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Everything posted by RidgeRacer

  1. Apparently you don't give strike 3s either. Don't become an umpire.
  2. How many strike 2's does he get?
  3. Seriously. Did you bring your skis?
  4. Mount Bohemia is supposedly insane. Sent from my 6070O using Tapatalk
  5. A shitty pic of the Supermoon the other night.
  6. RidgeRacer


    That's great news Barb. Will this affect your ski season?
  7. Which beach? Been to Coronado before. One of the nicest non ski places I've ever been.
  8. I grabbed an Elk brochure at a local ski shop. To answer the OP's question, improvements are below. I'm sure we can all agree that nothing spells excitement like gearboxes and storage buildings "This past summer we continued with out tree planting program and concentrated our efforts on the Tioga spur trail by planting an additional 700 Norway and White Spruce trees. The summer months also allowed us to mow the slopes and trails with a newly purchased AEBI tractor.........lift C had a major overhaul with the gearbox rebuilt and lifts E & F were painted. Work is currently underway to complete the new storage building....this will provide us with off season storage for snowmaking, lift and vehicles"
  9. RideDE I'm only messing with you man.
  10. We knew all about this thanks to RideDE's...
  11. yeah that's happening. damn I should probably get off my ass and get the skis tuned. Was probably a test but still...
  12. I like the top. a) it's aesthetically pleasing with the outdoor heat lamps and the fire pits. The lower lot's potholes and tents aint cuttin' it. When the condos are built I'm never going to the bottom again. I enjoy clicking in and taking a run down vista / mainstreet to whatever to the six pack. Perhaps it's from skiing Frost all those years but I enjoy a run before riding the lift.
  13. Do you find yourself skipping right past the Diane seasons and going right to the Rebecca seasons? Classic Sammy in those episodes.
  14. haha. I'd rather punch myself in the face repeatedly then post on FB. PASR is like a corner bar where you'll find the same people sitting in the same barstools over the span of years. If new people try to frequent the bar, they are quickly made to feel uncomfortable to the point where the new person would never set foot in the bar again. You must really have to enjoy that bar for some ungodly reason (though you'll never admit it) to want to stick around. We're like Cheers...only less funny.
  15. That's actually hilarious. haha Another good one. Nice work on posting yesterday.
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