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Everything posted by Justo8484

  1. ^ which is a steal compared to the $75 for one hour of private lessons at blue. you get much more advanced and specific coaching in the freeride program than you do with a regular private lesson. if you do the math, it comes out to a little less than 20 an hour, which is cheaper than a regular lesson. its not rediculously priced at all. the race team is just afraid, thats all. go talk to a bunch of race kids and ask them if they would rather race, or ride park, and a lot of them will say they would rather ride park, but their parents make them race. once some parents start listening to their kids and letting them ski how they want, like papa does, there's going to be a big swing of power at blue.
  2. of course the only trail that needs snow is the park. because its the only trail that they dont care about. i dont get it. sidewinder was awesome when they first opened it, and what has happened since? not much. i realize that they havent been able to blow decent snow for about 3 weeks now, but honestly, you can switch around some rails or something, and at least maintain whats there.
  3. So all of us skiers know that lange traditionally has a narrower fit than most boots do. next year, thats going to change. apparently, they've been getting killed in the international market and decided that they would start making bucket fit boots to make their stuff more comfortable straight off the wall like salomon, atomic, etc. this is going to be the case for every boot below the comp/freeride 100 for next year. on the other hand, in the comp/freeride 100 and up, all the models will be plug boot lasts, which is a good thing. i guess its a lose/win situation, but overall, it seems kind of dump to completely abandon the US market and stop making one of the best fitting boots to satisfy the lazy euros. why not keep the current models for the US and introduce the larger lasts for the oversees market? just thought i would share this info with everyone here in case anyone is in the market for new boots any time soon. sorry i dont have any pictures to show, we have a pair of next year's comp 120s at work, but i dont know how to get pictures from my phone onto my computer.
  4. you see the webcam papa? they are looking like they are in much worse shape than bear is right now, and its getting hard to get to the big park at bear right now.
  5. its a box. the way i see it, if a skier cant get away with doing it, a snowboarder shouldnt be able to either. you see people riding straight across boxes on skis and all the snowboarders go nuts, but then half of them go do the exact same thing.
  6. ^ in which case, our crew wins. romano is like a size 15, the kid's a beast. kinda scary that he is 6'7 and only 17.
  7. i am not looking forward to this comp on saturday at all. roundtop has no snow, and its supposed to pour, and the discounted lift ticket price is $43. thats absolutely insane. bear's was like $28. they better come up with some sort of decent course to salvage the event...
  8. call me a dick if you want, but... 50-50s dont count.
  9. the old PE's got trashed too. any sidewall ski will get trashed. if you are skiing park, it happens, deal with it. they made the topsheet out of ptex for a reason, so go to your shop, pick up a ptex candle, and just fill in all the chips and whatnot. i've been using surfboard resin to fill in spots on my skis and that has worked well for me.
  10. props for being the cool patroller who knows whats going on in the park, we could use more like you. since you are in a position to better educate your fellow patrollers than i am, i have a few requests. please explain the concept of park etiquette to those who dont know it. this includes patrollers, ski instructors who frequently take lessons of 6 year olds through sidewinder, and the weekend warrior family who thinks it would be so cool to say they skied the terrain park. the unnecesary traffic in the park this year has been rediculous. i know i am beating an issue that has been brought up on this site many times, but it will help those of us who want to ski the park as it was designed, and help you, since there would be fewer people in the park who dont know whats going on. sorry to come off so negative, but now that i have a someone who is in a position to do something and might actually listen or even care, i figured it was worth a shot. if you are going to be up tomorrow night (thursday), look for me. i'll have a dark green coat and white pants, on line invaders; my name's justin.
  11. its starting to get kinda bad... i was up today, and to get to the big park, its like a dirt slalom up top. the jumps are still in ok shape, but all the rails are pretty haggard. lips onto everything are shrinking and its making a lot of stuff really hard to hit. pretty much everything has to be hit street style now, which is kinda hard to do on an upsloped rail.
  12. oh please, you couldnt even give me a posidrive screwdriver, just your standard phillips. thats weak!
  13. barto, whats up with calling her out on her own opinion? if you've ever read any of tanners interviews or listened to him speak when he's on tv, he sounds like a complete moron. he's a great skier, and i give him credit for that, and for dedicating his run to cr, but when he speaks, he sounds like he shouldnt have made it past 5th grade. did you notice the x games slopestyle last year? after his run, he starting jumping around, claiming his impending victory, and then gangier proceeded to stomp the crap out of every single trick and take first. not only did tanner look like he was about to cry, but he liked like a complete idiot. those might just be a few of the reasons people dont like him. and i seriously hope you are not implying that bush actually is a good president, but thats a whole different argument completely.
  14. Justo8484

    Park Poll

    you mean if bear didnt have crappy comps in the small park i'd have nothing to complain about? you know that comp could have gone down on cascade. anyway, yes, i am going to frost, carpool perhaps?
  15. dorsey go on newschoolers and look at kt's media. macauley tossed a 7 over it in one of the edits, that will give you an idea of what it looks like. we havent taken a still cam up there this year, just the dv cam.
  16. Justo8484

    Park Poll

    huh? blue's jumps are still ok, but the snow sucks as of late. they are down to their base, so landings are icy all the time. bear's snow is just so much better than blue's. thankfully, you dont need good snow to hit rails, which is why i still prefer blue's rails right now. bear's stuff seems to either be ride on or have huge lips with way too much kick to them, besides the few rails that are in the big park.
  17. ooooooh, i get it... i guess college hasnt corrupted my mind as much as i had previously thought.
  18. 270s are all about trusting yourself and knowing where you are in the air in relation to the rail. you just have to know that you are going to get the 270 around and make sure you dont go off axis like some people do when they start learning how to spin. i find regular 270s easier than switch 270s cause i cant spin switch to save my life. for some reason i can do switch unnatty 270 better than switch regular 270. i dont get it.
  19. papa... i dont get it?
  20. seven skier entries total, so he wasnt entirely wrong. did he also tell you he put on some hat with fake hair that made my mom think he was a girl?
  21. Ed's a moron. every course he has ever built in any event i have participated in has been a complete junkshow. people always end up dying in skiercross due to poorly built features, and the big air and rail jam at blue two years ago was probably the worst event i have ever competed in. the jump had no kick, ed insisted on driving his snowmobile back and forth in front of the lip, creating huge ruts, and then refused to rake it at our request before our second runs. the following rail jam had the battleship and rainbow, both set up ride on. how this man is still in business, i dont know.
  22. Justo8484

    Park Poll

    they're different, but both good. bear's jumps are definately better at the moment, just due to the much better snow than blue, but i would have to say blue takes it for the rails. the u box and the gap box and rainbow are fun, but they arent the easiest things to learn stuff on i guess. i just think blue's rails are set up really well right now. the flat down flat has been awesome all year long.
  23. agreed, the course was sick, but the second hit got very sticky second run. anyone who saw me somehow pull out of the most haggard cork 3 in the history of skiing can attest to that. i dunno what happened, but me right ski kept moving, and the left one just stuck at the lip. good comp though, lots of fun.
  24. i doubt both parks will be closed. i am guessing the comp will be on black bear? is that the big park? i would think cascade park will be open.
  25. Blue's park is completely sick this year. But if by crappy, you mean 40, 50, and 60 foot jumps and gap on rails, then sure, its pretty crappy.
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