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Bear Creek's Conditions/Setup


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also today some one knocked over the barrel bonk on cascade and it was laying in the middle of the trail so me and another kid moved it to the side.


i got up around 3 and it just sucked. the snow, if i can even call it "snow" was basically an ice base with some gran over it. the only thing good were the jumps in black bear, i like the gran landings. hopefully the snow they are blowing right now will take care of everything. black bear does need to be redone. first they gotta take the step down back to normal cause for skiiers its hard as shit. they should put in a flat box like last year, widen the lip on the rightside of the staircase so u can actually come in from the right side n air on, put the C box they spent so much money on in, and fix up that slanted up red rail.

the jumps in black bear? i thought that the lips in black bear were extreamly steep. they were pretty poppy they were a different style that i need to get used to. everythime i hit the slight up box i was wayyy on my back foot or just went past that and ended up on my hip.

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true there is no flow in the parks at all.


in cascade you can't hit the 1st jump and the 2nd jump and if you hit the dfd then you can't hit the step up and if you hit the up flat gap down it is hard to get speed for the flat down rail and the 1/4 pipe just sucks


i have been sick and havn't hit the new blackbear park but from what i have heard is that to clear the 2nd jump line you have to 50-50 the flow and pump after to clear it and the big side is almost imposible to clear i don't know if that is true but that is what i heard.


that parks just have no flow

i can hit both jumps in cascade and easily carry enough speed to spin both. as for the dfd, you people requested it to go off the cliff so you cant bitch about its positioning. the ufd flows fine into the flat down. and if i do recall, i remember you saying you only hit the qp maybe 3 times, so i dont see how you can judge it. give it time i think it'll be fun.


as for blackbear the 2nd jumps are just a bit too big to hit easily coming off the up rails.


I <3 cascade to tubing runs!

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tubing park is great but cascade could use a little more flow


i can't rotate the 1st and second jump it seems the 1st lip shots you to the right and the lip of the 2nd is to the left of where you land and the tight turn makes you lose speed


that is just what i think

Edited by Mini Zep
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also today some one knocked over the barrel bonk on cascade and it was laying in the middle of the trail so me and another kid moved it to the side.



the jumps in black bear? i thought that the lips in black bear were extreamly steep. they were pretty poppy they were a different style that i need to get used to. everythime i hit the slight up box i was wayyy on my back foot or just went past that and ended up on my hip.



yes, the lips were extremely steep, and u did end up landing either backseat or not landing at all. With a steep jump it is important to remember to get speed and lean a little more forward than usual. This will give u the right amount of pop, while keepin u even in the air. especially with spins it is easy to get thrown off backwards and end up landing on your butt/side on a steeper lip. I noticed they had a steep lip to the box next to the red rail. It was probably for the slopestlye to make it challening, idk, today was balls. wtf is goin on bear?? just go back to last years set up, n then everyone posting here doesnt have to bitch about everything.


and whoever said glades and bear creek in the same sentence is messed man. no way, glades will never hit bear. u want glades go to Jay Peak, best powder n glades if u cant get out west.

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i personally love the first to second jump in cascade, but at around lunchtime today the snow right before the first jump was shot, so it was hard to come in from one side to spin. I think the dfd is fine today was the only day i could actually do combos on it for some reason. The ufd is crooked the up flat needs to be reset and you can even see it leaning. I wish there was a tiny bit more lip on the snow up to the small staircase because it makes it easier to do a variety of tricks on to the handrail, ledge thing, and box. I personally dont like the flat down, but i know others that love it. the black piping thing is cool. the quarter pipe i think is like kind of weird but that probably just cause i cant do anything on it and the tubing jumps are sweet. I thought the top jump was perfect for spinning today. Also, dont change the jump in the halfpipe all of the comp. kids today said they loved it too.

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the other thing is that all of the lips are all different, some are steep and some are real mellow, dont get me wrong thats a good thing to have different types, but they seem to be on the wrong things, like a steep jump for a box? that should be mellow. plus a steaper jump should not be so short, like the first one in black bear, it makes it fun that it pops you up alot but its a quick transition from going down the hill to shooting you up.

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is the jump in the halfpipe like the one that was there right before they had to take it down for the quarterpipe?


and bear makes there lips big so they last longer


i remember hearing that


is the jump in the halfpipe like the one that was there right before they had to take it down for the quarterpipe?


and bear makes there lips big so they last longer


i remember hearing that

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no but it does get pretty trashy up there


and that jumps the shit



Kewl. I'll take my old Machetes up there this week instead of Blue, just to check it out for shitz n giggles. cuts about 20 minutes off my driving time and they give a club discount to boot.

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EAZY i hate to be the one to tell you but they have blowers in the pipe now



i wish they would give up on trying to open the pipe




HELL no..they need to open the pipe and keep it decent. You guys have to give it a chance, i talked to some people and they said that bear wants to keep their pipe good once they cut it this year, there actually gonna try hard to accomplish this..

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HELL no..they need to open the pipe and keep it decent. You guys have to give it a chance, i talked to some people and they said that bear wants to keep their pipe good once they cut it this year, there actually gonna try hard to accomplish this..
I'd be pretty stoked if they got it open and they kept it decent. Last year in CO I was getting some nice tricks in their pipe and it would be fun to throw them again.
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