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Hey all, Back from another fun session at Camelback mountain, the true mountain. Today was by far the best time anybody on PASR had skiing, it was so radical. In da house were me and some Jerrys. First run down The Rocket was sick dude, caught some radical stellar courdorouy which was far out. Next lapped Cliffhanger about 10 times which is the best run in the U.S.A., even better than any hill station slope in Wyoming. I probably hit 40 or maybe even 41 KM/H on Cliffy. It was sick seeing the waterpark and fancy hotel house lodge while flying down that amazing run. Next up was Nile Mile which was soo sick that some legends in Jackson Hole are hella jell that they couldn't be there today to soak in the glorious feeling of all those rad turns. The best part was there was no annoying perder to get in my face or slow my Elon skis down. Finally I went over to The Front Four and skied The Marjorie's Delight, The Hump and The Rocket again. It was devastating that The Asp was closed because they are blowing perder on Bass Lick, which is currently 100 percent ice with some aluminum cans on top. I think Bass Lick will be open by February 32. The lines were tolerable until 11 AM and then I decided to call it a day and have a gallon of Yoo-Hoo in the parking lot. I felt bad for those poor guys in Jackson Hole stuck in a blizzard while we have nice smooth groomed trails here in the Poconos. Hopefully they get back soon and ski Marjorie's Delight. JADIP
Hey all, looks like another grate weekend is coming up. Does anyone plan to be at Camelback this weekend for First Tra x?? Rumor has it Coolmoor carpet is open and maybe Marjorie's Delight will be groomed.
This is the Official Roll Call Thread for 2018-2019 Ski Season PASR Camelback Day. The date is Monday, March 4 at 9:00 am, at which time I will ascend the Stevenson Chair for the first time in almost a year to the astonishingly high elevation of nearly 2,000 feet in the Pocono Mountains and make an epic run down Nile Mile, then maybe Marjie's Delight and some other awesome black diamonds. There are discount tickets available at Buckman's for the low, low price of $42, and the best part is they're refundable, in case you decide not to ski one of the best mountains on the east coast (which would be insanity). So far those attending will be: - saltyant (83% chance of going) - Enjoralas (possibly) - Enjoralas's Dad (possibly) - and many, many more PASRs (definitely)
Hunter is grate! Very rad conditions, basically a 10/10. I got up at 4:30 am to get after it but it's been totally worth it. Not too crowded and grate perd! Current taking a coffee break at the Sonic and eating Captains Wafers and a bernaner, then time to get after it for 2 more hours. Sickbird
Attention PASR. Camelback Snowtubing will be closed tomorrow, February 28th, 2024. I am doing my part in letting everyone know in case hoards of PASRs were planning on making the long trip to the greatest ski resort in America, so you can plan on tubing another day like on February 29th.
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Jack Frost was grate. Skied 830-11. Bathrooms suck though, actually had to stand in line to wash my hands. What's up with that? Changing into my street clothes was a hassle. The stalls are so small. This mountain makes me grateful for the big wide open expanse of the Blue Mountain (the True Mountain) snowtubing bathrooms, where space for changing is plentiful.
Hey All, I'm back from a fun session at Blue mountain the true mountain. I rocked out to Lehigh valley regaee music, 50 cent and lil Kim on the drive up and arrived at the upper lot around 7:20am and the temperature was are 28 degrees under cloudy sky's. In the house were Atomic Jeff, JFBB Dan, PARidge, NMSki, Gah skier George, Indiggio, Kevin, Mother Nature and a few jerrys. I forgot if if I was first or second chair doesn't matter..was nice to be out skiing again and come around was prettt good, midway was playful conditions with push piles and edgeabke hardback. Easy out and vista were a delight and lower Main Street was the suck..just goofy slow sort of slick yet not smooth and bowling ball sized death cookie on left side..the base is deep though. Lift lines were a couple minutes to ten minutes long on average..may have got longer later although I noticed a lot of people were using the vista lift as well. They had both the Main Street and Burma chairs going but impossible to have full capacity on both lifts with just one section of two scanners. Oh well #FirstWorldProblems...I got a decent amount of runs in and had some good beers in the parking lot with falling snow...I'd say 2 solid inches as of 1230pm im sure a little more before it is all said and done. The fresh snow should groom in well with the manmade for solid skiing tomorrow but I also expect alot of crowds as the backyard affect is in full swing with snow in the flatlands. I really hope expect and want upper Main Street to open tomorrow the inversions have been a killer this season. I think that homestretch and tuts lane will be ready soon along with lazy mile..The guns never shut off while I was skiing and it's well below freezing and will be colder mid week so by next weekend should see a lot more terrain open. It's only day 6 and I don't think I've ever skied come around so much.
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At Camelback, greatest mountain in the world, rode with some eccentric old guy that was probably abducted by aliens. He says Camelback can't blow a lot of snow because they only have one snowmaking retention pond which is near the new Sullivan Six pack, and apparently the pond was full of mud recently! Everyone pray for rain so Camelback can refill its one snowmaking pond! Skiing was pretty good for the first hour and a half. Hump and Asp were very nice, just a little mashed perdatery on the flat run back to the lift. King Tut was garbage. The greens off the Nastar Glenn lift were nice and found some fresh courdoroy around 10 am. Once everyone found that area it got a little chunky. Overall a grate day at Camelback and exceeded my expectations until around 11 am.
Epic. Rad. Insane Gnarliness. Out of this world. These are just a few of the many phrases said throughout Camelback today. Personally, I myself am at a loss for words, because opening day could not have possibly been any better. The day everyone on PASR has been waiting for had finally arrived. I blew the dust off of my Hero Pass and headed toward the largest ski resort in Tannersville. Upon arrival around 7:50 am, I was expecting to join the peasants (non-season passholders) in Lot 3, since the awful news was broken the night before on Facebook that preferred parking is suddenly no longer a perk for season pass holders. But Lot 3 was mysteriously empty, and there was literally only one other car (pics below). I had virtually all of Lot 3 for pre-opening day festivities (i.e. putting on ski gear). After enduring the agonizing hardship of walking up a flight of steps in ski boots while carrying Elon skis, I gradually made my way to the queue for first chair. I was anticipating at least 200 people to be waiting, but to my surprise there were only 2 people in line, including the woman with a rainbow hat (now famous along with myself). It was now a 30 minute wait for first chair. Club music was blaring, so it was difficult to converse with fellow Camelbackians. But I did learn that the rainbow hatted woman's friend broke his arm at Blue last Friday, on the Black Diamond, on opening day. In light of this tragic news, I decided I would take it easy today and limit my speed to 39 mph (probably a world record) to avoid a similar fate. 10 minutes prior to launch, the anticipation was at insane levels. The camel came out to celebrate and high five everyone. Camera lights were going off in all directions as the paparazzi began snapping pictures left and right. As a result, I donned by fighter pilot style goggles (Smith I/OX) so no one would recognize me once I achieved celebrity status later that day by being featured in Camelback promos. Lift off time had come and gone. Apparently, the cat was making some last minute touchups to the powder high up on the pistes. Even though I could not contain my excitement, the delay was slightly irritating. 10 minutes had passed, and it was now 8:40. This travesty would later cost me one run. Finally, the big countdown came. The cheering commenced and I skied through the opening day sign with 3 other people to ride the 4 pack. However, 2 of the people irrevocably lost their chance at first chair of the season by making a gaper-level mistake, so I joined a man who had just returned from skiing in Vermont for the 3.5 minute lift ride. Conditions at the top of Upper Marc Antony, and elsewhere on the first run, were crazy good. Hard pack snow with fresh corduroy. I blasted away from the Sullivan lift as fast as I could, and before long I had the whole run to myself. I had never made the first civilian run of a season, so this was surely a life changing experience. From much discussion on PASR forums over the past week, I was concerned that coverage would be thin and sparse. But the guy from Vermont literally told me (yes, true story, not making this up) that they had been stockpiling snow at the top of the mountain over the past few weeks. My inclination is because it's easier (and cheaper) to push the snow downhill. The top of the hill is out of view from the 5 online webcams. I felt vindicated and have recorded audio from this anonymous source as proof. After reaching an exhilarating top speed of 34 mph (nearing world record speeds), I reached the bottom of Honeymoon and approached the Sullivan lift. The camel high-fived me and life was good. An official with a mic congratulated me for an excellent run, and fortunately I had not taken a fall and ruined this gnarly experience. After 5 runs, I decided to take a break and check out the free hot chocolate and sugar cookies. At this time, I overheard the magical news that they are giving away 1,800 snowtubing tickets to hotel guests (true story). So to everyone on PASR, definitely make time to stay at their hotel, before the tickets run out, and you too can galactic tube. Around this time I also met Ski2Live Live2Ski, who I would not have met if I had not noticed his white poles and lime green marking on his Volkl skis. Ski2Live and I did a few runs together before tragedy struck. In my futile attempt to perform aggressive carving on Upper Marc Antony (yes, a green hill), and show off in front of Ski2Live, I managed my first full yard-sale of the season. The powder was beginning to get tracked out, and I caught an edge. Fortunately, I was not injured except for my pride, and Ski2Live was cool about it and refrained from making gaper jokes. Shaken from this bad fall, I returned to making pizza on Upper Marc Antony for a while, since the narrowness of the piste makes it a little more difficult to make turns. By the end of the day, once conditions improved, I was skiing this piste like a badass again and returned to true parallel skiing. Ski2Live and I took a break. I had some free hot chocolate and scarfed down as many free sugar cookies as I could eat to avoid paying ridiculous food prices. Time was limited, since the slopes closed at 4:00 pm, so I skipped my normal routine of taking a mid-session lunch break at East Gourmet Buffet. Fortunately, the sugar from the free hot chocolate and cookies sustained my energy levels enough to allow me to make a whopping 51 runs, with 29,059 feet of vertical (actual proof below). Not too long after our break, Ski2Live departed to pursue band rehearsals, and I skied the remainder of the day mostly solo. On the final run of the day, I met a cool dude (also named Joe) who shares similar interests as me, and we conversed for a while even after the closure of the Sullivan Lift. Overall, the day was just awesome. Crowds were virtually non-existent, and we pretty much had the place to ourselves. There was never more than a 15 second wait on the Sullivan Lift, a stark contrast from what we'll have to deal with just one month from now. The only issue I had all day (besides the infamous yard sale) was snowboarders sporadically moving across the narrow Upper Marc Antony, with one near-miss. Also, it was sad to see 2 injuries and the use of the rescue toboggan on the first day. At the same time, it was entertaining watching 2 gapers walking down honeymoon after realizing they had bitten off more than they could chew. I am excited for many more trails to open next week and will post further trip reports. *** Bonus first run of the season video coming soon ***
Breckenridge was rad. Started at 8:27 under sunny sky's. There wasn't much fresh Perder but still found some secret stashes. Skied da groomers, da bowls, da moegools, and da glades. Pretty sick #JADIP #WTGAI #sickbird #gnarlybird
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@Schif any update on when we will have an awesome day at Eagle Rock next weekend, either 2/25 or 2/26? I plan to ski Predator for at least one whole hour
This is the moment everyone on this site has been waiting for. Camelback Mountain is officially opening on December 16! I highlighted the most exciting news: refreshments (maybe sugar cookies and hot cocoas) will be served; FIRST T.R.A.X. will commence; and there is a new app which may have a map so you won't get lost at Camelback!!! This is soooo sick!
Jack Frost was pretty rad. 4 blue trails open and mostly in grate shape, except for DeMattes Demise or whatever which had some cookies of death. Still way way better than that atrocious crapola Midway I've become accustomed to during early season. Plus I slept until 7:50 and still made it on time. Skied 1.5 hours, now drinking blistering hot coffee and consuming french Toast at the White Haven diner. #JADIP #WTGAI #DayOfKindness
Hey All, It’s almost another weekend and ski season. Is anybody planning on skiing Blue mountain the true mountain this Friday-Sunday? Looks like nice comfortable temperatures and some legit upper mountain terrain open. Maybe even some hard cider will be consumed in the parking lot. JADIP
Tomorrow I head to the 'dacks to ski Whiteface for 3 days - Wed. 2/3 through Fri 2/5. It's gonna be siiiiiick.
Wao, what a grate night at Montage. Arrived around 1800 and walked down like 100 steps to get my $30 discounted lift ticket, then walked up like 100 steps and moved my Chevy Sonic as close to the Phoebe lift as physically possible. Skied some blacks and double blacks like Cannonball, Smoke and White Lightning. Also did Lower Fast Track (dark and icy) and Lower Runaway (even more dark and icy). Then toured the flatlands (blues) at the top of the mountain for old time sake, and did 3 runs. It was a bit windy, cold, and flat so I went back down to the expert slopes which are protected from much of the wind. On my way down I skied Upper Fast Track which was pitch black much of the way. Boo. Skied more expert runs and mostly stuck to Boomer since they're blowing fresh perder and it was like literally amaze-balls for night skiing. The snow was nice and soft. Also did White Lightning a few times. The main Expert slopes (White lightning, Boomer, Smoke, & Cannonball) are very well lit compared to the rest of the mountain. Overall a grate night and conditions were pretty nice. Not a death cookie or sugar pile in sight, just a few slick spots here and there but nothing crazy. JADIP ice is nice.
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Hey All, It’s almost another weekend. Looks like dry comfortable weather is on tap. Who’s going to be in the house???
So, dont get me wrong, i like hanging out with you assholes, and conditions were great at Blue this past weekend, but we all know we cant have nice things 2 weekends in a row. Anyone interested in a road trip Friday or Saturday? I could easily be talked out of going to work on Friday, in fact, i would really almost prefer that. Elk? Greek Peak? I think Greek is skiing pretty well, but maybe @mbike-ski would have some "insider info?" Just for shits and giggles, take a look at the forecast for our northern areas for later this week. Car pool is cool, but my Vette only has room for 2, and you have to like Bud Light Lime, and Vanilla Ice.
Hey All, Its almost another weekend and presidents weekend at that. Is anybody gonna be skiing or riding Blue mountain the true mountain his Saturday or Sunday? Looks like almost a carbon copy of last weekend..chilly with snowmaking cannons cranking on Saturday and almost springlike on Sunday with no rain. Could be good!!!
Just got back from Camelback, the True Mountain. In the house was @saltyant and a lot of Jerrys. Pulled into the Gaper lot at 1700 hours and stepped into my RTMs to ski to the waterslide lift. Made gnarly runs on Nile Mile, Cliffhanger, and the green trail. Sadly I'm starting to forget the names of the trails since I'm getting old (almost 32) and haven't skied at Camelback enough. Cliffhanger was chock full of ice and giant moguls. All black diamonds were icy AF and my RTMs were making loud scraping sounds. Had some fun conversations on the lift. Talked to some cool older dude with a wolf hat he got in Utah in 1987, and told him his hat is older than myself and @AtomicSkier. When he was younger he biked a loop from Indiana to Yellowstone, so we talked about our road cycling adventures. Also rode the lift with a giant toolbag jabroni who had a backpack full of beers but lost it somewhere, and was drunk as a skunk. We rode up with an Ernst & Young consultant from downtown Manhattan and had an interesting conversation about life. Overall a great night and made a lot of epic runs. I still really like Camelback and maybe will get a season pass there again. JADIP.
Hey All, I'm back from a fun session at Blue mountain the true mountain. At 730AM it was around 2 degrees with 15-20mph winds actually warmer than expected. There were a lot of PASRs in the house including Atomic Jeff, Shadows, Enjorales, JFDan, Root, Ryan, Toast, Matt Edge, Johnny Law, Justo, the real KT, T maki, skier112, Indiggio, mbikeMike, Mrs Snowbunski and many others. As always the gates opened before the liftees got ok but first chair was had. I had a very nice first run on Razors before it was closed to the race team was between hardpack and aoftpack not bad challenge was good for run number two followed by nightmare to dreamweaver which was even better. Run number four usually would be sidewinder which was closed with five groomers grooming out the new blown snow compete with a winch cat Swithback was pretty good and I skied that three times total. It as a bit of a wind tunnel so I tucked the top half befor the two big turns. I didnt ski lazy mile because I heard it wasn't that good then back to nightmare dreamweaver and another challenge run which was still pretty nice and then we waited 2-3 minutes at the rope drop for sidewinder and high tailed it down and it was like Toasts favorite Katie perry song hot and cold. Some good areas and some bad. I skied another sidewinder run with matt edge behind shadows and hit the fresh manmade pow under the lift on the left side near the bottom. My feet ended up frozen everything else was ok and it took some effort to get boots off. I had some beers in the lot and thought about going back out with a few PASRs but my boots were solid as a rock and I got some really nice cord and empty runs today and will be back tomorrow. The ambient temperature will be colder initially but less wind
Really looks like some favorable snowmaking conditions come this weekend. Without a doubt, i would say BBEPIC fires up Thursday PM. At least i think based on the forecast, Peak would. we will see. Whats Blue gonna do? Is the carpet and massage parlor done at the lower lodge? Will it class the place up enough? Might need a hand to expedite the Blue Mountain PASR Parking Lot Lodge sooner than anticipated.