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Everything posted by RidgeRacer

  1. Arrived in the LP not too long ago. Snowed pretty much from the Catskills to Lake Placid. Didn't make road conditions too terrible on 87 but definitely forced me to keep the speeds down a bit. Still made pretty good time despite that. 73 (the road through Kean into LP) was sketchy in spots (pic below) which hopefully means good things for conditions on the mountain tomorrow. The stoke levels are pretty high right now. Headed to town now to find food and maybe a birthday present for my wife.
  2. I aim to please Doug. PASR is about to come alive with TRs from some of the best mountains on both coasts.
  3. I feel like there's a sexual reference there. Haha. No she's not which means I'm solo and blowing you mofos up with a running TR.
  4. Leaving around noon. I think I picked the right days to ski up there this week. Tomorrow should be good if the forecast holds. Possible 5 inches overnight on the mountain.
  5. Not salty at all. I could give a shit what you all think about my musical tastes to be quite honest.
  6. Out of the goodness of his heart Johnny Law is giving away skis given to him from an Adirondack skiing legend. 1) this isn't a one star thread for that reason alone. 2) if no one takes them you're stupid as shit.
  7. I'm kinda jelly. Had a feeling last night was probably good. We're approaching the time of year where Blue night sessions become the best. School groups are gone. Nice warmer weather with decent conditions, gets dark later, beautiful sunsets. etc.
  8. Stop being bullies guys.
  9. Can't tomorrow night. Leaving for LP Wednesday. Next skiing for me is Thursday at Faccia Bianco.
  10. Damn...all the good shit happens when I'm out of pocket. Got some readin' to do when I get home. Assuming fun stuff is happening here.
  11. I anticipate the slopes at Blue being just a bit more crowded again next year. Perhaps you and your crew being a part of that??
  12. That's much better but are they doing that again this year though? Wouldn't be surprised if it got phased out. Also there's no JFBB specific option which sucks for the locals around here.
  13. Sounds great but probably not very realistic. Each area should have a pass specific to that mountain IMO for a little less dough. I feel bad for the locals at liberty or whitetail who now need to drop all that coin just to ski their local hill.
  14. In looking at that ad again what may be even more egregious is that JFBB price. Is that right...$829?
  15. Tournament for my kid all day Saturday. Met with my cousin who I haven't seen in a while and her family this morning.
  16. Beautiful outside now. Wish I could ski Blue tonight. SMH
  17. Gonna sound like my Mom but dude...be careful.
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