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Everything posted by Benm

  1. They are usually very bearish. Yesterday, the AM weatherman said there was a "possibility this misses us south." Today, we were going to get at least some "shovelable snow." On the evening news, this was the graphic tonight. I'm gettin hype.
  2. sister in law / nephew are coming up but i'll prob get lost in palmerton omw to drop off the trash on sat... sunday dunno, maybe a later session if not in the AM
  3. you forgot one that had eluded me for quite some time but i finally figured it out maybe a month ago -- QFT
  4. i yell it all the time on my drive speed up jackass or pull over
  5. i went down thurs and i remember seeing one, can't remember where it was but i can remember giving it a one finger wave.
  6. thanks, i am seeing that now. i thought it was someone standing on top of a car. sort of related - nobody else here prob gives a shit about google satellite images but google updated their map imagery for my area in the last week. they must have done it right after i mowed (so, lines) and my yard isn't a disaster (prob because i had just mowed and needed to clean up). every time i mow, i hope google takes the photo right after and it actually happened. sorry, i'm just really excited and have to tell someone.
  7. i have no clue based on that little baby thumbnail
  8. they are parked with a big array of shit on the top of the roof. always white and unmarked but clearly visible if you pay attn. i feel like they have even more stuff on the top than this photo.
  9. learn from ridge's wisdom salty. if i want shit to get done i am always doing it over the phone and it always yields a better result. it's much easier for people to ignore emails than a phone call.
  10. ... i don't get it. another fun fact, you are def the least confused person on this board - 3 - and one was just a few min ago. i stand corrected. tp4 is the least confused.
  11. you're right. and wow, you've only used the sad face once.
  12. Hi Rummy (autocorrected to yummy lol) we need to buy tix at window it looks like or am I wrong? Can you confirm? Thanks.
  13. Benm

    Zee Lights

    Regardless of extra ski days, an early April close would work out very, very well for me with shit I've got going on. Here's hoping.
  14. its a fuckin hill in palmerton that somehow has the highest vert in PA. dude said today it's been obscene with how many visitors they've gotten this year. current model seems to be working out just fine. stop.
  15. i prob lose 1mpg with the amount of the chips and candy canes that aren't leaving my truck anytime soon, so that'll be with me. i can bring something of substance tho. let me think about it.
  16. sounds like it. i'm still in. if there's anything i can bring, let me know.
  17. forgot the most important #4 end tailgating.
  18. 430 vs +1K yeah there is an extra cost. edit: thought i was in one of salty's threads so im just gonna stop here before i derail things
  19. i sure hope blue doesn't join one of those groups, at least not in the near term. ikon/epic/whatever passes would be a death blow to my skiing.
  20. that's what it seems like. hopefully we get something out of it.
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