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Posts posted by Barb

  1. 2 hours ago, indiggio said:

    'Crested Butte declared a Housing Disaster Emergency in June, stating that “the current lack of available, affordable workforce housing is threatening the livelihood and character of the town, its citizens, and its businesses.”'


    I have seen this article.  It is not just Crested Butte experiencing this problem. There is no easy solution. So far they have voted to impose an extra $2500 per year affordable housing fee on people like me who don’t long term rent their homes to locals. I believe it goes into effect this year. They originally wanted $10,000 so I guess it could be worse. 

    But as I have said to friends on this topic many times; I would never long term rent my place because then I couldn’t use it. So it would sit dark when I am not there. The renters go out to dinner, spend money at the mountain, on t-shirts etc. In  addition they pay a STR tax, I pay a STR license fee. So there is money going to the town.  

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  2. So my knee wasn’t feeling great and I went to an orthopedic guy here. I have a hairline fracture of my tibial plateau and a rather large bone bruise but all ligaments are intact (thankfully). Doc said TP fractures can be very nasty so I was lucky mine was minor.  Was cleared to ride a Stationary bike so you bet my ass will be on one tomorrow. My fitness watch is already telling me I am a crusty old lady and I better step it up. 

    Had to cancel a hut trip I had scheduled for this weekend but they were nice enough to extend a credit for next season. Will be down 6-8 weeks and start PT next week. Could have been worse, I can deal with 6-8 weeks. There might be some snow left in May for me to play on if all goes well. 

    • Sad 5
  3. Maybe Dan is bad luck?  First run of the day, caught an edge, went down, felt my knee pop. I refused to have another sled ride so carefully made it down to the on mountain ER. When I unclicked my ski felt a sharp pain that almost knocked me over. Doc says he believes I dislocated knee cap and the pain was it snapping back in. Banged it up pretty good and bruised the cartilage   Underneath. Hopefully in a few days I will be feeling better but no skiing the rest of Dan’s time here. 

    luckily my friend is here keeping him company.  Womp womp 

    • Sad 9
  4. Dan out  on the mountain and I wanted to snowshoe today to rest my weary legs. Headed out to Washington gulch where you snowshoe the road and after a mile or so can cut into trees. Thought that area would be safe. Avy danger marked a 4 (high) today and watching some CB avalanche center videos stuff is real reactive and unstable. 

    Anyway, got the the TH and was the only person there and no tracks, skis or snowshoes, had been laid yet. Started out and looking at slopes to my right that normally I don’t pay attention to, looked ominous. If they slid, would probably knock me off road down other side which goes into the river. I did have my beacon on (always wear it) but was totally alone and just thought, nope, not today. 




    Someone going to have a hard time digging out their snowmobile.


    So guess I am just taking a rest day.  Getting a head start on making beef stew for Dan’s dinner 


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    • Confused 1
  5. 3 hours ago, GrilledSteezeSandwich said:

    Did you ski before you became a boarder?  For big mountains, a snowboard is an inferior means of transportation.  

    Skied once a year on bunny hills growing up. Started boarding early 30’s because my son thought it would be fun if we both learned how together. 

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  6. I can’t remember the last time I skied powder.  First run I was all over the place and fell once. By run #2 I was sort of finding a rhythm, but going slow. After the 4th powder run my legs were feeling it and I didn’t want Dan to have to wait for me anymore so we split up. The snow got easier the more it tracked out but by then my legs were tired.  Didn’t want to be all used up on day 1.

    • Like 5
  7. https://www.skimag.com/news/vail-resorts-record-ski-passes-overcrowding/?utm_source=ski+magazine&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=8db3dd42-0f9f-412a-90e9-f910517a3fde




    I can’t find the Arapahoe Basin article right now but that one outlines how they lowered the number of season passes sold to preserve the skier experience. The current Vail business model is not sustainable. I read how they eliminated a lot of on mountain managerial positions and centralized it to corporate HQ in Broomfield. So they are applying a one size fits all model to snowmaking, terrain opening etc. I feel if Vail insists on paying slave wages that are a joke for mountain towns, they need to provide some sort of employee housing or stipend. 

    • Like 4
  8. Did a tour up Snodgrass this morning. Shedding layers early on and at 5 degrees in the sun it felt very warm. 

    went about 1.5 miles up, realizing the snow was complete shit, we turned around. It was total boiler plate ice. Made me realize how good the mountain is doing with what they have. 


    Overall a gorgeous morning, the sky couldn’t get any bluer.  My goal today was to get some cardio in and mission accomplished. 

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