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Everything posted by Mixilplix

  1. Super good time this morning..First few runs down either trail you could really let it go...Great weather....Started to get pretty rowdy a lil before noon...A worthy end of season morning...
  2. Beautiful but windy day at Blue...Things looked in great shape...First couple of runs down Razors was just unadulterated smoothness....Got slightly more spicy as the afternoon progressed...NM/DW is clean all the way down....Super fun early but it seemed to be the trail most people wanted to be on...They have a some of decent snow piles off to the side which I assume is for tomorrow....Some small scrapey spots here and there/small bumps but nothing to stop you from doing what you want....Coverage was most excellent for this time of year....The run out from DM/DW and home stretch where the only thin spots I noticed....Super fun time at Blue this afternoon...
  3. This morning was super fun...Blue pulled off some kinda black magic today...Mostly unrestricted runs down Razors..NM/DW was really nice too..Was a great way to spend Sunday morning...
  4. It was sooo much fun today...Good group...Fantastic food/drink and rowdy conditions..Top of Razors had a nice goat path for a bit..but got trashed pretty quick... Lazy was hit pretty hard ...Solid runs down NM/DW....Tip of the hat to Enjo for all he does...Everthing was delish..
  5. I think(although I may be wrong)Alpine mt was the first to allow snowboards...Rode there a couple of times....
  6. Pretty good snow shower in Macungie right now..
  7. Coverage way better than expected after the rain...First run down CS was slick with ice and some rocks starting to show..But it softened up to make a fun ride down the left side..Ungroomed Challenge was good...Everything off the quad rode nice...Never made it over to Main St side...Thanks to the beer fairy for the Brandy Stout...Super delish...and gave me a nice feeling on the ride home....
  8. Had the Chilli and a 420 Pale Ale....Ale was good...Chilli was meh....
  9. I rode with a long time ridin partner who I had not seen in quite a few years....Had to park at the top lot to redeem my buddy pass...I pulled in to park at the usual when I was met with a road block..That area is paid parking...The gravel lot sucks...Lower is soooo much better....Today was good...Lots of sun/no wind....Coming Soon was extra spicy....About 11:30 it softened up to a pretty sweet ride...Lots of crumbs here and there early....Super fun spring skiing...Rode from 9-1....Long session..Saw GSS,TP4and JLaw...and I think I saw ZZSlope....Had lunch and a beer Slope Side....Always good catching up with a friend you haven't seen in a long time...
  10. Today was a winner...Fantastic spring conditions...Great weather,good peeps,spring snow,and @enjoralas meats in the lot made it a super fun morning..
  11. Perfect day to get these mounted and off my to do list...
  12. Killer spring conditions at BC late afternoon....Snow was just buttery smooth...but firm enough that it didn't get all shredded up...Zero to hero in one lap....Place was pretty ghosted.....
  13. I dig the gaiters....Sometimes I wear mine XC to get the ol timey look...
  14. This morning was super fun....I thought everything rode nice except Lazy...Cold start with some dude gettin taken out by the second chair....
  15. It was kinda hit or miss today...Some nice fluff here and there,,,but some places it was just solid....Good morning of riding but I can still feel the knee injury I did a couple of weeks back...Nothing bad just a reminder that it happened... Saw this dude in his Canadian tux in guest service when I was trying to renew my pass....Neither Blue or I could find my $50 gift card so I said I'll come back...Chatted with Blue online when I got home and they sent me a new one...
  16. Some nice fast snow at the BC tonight...Rode for about an hour and a half...Not a lot of people there...I bounced at 6:15 and the parking lot looked like it was filling up....They got some good coverage from the past storms...and it looks like they are making snow...Was a fun evening session....
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixBU2-7C8cY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_zkNa7aPas
  18. Woke up at 5 to find it hat snowed 8-10....Shoveled driveway/walks/deck.....Road didn't look bad though....Don't get many chances to do non resort riding so I made my way to Pulpit Rock trail/road...Arrived around 8....Maybe 4 cars in the parking lot....About 30 with a brisk breeze...Absolutely fantastic skin up...Clouds broke for some blue sky.....The ride down was super floaty....At the bottom I put the skins back on and went around the reservoir and up the blue trail to the AT...Skinned back until it the trail had some pitch and was able to ride it back to the car ....Total distance 6.3 miles....Elevation gain 1385'....Somethin about earning your turns just feels good...One of the best days....
  19. Really good conditions at BC tonight....They produced some product last night,so there were some decent sized piles here and there...and It's kinda cool they let you ride on them while they drain....Big school night...Couple of times the line stretched..Even the stoner college kids runnin the lift were helping fill chairs....Coverage wise they are back in the game for a lil while...But still need to do some work here and there for a solid base...Fun evening..
  20. Good riding with ya....Yea crowds were low and the snow was good.....Colder than I thought it was gonna be....
  21. Some inbounds uphill at the BC ....Up Timberline..then about half way to the B lift on the old trail that's still there but never open....Then ride down and skin back up...Wet snow about 8 or so deep...Was fun to get the skins on again....Did about 4.5 miles.....Fairly quiet most of the morning....
  22. Snow is of the wet heavy type here in Macungie...
  23. Some nice soft snow at BC tonight....I could not believe how absolutely dead it was...It was like quiet riding the lift....Base is starting to show some signs of giving it up....But it kinda spices it up a bit.....It's been super fun ridin for like an hour or two right after work....
  24. That's good work Dan..... Would love to know what their time line is for the next 12 or so hours......
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