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Everything posted by Mixilplix

  1. Bear Creek wasn't crowded at all today.
  2. Here is some of the new stuff on Cascade for those that have not seen it.The snow was really nice from about mid morning on.
  3. I don't know much about the lodge food,but the food in the bar/restaurant is great.
  4. Ban him til he can prove that he can write a legible post.
  5. Look at what Southern Management did with the old Doe Mt.It was a run down ski area and in eight years look at what they did.A nice lodge and hotel,great snow making,and a really nice park.The place operates year round also....... If you are a local think about this.....Management doesn't make alot of money from you,they make money on the day and weekend trippers.So to attract them you have to have nice amenaties(lodge,hotel,nice snow,etc)...So to pay for all that you need to raise prices....alot.Then you also have to deal with the crowds that come there..If you think it Blue gets crowded now just think what it would be like if they had facilities like BC..it would be insane As a local at BC/Doe Mt for many years, I love what they have done on the mt(snow/grooming/lifts) but there is a whole different vibe about the place now. It's a double edge sword.
  6. I just got back from a two hour session..really foggy at the top....Snow was a mixed bag..some spots were really crusty,yet other spots it was nice and firm.Park crew was out tidying things up.Corrugated pipes been moved down to the stall bar area.Lots of wet/drippy chairs....Still a great time.
  7. I'm glad there finally opening the other side of the mt. tomorrow.
  8. Doesn't bother me either...Kinda glad to see them doing more than the have in the past.
  9. Carry somethin that does...That battle rap would be a #1 hit!
  10. Get it on the iPhone for all to see and hear......
  11. It was pretty good for opening day...I got there at 9;30 and thought the lot would be full but I got a parkin spot pretty close.Park seemed to be in great shape.On black bear and kodiak the snow was a mixed bag.Lot's of familiar faces.My day ended early after a nasty fall doin a little ollie off of the landing on the second hit in the jump line.Totally miss judged everything.Glad I was wearin a helmetThis led me to the bar at about 11:45 to enjoy a nice Guinness beer float.
  12. It's gonna be a total cluster fuck tomorrow,but I'll be there.
  13. Why are you opening at 10am and not the normal time?
  14. I have a friend that goes to school out that way..She said her schools ski club goes to Peek&Peak,but i don't know if she's been there yet.
  15. I'm thinkin on it..I can only do the morning plus it's only 1/2 price...Conditions will prolly suck, but maybe mother nature will help out a little.I wish Boulder or Camelback did morning tickets.
  16. Sounds interesting......On another note I just found out Boulder doesn't do just a morning ticket...I wanted to ride there tomorrow before the rain.
  17. Nice bronski at the end.....Gettin' ready for Blue...Major stoke to go riding.
  18. Cool....I always thought Elk has the best Eastern PA terrain.
  19. Since the lifts aint runnin I'm off to Blue til you open.....
  20. Those jumps are cool fo sho....But I wonder if that snow could have been used to get lift access open............
  21. I wear a Burton Ronin jacket.It's only a 5/5 but it works well for me.It was tough finding a color/style I liked.I'm not into all the print/lots of exterior pockets/zippers/fur hood thing.Just wanted a basic earth toned/one color shell.It's a bullet proof jacket.I've always felt Burton made durable soft goods,although they can get very pricey.
  22. Anybody ever ride a pair of these? I'm think about pullin the trigger on a set.I know about the technology, but I'd like to hear some opinons/thoughts on them.
  23. What's a "shredder board"? Have you tried to Email any companies with your questions? If you want to check out some alpine snowboard stuff try bomberonline chrisklug.com
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