discussion, Camelback has decided to discontinue the Ride Camelback Message Board for the foreseeable future. Many have shared their thoughts on skiing and riding and have made new friends as members of our message board community

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I hate to see it go. Now we really have only hearsay for information. I guess we'll need a propaganda czar on this site now.

Oh wait, we already have one! All bow towards Northridge. :bow

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It's quite sad they they have to shut it down, but there really wasn't much on there of interest that wasn't also discussed here.


There are enough CB employees here to keep the information flow going and maybe Craig and Ashleigh will become official mountain reps on PASR now?

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It's never good when someone has to shut down their board because of this crap. I feel bad that CB had to shut down, and I hope they can still reach their customers here. I'm sure even those of us who got kicked off still feel kind of weird that now it's gone...

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Hmm, I wonder if we will see an influx of new members here ....


most of them are already here.



There are enough CB employees here to keep the information flow going and maybe Craig and Ashleigh will become official mountain reps on PASR now?


As it should be, they would be welcomed to make announcements, maybe they would even post answers to questions. all though I doubt mr wiseman would allow that to happen.


if they want to progress they will get on board here like others who are most definitly more customer friendly.

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I thought this was interesting enough to grab and repost here...


It's smart of Camelback to remove the message board. Why would you continue operating a forum where people can reach out to thousands of other potential customers and tell them where Camelback was good and where they were bad in providing a service.


I do not applaud their decision to remove the forum. Now we (the general public) will only be able to get details on conditions from the snow line, which as we can all agree, only emphasizes the positives of the conditions.

***(anouncer voice) Camelback will be open today, skiing top to bottom on 3 trails (of course there are rocks mixed in with the snow and only the slowets lift is opertaing and they are charging full price).


I don't blame CB for the bad winter but I do place some responsibility to report actual conditions. We will no longer be able to get opinions of how th ride is from the common person.


I can drag this out and keep going on and on. But I will leave you with this.....


How many of you guys would have gone to the mountain this season if you didn't read that the trails and conditions sucked?????


CB is the only one that gains something here. It's the consumer who has lost... big time.


Maybe, just maybe we can use the Myspace page to leave messages of up-to-date conditions....


Any takers?? Repost with your thoughts please.

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Less work for Craig, for sure. Spam makes up 90% of all emails and there are now 'banks' of people working in places like India that hit message boards, which is their way around the email verification process that MB designers thought would get rid of it.



But best of all:


Hi, Skierforever!

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That's kinda sad... I liked the CB message board (mainly because of mountain reps). I almost guarantee that it was the one lady who screwed it up with her kid looking at porn. What's this world coming to... HAHA.. How does PASR escape the spam?

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To all former CB MB members -- thanks for hanging in there with us and all the PM's of understanding. Instead of spending all morning deleting Britney and Kara from the MB, I was able to read a few posts and respond here on PASAR. Yes our new site is not 100% -- we opted to go live and work the out the kinks as we go. To conserve on the budget, we are doing some of the edits and corrections inhouse, instead of paying the developer. Again, please have patience -- but I do think most everything is live.

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Let's not write the season off yet! There is still a lot of winter ahead! Who says Rhodo won't open? I think it will. It won't be by the weekend, but as long as we have good snowmaking temps, we'll keep opening more trails. I don't think we will put anything new in Laurel (sorry), it will be kept with learning features. I know I'll get a lot of posts about how boring the Laurel Park is and how everyone is bored with the same jibs, but hang in there.


A few years ago I went to the TELUS Games at Whistler. I watched the pro's go HUGE!! But you know what I found the most impressive? The moves they pulled on a garbage can stuck in the snow while waiting for their heat. Rodeo's on a nearly flat slope, off a garbage can in the snow. I'm not suggesting Rodeo's off any of the features in Laurel Park (or at CB), but making the most out of what's available. Have fun, be safe and help others.

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Let's not write the season off yet! There is still a lot of winter ahead! Who says Rhodo won't open? I think it will. It won't be by the weekend, but as long as we have good snowmaking temps, we'll keep opening more trails. I don't think we will put anything new in Laurel (sorry), it will be kept with learning features. I know I'll get a lot of posts about how boring the Laurel Park is and how everyone is bored with the same jibs, but hang in there.


A few years ago I went to the TELUS Games at Whistler. I watched the pro's go HUGE!! But you know what I found the most impressive? The moves they pulled on a garbage can stuck in the snow while waiting for their heat. Rodeo's on a nearly flat slope, off a garbage can in the snow. I'm not suggesting Rodeo's off any of the features in Laurel Park (or at CB), but making the most out of what's available. Have fun, be safe and help others.


Thanks for the info. Yeah I understand about keeping laurel a learning park. Will the laurel pipe be open on thursday? And will any new features be on laurel? I know you guys were planning on putting a few more things in there.


Also how many nights of decent snowmaking would it take to open rhodo? If we get about 3-4 days a week is 2 weeks possible?

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Wow - that is really sad what happened. I'll admit I stopped going over there once this site got up and running, but its still not right what happened.


Sorry for being MIA for so long. I've been checking in from time to time but not posting. Too depressing with all the warm weather. And I sprained my ankle in early November and thought it might not be healed by the start of ski season.


We did ski at CB on their opening Saturday and had a great time. Then we headed up to Smuggler's Notch from December 26-31st. I'll get around and post a trip report.


Depending on conditions we'll either be at CB or Elk this weekend.


My kids are constantly hounding me about when NASTAR will be starting.

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Nastar won't start until Raceway has snow edge-to-edge. Once Raceway is open, keep tuned to the daily conditions report, it is usualy listed as open for racing. We'll post an announcement on the Website also. Have your fingers crossed for keeping the cold temps around for several days and we'll be on Cliffhanger, Nile Mile and Raceway soon!! And Rhodo Park!!

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Nastar won't start until Raceway has snow edge-to-edge. Once Raceway is open, keep tuned to the daily conditions report, it is usualy listed as open for racing. We'll post an announcement on the Website also. Have your fingers crossed for keeping the cold temps around for several days and we'll be on Cliffhanger, Nile Mile and Raceway soon!! And Rhodo Park!!


I've got my fingers crossed as much as everyone else. Why not start Nastar with just part of raceway? Raceway is one of the widest slopes in the area. I mean Montage was able to do Nastar on a trail that was 1/4 as wide as raceway and also split in half for a terrain park.

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i know we should be creating new topics, but i'll be an idiot and continue to ask an off-topic question:


what 9 trails are projected to be open on thursday?


and do you guys have to have the camelbeach picture so prominently on the new design of the website (seems more prominent than the skiing picture imo)? it's the middle of january and doesn't do anything for business. additionally, considering the kind of year we've been having (haven't been skiing yet this year), it's just plain depressing to look at.

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Nastar on Raceway -- I guess saying edge-to-edge was a little overkill :), what I mean is that the trail needs alot of snow to set and run the race, while having enough room to have a lane for non-racers to get down.


For Thusday -- not 100% sure if it will be all Nine trails or a few fewer slopes? It will be the west side of the Mountain (Tut, Birches, Meadows, Laurel & ect..) -- it's the orginal opened slopes that are getting the snowmaking. Snowmaking has been going well, but a few degrees colder would help in increasing the quantity of snow being made. Best case, yes, 9 slopes. Worst case and temps stay marginal, less than 9. We'll know more Wednesday night. Stay conected to the website.


Why the Camelbeach photo? Hey-- it's the FLow Rider! I thought it was a cool photo. Flow Boarding is an interesting cross-over activity. It's not at all like surfing. Think riding fresh pow that's 3 feet deep. Weight the back foot!!! Does anyone know who's spraying the crowd?? Hint -- he rides the park??


As I posted on another thread-- the website is still getting a few bugs worked out. We are going to have a gallery page with boat loads of winter pics. It should be up and running by the weekend.


Here's a way off topic --- Does anyone have a FlowBoard? The skateboard thing that has several wheels on the front and rear trucks?? I saw it advertised on FUEL.. I think that has got to be the closest thing to Sboarding, that's not really Sboarding???

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i'm not inherently opposed to camelbeach or pictures of camelbeach, just the placement and timing. upon opening up the page, the camelbeach picture is right in the middle and ends up being the most prominent thing that one sees. the snowboarder up top is barely noticeable and there are no skiiers. it doesn't put anyone in the mood for skiing. it's what i expect to see in may. i don't think there are too many people interested in looking up the waterpark even if it is 70 degrees out. if there is a concern about people missing access to camelbeach info, then make the camelbeach button bigger.


just some constructive criticism of the new design - it doesn't hit me as being a winter-oriented page.



just mentioned 9 because the website states that camelback will open on thursday with 9. but thanks for the info.

Edited by am476
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