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Everything posted by PSUFrankenstein

  1. Sounds good. I'm hoping for a good amount of natural snow at some point for blue Knob and some other mountains
  2. I purchased an indy pass this morning...not looking like I'll do a trip out west this year, so this will give me the option to hit some places in the East where I can do some shorter trips
  3. You'll love them. They're light, well cushioned, and pretty flexy, which is good for your riding style and all your trickery
  4. Nice, I have union bindings on both boards...contact pro on one and force on the other. Best bindings I've had
  5. Hot/mulled, spiced beer is also good...a lot of bars in Poland served it when I was there. 1 bottle of your favorite beer (or go with something a bit darker, to the the full flavor of hops and barley 3 cloves 1 tbs of honey 1/2 stick of cinnamon (or 1/4 tsp powdered cinnamon) 1/4 cup of orange juice or juice of 1/2 orange (or any other juice)
  6. Local dive bar used to have a boilo competition...people would just bring their own and everyone would sample it and vote. Thinking about it now, probably wasn't a great idea to drink random homemade concoctions
  7. Still lists ages 6 to 69...I may look into this or the under 5 season pass too. Would be nice to bring my daughter out to try to get started ok the snow. On an unrelated note, you can also get a free "pre-k" season pass to dorney park, got one for my daughter a few weeks ago
  8. False albacore. Awesome fish to catch but I've heard they're not good to eat.
  9. I've never found much at the tent sales. I was going to hit the one in reading this week. Maybe tomorrow but I don't really expect much
  10. Haha that's my wife so I don't think you've had fun with her (I'd say she wouldn't lower her standards to hang out with you but I'm definitely not normal either so....)
  11. Haha. Afterwards she told me I probably could've fished. It was a pretty low key wedding, less than 75 people. Here's a pic for you GSS...
  12. I went to a wedding last night on the Delaware river near easton. I got a speech beforehand that I wasn't allowed to fish while at the wedding
  13. I was hoping for a pic of a delco wedding...
  14. Probably just a suggestion. I'd ignore it
  15. Lancaster county looked awful this morning. Attempted to drive to work...222 south was shut down, couldn't find a back road that wasn't closed. Said fuck it and went home after an hour of driving. No pics of the flooding unfortunately but it was bad
  16. I showed my wife pics from the end of the season party. She was very impressed with your mullet
  17. Took my daughter to the zoo/safari in Halifax today. Cool place and you can feed most of the animals as long as it's the stuff they sell there (stands that sell plain popcorn, vegetables, and a few other things)
  18. Damn man that sucks. Probably a bad time to be looking for a new car/truck too
  19. Could be other smaller resorts in PA like laurel mountain (near Blue Knob, which is on the pass), Tussey, etc..I'm interested too
  20. Been probably 3 years but shady maple is awesome.. especially breakfast
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