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Posts posted by indiggio

  1. Yes, comp is on Challenge.


    Since there'll be 2 kickers, they might reseed them after the comp.


    There's still bumps on Main Street (Barney's) and on Nightmare as well as Lower Challenge.


    Plenty of bumps to ski at Blue till they close.

  2. This brings up another good point which is think about buying a ski that is inline with where you want your skiing to be.


    If your PE's aren't dead, keep them and ride them and maybe buy another ski that challenges you to ski things differently.

    Right on! Although that can get expensive (see next point)


    Also don't overlook the second hand market, lots and lots of people ski 10 days a year and sell their skis after two or three years. Almost any ski can take two mounts no problem and it will save you lots of money. 50$ grind can save your hundreds and then you can buy lots of skis and really figure out what it is your looking for in a pair of skis.

    Hit up the pre-season tent sales.


    Other year, picked up a pair of Fischer racers for like $70 that looked like they were used once, if that!


    Lots of people with money ski and they want the latest and greatest and are willing to give away their old stuff for practically nothing.

  3. I remember you saying you've skied in Japan before...I wanna visit sometime. I've heard Americans often get sick when they arrive in Japan. I'll take my chances. I also wanna checkout the karaoke scene!!!


    Guy at work got deathly ill over in Japan, some kind of heart issue.


    Was on disability for almost a year.


    I think I'd take my chances to ski that powder!

  4. The Line prophet 90 is an 18m radius traditional carver it's super similar to the PE and actually a good recommendation though it does have a metal laminate so it's going to be a smidge stiffer but you maybe didn't know any of that and that's a bad way to buy skis.



    Spot on!


    I have a pair of Line Prophet 100 and love them for long radius, all mountain carving on either hard ice, groomed and afternoon piles. Very fun ski!


    The metal laminate is great for cruising, especially noticeable at high speeds, where it dampens the chatter and makes the ski feel more stable.


    Forget them for bumps, too wide, too stiff! 90's would probably work better, but even they're too wide and the twin tips are annoying.

  5. But if stuff is closed they should have a rope across it. First time blue visitors prob see the run under the six pack as a regular trail. Almost every ski area has runs right under the lift except blue.

    When I was in high school me and my friend skied a closed trail at camelback when there was a foot of new snow. Apparently the rangers(yellow jackets) saw us through binoculars and we had our tickets clipped. Watched a safety video and then received our tickets again. The whole ordeal had me SMH shaking my Herman!!!


    No argument! Agree 100%, if they don't want people sliding it, rope it off!

    Damn! The entire place would be strung with orange tape!


    There are no signs that say you can't ski off piste, so they need to deal with it if they don't rope it off.

    The mountain is also being hypocritical by providing glades, enticing people to ski the trees.

  6. Definitely what the guys are saying, you're still fighting the mountain. Fear of speed, steep, whatever is the biggest cause of this, with the lack of experience thrown in.


    Learn to attack the mountain, don't react to it. See where you want to go and ignore what's under your feet (look further down the mountain).

    Your brain will remember what you see up ahead. Don't be looking down at your ski tips, you shouldn't see them in your field of view at all.


    Eventually, with more experience, your moves will become effortless, you'll surf the mountain and flow with the snow.

    Skiing will become very effortless and you won't be near as wiped out after a day, unless you're skiing the bumps! :-)


    When waiting in the lift lines, learn to lean on your boot tongues to get the feeling of leaning forward, then bend at the knees to put yourself into a stacked position.

  7. Put in a half day at Blue yesterday, since full days on weekends leave lots of sh!t to get done...


    At opening it was 10 at the summit to squeaky, fast snow. Titty sparkles could be seen on each lift ride.


    Razors was groomed to perfection and very fast, as was Challenge and Dreamweaver.


    Best trail still was Switchback with it's mix of natural and man-made and few skiers, made for an excellent carving extravaganza.


    Chute bumps were big with lots of ice between. Barney's were hard, but fun and lappable.


    Crowds were moderate, with early lines, but VIP was virtually empty. Doubles were packed.


    Hopefully the warm-up this week won't do too much to spoil the conditions.


  8. I've been noticing the lack of crowds as the lift ticket counters as well.


    Going out to grab snack around noon, there's hardly anybody in the ticket lines.


    However, some of this may be due to the ability to purchase tickets online at a discount.


    Also think that the mountains are pricing out many through the cost of a ticket.

    The price may be justifiable through the mountain's budget, but the same accounting doesn't apply to people's stagnant income levels and their budgets.

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  9. One thing is that there are alot less ski areas now than 20-30 years ago. I believe liftlines used to be much longer back in the day with alot less lift capacity. Skier visits have been essentially flat for the past 20 years while the US population has grown significantly. Now most of the growth in population has been amoung lower income folks and mainly non whites.


    Indeed, we're quite spoiled by high-speed detachables.


    Start getting torqued if the wait in the VIP line is more than a couple of minutes...


    Forgot how bad it used to be when there were only the double doubles.

  10. ya, I guess in some places it isn't weird, but having a bucket full of paper covered in shit doesn't sound too appealing to me lol. my brother just got back from india and brought his own toilet paper


    Mother used to regale us with stories about using old corncobs and pages from Sears catalog for toilet paper when she grew up during depression...

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