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Everything posted by Justo8484

  1. sorry for giving a damn about something we love. is that a crime? we dont have a clue? and if we dont, do you care to explain why you feel that you do? we ride that park nearly every day, and see what goes on in there, good and bad. thanks for calling me out again, you pretentious asshole. maybe some of us have an idea of how things could be more smoothly run because we've worked in the industry for a little while. i'd imagine the park crew has an idea of how a terrain park should be run, dont you? park passes would certainly help make their jobs easier. i'd guess that ski patrol wouldnt mind cleaning up a few less splattered bodies due to the implementation of park passes either. park passes WILL make the park safer for everyone who wants to be in there to use the park as it was intended. many have asked you before, but you continue to hide behind an online alias; how about you actually come up with one reason, besides the minimal implementation costs, as to why park passes are a bad idea. you're forgetting that when blue first began to allow boarders, they built a halfpipe specifically for said boarders. the sign, until a few years ago, read snowboarders only. no skiers were allowed in the halfpipe. this was a safety issue, since back then, skis werent really suited for halfpipe riding. the addition of park passes addresses a safety issue as well. sure, people on skis poached the pipe, and people would probably due so on sidewinder if a park pass was implemented, but it would keep the majority of the uneducated and underskilled out. i have respect for you for waiting your turn at the top of the lower park, and i do my best to respect the wishes of everyone else who does so, so that they get thier turn to hit the features as well. however, what you are complaining about is mostly due to a design flaw of the park itself. the bigger side of the jump in the lower park was far to large to clear from starting at the top of the lower park on most days. i'm not going to tell you otherwise; i was one of those kids who was rolling in from lower sidewinder to hit the jump. when i was doing so, i called my drop from above at the top of my lungs, and we always used a spotter at the top of the lower park to warn everyone that we were dropping. i dont feel that anything out of that process was uncalled for, and although it should not have been necesary to hit that jump, it was. if someone did drop while i was rolling in, i only hit the jump if i was sure they would not be in my way, or i in thiers. i apoligize if i ever personally cut you off, but as i said, the construction of the park is what leads to such things. hopefully things will be different next year.
  2. i think you're missing the point. the park can be packed for all i care, as long as the people who are in there are educated and not doing things that are unnecesarily endangering themselves or others. i'm all for people progressing, and if someone is in the park and comes up to me asking for advice, i'm more than willing to share. its the people who are completely clueless that we have problems with.
  3. they measured it, with a tape measure, to be either 72 or 73 feet, when it was at its biggest for slopestyle the first weekend in march.
  4. you're still safe, most bindings adjust in 5mm or so increments. my brother and i have boots that are 2mm apart and we can swap skis without any problems.
  5. my only gripe was that stupid duck that the rental shop people let loose right in front of me. holding a grudge, perhaps?
  6. in blue's defense, the lips were wider earlier in the season. people get in the park who shouldnt be and ride off the sides of the lips. this wears down the lips to what you saw towards the end of the season. yet another reason for park passes, perhaps?
  7. Justo8484

    Public Enemy

    you can still ski a wide ski on the east coast. my 4frnts are a 92 waist and they hold an edge just fine. they have a 25m turning radius, so they are by no means a quick turning ski, but for fast cruising or bombing challenge or razors, they're awesome. the PEs, if they are this years, are an 85 waist, which is a nice size for a go anywhere, do anything ski. i actually preferred this years to the older version, which had an 80mm waist. they're a fun ski that can handle anything you can throw at them, except for maybe a super icy slalom course. they may not be the best ski for you if you want to run a lot of nastar with them, but they'll work awesome for you in crud, fresh, or late season slush, as well as rip on the groomers too.
  8. yeah, the allstar comes with the motion binding system, which is based on a rail built into the ski that the binding mounts onto, but there is drilling involved for the piston lever arm, so its not just sliding a binding onto the ski and locking it with a pin as the motion system has been in the past. i know jeff will disagree with me on this one, since he mounts his skis himself, but, i dont trust a binding until it has been tested for accurate release. i like the reassurance of knowing that my binding will come off when it should. a few dollars for at least a binding check could end up saving you thousands in medical bills and a shortened ski season.
  9. originally, i dont know. so i had some typos, and he caught me; good job to him. what i originally did, i do not know. honestly, i dont really care either. making up an alias and then calling me out is definately the most mature way of going about things though, dont you think? after this past weekend, i'm sick of insignificant little verbal battles; there's been way too much of that going on at blue this year. this weekend was nice; everyone in the park got along who had previously been at each others' throats (with the except of an ignorant ski patroller and a 13 year old with an ego bigger than his vocabulary). it was fun having everyone on good terms and just taking laps ripping up the park with a big crew again. soap operas suck on tv; i'm glad skiing isnt one anymore.
  10. that was me. that wetsuit got kinda warm by the end, it was kinda gross. i didnt even get wet so the suit didnt really get put to its real use. oh well, it was a good time.
  11. gondolas cause me trouble because the baskets are never big enough for my skis. the tails are turned up, so i at least have to split them, and usually they are too wide to fit as well, so i have to bring them inside the gondola. you would think some lift manufacturer would make a newer basket to fit wider skis that are far more common today, especially out west at places like steamboat. that description is so dead on. i couldnt deal with that mountain; its way too crowded. you have to worry more about other people hitting you than trying to land your trick.
  12. actually, i was my skis pretty much once a week. i know what oxidation is, but it seems like this year, more than any other, there's a lot more crap on my bases than ever before. i've never seen a base get that crudded up that quickly before, and my skis are not the only ones i've seen it happen to, do dont go claiming that i have no idea what i am talking about. i know what the snowmax stuff is; its a chemical made from bacteria which gives the water a particle to nucleate around. as for nestors hurting for help, i've worked there for six years. if a was as dumb as you say i am, dont you think i would have been replaced by now? i'll go get a TUNNING lesson from tony if you go get a spelling and grammar lesson from my first grade teacher.
  13. pond skimming was so much fun! way more fun than the rail jam or slopestyle, and everything was run much more smoothly too. anyone see that plastic duck with skis that cut me off on my first run? where'd that thing come from?
  14. from what i've heard, the turns wont be an issue next year. also, i was told there's going to be a lot more stock flat rails and boxes so there's some sort of middle ground instead of going from easy boxes right into technical rails. the flat down rail up top, as haggard and warped as it is, is still really fun for me, because its nice and long.
  15. oh, and i hope your friend didnt get the guns to ride around here.
  16. toast and method covered pretty much everything i needed to say. in case you didnt notice, the ski shop is pretty much shut down at nestors right now. we're running a minimal staff, and the tech is primarily focusing on building bikes right now, and not working 10-9 like he was during ski season, so sorry for not being able to mount a pair of skis on the spot when we most likely had no one on staff certified to mount bindings. as far as i know, blue is the only place that will warrenty product with their own stock. i've done it before. its pocket change for them. they dont live and die on the sales they make in their shop like a full ski shop does, therefore they can afford to take the risk of a ski maybe not being replaced. as far as getting k2's through them, you'd be getting them through the rep (who's a great guy, by the way), but i dont believe their shop will be stocking them, in which case you would still have to send your skis back to k2 for a warrenty issue. from personal experiences i and others have had, getting your skis mounted at blue is a near death sentence. for one, just because they say their techs may be certified does not mean they know what they are doing. i worked there, and know what it takes to get certified up there. they've drilled through skis and screwed people over because of it. also, ask them if they ran a binding check on your stuff, and make sure you get the paperwork. they never did on my stuff, and my bindings kept prereleasing because they didnt check to make sure the toe height and wing adjustments were correct. thats one of the reasons our services may take a day or two to get your skis back to you, and why we charge what we do. we check your stuff out to make sure its working properly so you dont tear your acl due to something wrong with the binding that would otherwise go unnoticed. you should probably not make unfounded, biased claims when you dont know half of whats actually going on, it only makes you look dumb. and to answer your last question cadillac, no, we dont charge to mount a board. we do it on the spot, and tweak the angles, straps, and forward lean on the bindings so they are set exactly to your preference and riding style.
  17. so for all of you hating on my gear, i'm going to continue to support line. the tips started splitting apart, like back in january. i called up line, and said what was going on, that i was calling from a shop, but i never said the skis were mine. kim from their customer service department said that i could do whatever i needed to to the skis to get them to last the rest of the season, as long as i didnt use a saw, screws, or rivets. i glued them back together, threw some duct tape over top, and the tips have been pretty much fine since then. from all the abuse they've taken, i only have one edge crack, and toast or trevor can attest to the beating i put on them. so yeah, the heel peice ripped out today. sucks, but it could happen on any ski. i'll just throw helicoils in the skil, slap the heelpeice back on, and ride them the rest of the season, then send them back to line for next year's skis. their customer service has treated me great. as for the look bindings, we stocked up on the old ones too, but have since pretty much sold out. the new ones work just as well anyway; the only drawback i've found is that they have a longer mounting pattern, but that very well may have been enough to keep the heel from ripping out of my ski tonight. the fact that the heel piece no longer pivots doesnt have any effect on how they release, because if you look at the new heel, it still allows your boot to pivot on the tibial axis on a toe release. i'll ride mine til they break, but i'm not entirely opposed to the new heel.
  18. toaster, kt, and myself should be there around the usual 2:30, 3:00 time. nice day out so we'll be filming in the park.
  19. thank you trevor for bringing up this topic. hopefully keith and sabia take a look, cause there's some good suggestions in here. as for sidewinder, IF they actually get around to widening the rest of it this summer, a 3 or 4 hit jump line would be awesome. the two mini tables they have right now (one with the flat box on it) were awesome the first day or so after they built them, but they just got trashed so quickly, and have kept shrinking since then. tables, in my opinion, are much more fun, and a lot safer than stepdowns. unfortunately, at blue, with the amount of traffic in the park, they get beat up pretty bad. a park pass could definately help in that respect. as for rails, i believe someone said it already, but, longer, mellower lips would be fun. the lip onto the up flat has been really nice all year. its long, smooth, and doesnt have a ton of kick to it, but it puts you right up onto the rail perfectly as long as you hit it fast enough. thats how a lip should be, unless its something like the staircase that should be set up urban style. the flatbox on the table is fun, but would be better if it was a few feet farther back from the lip, with the landing a little farther away as well. that way you wouldnt clear half of it if you come at it with any speed. also, there's tons of rails that arent out right now. next year, get every rail out somewhere. with the extra space, it shoudlnt be an issue. another issue that could be addressed, which is not really in the hands of the park crew, but, the snow has been awesome in the park the past few days where they actually blew. if they blew nice dry fluffy snow like that all the time, landings wouldnt get as icy and the park would be a lot more fun. the biggest issue a lot of people had with the jumps this year is that the landings did not match the lips. steeper and longer landing would make the jumps a lot nicer, but thats up to snowmaking i guess as to whether you have enough snow to do it. i found an article that gives some tips for building nice landings... http://www.newschoolers.com/ns3/web/conten...6&hide_header=& not sure if blue is capable of doing that, but i think it would help. the park was a huge improvement this year, and hopefully it gets even better next year.
  20. ^ yeah, i suppose i would count that too, but that doesnt really happen around here, unfortunately.
  21. the way i count it, is that it counts as a day if it requires a lift ticket or season pass to ride. so for me, i'd be well over 100 counting chris's carpet, pre season rail jams, and various urban rail missions, but i didnt need a lift ticket for any of those, so i dont count them. i'm closing in on 80...
  22. hmmm i forgot about the upenn rink... the flyers skate zones melt all their snow.
  23. it takes me about an hour and a half to get to blue from philly. uDel is definately south of philly, so i dont really see how you're going to pull off an hour and twenty. its worth the drive though!
  24. i'm pretty sure blue already does use chemicals in their snowmaking to make it last longer and freeze more solidly. i dont remember the name of it, but if you look at your bases after riding there for a few days, you can see a white residue on them, which i believe is from the chemicals.
  25. its decent. i wouldnt say its awesome, but the rails are still set up pretty well, and there are two decent jumps and a few small crappy ones as well. supposedly they blew snow on it last night.
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