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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. I used to have shoes called kangaroos which had a little zippered pocket in them.
  2. Correct the AC in my 350 square foot suite is pretty strong and loud so I usually turn it on when I go out and run an errand and by the time I’m back an hour or so later room is at like 64 degrees and it’s cool for a solid several hours.
  3. You presumed correct although I usually wear a shirt.
  4. I’ve never used powder. I prefer to just stand over the AC unit lol
  5. I watched a YouTube special on the guy who used to work for Facebook and invented the like button. Him and mark zuckerburg are boys and he creates various apps.
  6. It’s starting to get dark earlier..some random hot days but not Africa hot like a few weeks ago. Those days when the heat index is over 105 I get mall balls.
  7. They were talking about that in Alpinezone..they are gonna sell so many of them. Makes sense if your home mountain is already on the Ikon pass or you take two trips in a season to resorts on the Ikon pass. I think Toast got in on the student rate back in the spring for about the cost of lift tickets for a one week ski trip.
  8. If staring at my hands and nearly having an out of body experience counts as a jog than yes. I was actually outside a lot today. Was walking all over a an old cemetery that’s mad technical lots of roots and holes in the ground not stink holes sinkholes.
  9. You should have seen me last night after I ate half that cannabis chocolate bar.
  10. Is it due to putting hot smoke in your lungs?? At the bar the other night my friend had a pen and this one chick must have hit it six times straight. I said she reminded me of a kitchen utensil..a pot holder lol
  11. Did you wake and bake today? I’ve never been interested in growing. The price of MJ has come down in the last several years.
  12. Most of the teachers I know blaze. Have you ever been drug tested for a teaching position?
  13. Nice I was actually gonna ask you what you were wearing Hoe Moe
  14. It feels downright chilly outside. 70 degrees going down to 56
  15. Is this a new sport before or something you’ve been doing for awhile?
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