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Everything posted by Shadows

  1. i just want to see what kind of witty comments rick james will say about me posting in this thread.
  2. april fools. blue isnt having a rail jam
  3. boulder isnt under the radar. theyre over the price limit. 25 bucks to ski at a hill i could normally ski at for free or at the most 17 dollars. if i pay 25 dollars for a ticket the parks better be the best they can be, and stay that way through the whole day.
  4. pond skimming was lame. thats the only reason i didnt do it. really short, no jump, more of an official gathering than a jam session. really good last day. challenge/razors sucked pretty bad in the morning, grooming was terrible. open to close today. and 195's are some long ass skis. tons of pasr's today.
  5. yea, the end of march/beginning of april is usualyl bitter cold.
  6. let me know if you need bindings. i got some new ones for sale http://newschoolers.com/web/forums/readthr...read_id/289274/
  7. not worth it at all. theres no water ramps there or anything. just foam pits and tramps.
  8. they better. they have all week to push snow around.
  9. whos the guy on pipe cleaners? that was pretty sick my zero spins are nasty haha. so good. i should be up friday i suppose. how sick would that be if i had blue pants.
  10. mainstreet is gonna reopen this weekend as far as i know.
  11. i think it is. if everything is open/setup than yea its totally worth it
  12. the rain missed us so it was totally dry which made things even better. this was my first time to snotage. 1-930 session the mountain: layout is pretty sick. its like skiing two different mountains at once. the top is just one big bunny hill but the bottom has a good amount of cool terrain. i liked the feel of it a lot. made it seem like you were actually skiing a mountain and all of the commercialized crap like at other mtns is no where to be seen. secluded is a good word. loved it. white lightning wasnt what i expected "(one of) the steepest in the east"? nice try. if it was icy i probably wouldnt be able to make it down though (on park skis) haha. it is steep. i dont know what run it was called - boomer maybe - but the one with roller/step downs at the end was sweet. the park: id say a good 90% of the rails/boxes in the (big) park were closed. wtf. theres no way in hell your park should look like that if you maintain the features on a regular/daily basis. the lips were horrible. although in their defense every single rail/box wasnt set properly cause of the snow melt so there wasnt much point in shaping lips. they all wobbled. i dont know how long they have been like that, but if it was for more than 2 days, thats rediculous. lazy? i was just expecting a lot more cause of all this ryan neptune crap hype being thrown out of everyones ass. the construction of the rails/boxes looked really good. definitely has a ton of potential. BUT...square coping???? come on guys, you should know better. s box is one of the smoothest features ive ever hit (round coping). jumps were decent. huge amount of lip to them haha, a little over kill. i wish i wouldve came up earlier in the season when things were 100%. theres a good amount of park rats which was cool. wasnt really expecting that at all. thats about it for park. definitely check it out next season. should be sick. the lodge: a lodge is a lodge. one thing that bothered me though was the smell...of the tables. mad headaches like woah. and the price of food is "one of the highest in the east" haha the lift tickets... if you took a semester course of microsoft word in 7th grade, you could make your own lift tickets haha. so insanely sketchy. no bar code, no skiers code, no security features what so ever. the only thing they might change is the color. but i doubt it. just a date, and a time with a totally irrelevant/random picture of a truck in the background. it a piece of paper thats laminated haha. my only complaints of the night - aside from the park being pretty much closed - is the speed of the lifts, the amount of lights (not enough), and the lift transfer to get back to the top. ill definitely be back next season a few more times. oh, mad sinkholes too haha. felt like i was just gonna open up some huge crevace.
  13. why are you calling pipe cleaners ltds?
  14. brand new, in box. rossignol axial2 120TI din 3.5-12 silver post up offers. not totally sure im gonna sell these but if the price is right... nobody seems to be of the buying crowd on here, but its worth a shot. NS has been good to me so far though.
  15. Shadows

    Camels park

    im so sick of people using the "its new to us" argument. blue uses it too. its new to you, so what. there are plenty of people who know what they are doing.. and to get even easier...its not hard to pick up a shovel and experiment around a little bit with some snow. just look at a picture of a good park setup and if you have any skill at all you could do it. it all just depends on how much time/money you want to put into it.
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