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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Brian

    Getting into skiiing

    I think you'll be fine renting daily. When you rented a board, you were experienced going in.. and "trained" to your own board. So you basically had to relearn a few things to get the right feel for it. Just starting out skiing.. you won't have that experience working against you. If you struggle at first.. it won't be the equipment, it'll be the lack of experience/skill holding you back. Once you get the basics of skiing down, then you can start worrying about your gear and using the same setup.
  2. Can appreciate the attempt.. but I was only able to get 35 seconds into this.
  3. I agree with you tb. My point really only applies to PASR Sno Mountain's regulars. Pretty much the ones who've had issues with the site for years now.
  4. I second this. There have been a few things Sno's done that some people don't like or agree with, but for the most part they've done so many things really right for the mountain. I can't believe that they'd improve the snow making, the lodge, the rental shops, the terrain, etc etc etc while totally ignoring the glaring problem with the site. So if that's the case peeps.. I say just close your eyes to the site. Don't ski Sno for their professional site (of lack thereof)... just hope that all the improvements to the other areas are enough to make you forget about snomtn.com
  5. Brian


    I'm bumping this thread because I'm now in the market for one. It's neat to see all the predictive comments in this thread like which recording formats are just fads and will die out. My question is: If I don't intend to record movies to display on an HD TV, and just intend on making movies for sharing on the Internet and/or Youtube.... Will an HD camcorder be a waste? Or will an HD camcorder provide better image quality because the resolution is high enough? As of now, I'm looking for a very high quality standard def camcorder for the following (uneducated and perhaps misguided) reasons: I want as high of quality shots in low light since a lot of my shots will come from after-work riding. I know this is tough for all camcorders, but some do perform better than others. I want near perfect colors for bluebird days. If I get the same result from a high-priced camcorder as I do from my shitty camera phone, nerd rage inc. That's pretty much it. It doesn't have to be High-Def.. since the end movie size will be small... but if I get grainy/noisy video that makes the result look like crap I'll be pissed I spent so much. I'm leaning towards something like: http://www.camcorderinfo.com/content/JVC-Everio-GZ-MG670-Camcorder-Review-36240/Product-Tour.htm
  6. Wasn't Boulder one of the firsts on the East Coast last season?
  7. Personally imo... besides crashes and perhaps an untarnished god-like legacy, there really isn't any negative to an individual athlete competing past his or her prime. It's not like they're using up a roster spot, or preventing a team from bettering themselves, right?
  8. LOL You fooled meh Toast.
  9. Yeah, MDP is just doing the compilation this year and aren't putting out any more, from what I've heard. I've liked Absynthe's More. Maybe that's who I'll go with (along with Standard) from here on out.
  10. I noticed a new home page yesterday. So perhaps they're revamping the site.. or just doing some kind of update.
  11. I'm totally out of the loop too. I usually get Standard's and Mack Dawg's.
  12. It's still one of the cheapest season passes. Elk runs at what, $650 for the early pass? I've been itching to get up there to see if I can see the changes (lights/trees).
  13. Hot damn! I'm sooo happy that I ... can't stop cryin'. I'm soo happy, I'm laughing through my tears. /highfive Dood! I know you're a loyal Sno customer, and meant that in a much nicer way than it came out... but let's not be prickish and call out our mountain rep!
  14. Anyone know Taos's business situation since opening their doors/lifts to boarders?
  15. Meh, as a skier/snowboarder mix myself.. I really don't care. They can have their little skiers-only club with it's 1980's feel to it. Business wise, I think they're probably hurting themselves more than they're helping. Which skier here wants to go up to MRG solely because there aren't any snowboarders? But then again, how many mountains are there spread across this country? You gotta find your niche and market yourselves somehow. Think back only a few years ago.. certain mountains re-invented themselves as park resorts. Their draw was they had some of the best pipes and parks. Now it seems you're not a park resort unless EVERY TRAIL on the mountain has a park on it. It's got to be a tough business to be in.
  16. A group of us did league racing at Blue this year. Our team name was PASkiandRide.com... 7 real cool mature peeps got together, represented the site well (came in at a real decent finish in the standings), and had a real good time. I truly don't believe that this site has such a bad image that an office full of Blue Mountain representatives would "totally freak out"........ ....unless you were just joking. If so, you got me twice.
  17. Plant trees (not a hippy). The upper mountain can be brutally hit by wind. Plus it'll bring back the feeling of skiing/riding on TRAILS.. not wide open boulder fields. Get the halfpipe up sooner (the smaller one, the jumbo one understandably takes much longer to create). Put a clock in the lodge. I couldn't begin to tell you how much their employees get asked by kids with no cell phones what time it is. Raise the white lights! Bravo on the new white lights, but please install any further lights you get MUCH higher! The chicken wings in the bar aren't good at all (not the mountain's fault, I know... just let them know). Uhmm... finally, be prepared for next season. I know the mountain is trying to get the water park stuff taken care of asap, but please do a better job preparing for the next season before the next season begins. Test the equipment, do trial runs, etc. I really don't want to wait 1 month after the season starts until the season pass printer is working/replaced. Besides the light installation and tree-planting, these ideas aren't that costly. While I would LOVE a high-speed lift and them to pour money into blowing round the clock, I can live with what they've done so far. It's great what they've done so far and each year they have something new, something better. I can't wait to see what they do for next season. edit: grammar.
  18. Brian


    I already put all my stuff away. I know... fair-weather snowboarder.. but at least the lake I go wakeboarding at has finally thawed. Time to prepare for that! True. March not only lacked any chances to blow.. but it seems like every day it rained or was super warm. Surprised the snow lasted as long as it did.
  19. Brian


    Sno blew sooo much snow last year.. I guess they won't be doing that every year (or ever again). To be honest, I've put away my snowboard after I got home from Killington on the 8th.
  20. I should be there. I'll look for you.
  21. Welcome back.. glad you remembered where PASR was!
  22. Brian

    web site

    It's kinda like I just want to volunteer to do it for free just because it bothers me so much..
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