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Wow! Vermont decriminalizes marijuana possession


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There is the law and then there is the "law", VT has been herb friendly for as long as I can remember. Five mins on Church and somebody will ask if your looking.


All this is, is confirmation of the situation on the ground as it has existed for 40 years there. Now they certainly did bust people for simple possession but its not like your going up to Stowe and going to see things crazy different. Additionally this isn't a money thing, VT peeps really value their identity and part of that identity is doing things differently and what they believe to be correctly relative to the rest of the nation.


Burlington being Burlington there was a large occupy protest during which someone was killed. I don't think it had anything to do with the protests but regardless the police wanted to come in to investigate and this was obviously a big fucking to do with the protesters so as a ruckus is developing the mayor of Burlington goes to the protest and ya know actually talks to them. Sure enough everything is worked out and nobody gets a billy club to the face. These type of events are a testament to who they are and their willingness to put their ideas to the test, VT to it's credit generally walks the walk.


I think you have the wrong quote Ride, shadows comment I'm guessing says he doesn't see the medical value in Cannabis. The scientific literature disagrees but it's certainly not a settled question.

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That's a perfect Shadows comment, because it doesn't make sense to me and I have no idea wtf your talking about.

Government thugs arrested over 800,000 human beings and locked them in a cage for possession of dried flowers (you smoke, vape, eat, etc the flowers, not the leaves). There's over 8000 years of documented use of cannabis, but as a species, we've been using weed for much longer than that. In fact, we've used so much of it, our bodies evolved specific cannabinoid receptors just to process the THC and CBD. What is the most abundant natural source of CBD? Marijuana of course.


Yet, in 1972, the US Government declares "war on drugs". There is no war on drugs, because the drugs don't fight back. Very clever propaganda for what should have been called The War on People, but that's harder to sell you see? Very clever propaganda indeed.


We've spent over $1,000,000,000 on the War on US since then yet the demand for drugs remains the same, but we have more street crime and violence. As it turns out, the actual effects of "the war on drugs" is worse for society than the drugs itself.


Who is the victim if I possess any sort of contraband? Please tell me how I've violated someone else's rights.


Oh by the way, to the NSA/CIA loser reading this post, FUCK YOU!

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Reading, no. Scanning the bits as they leave my iPad as they traverse routers across the Internet? Absolutely.




Marijuana = 010011010110000101110010011010010110101001110101011000010110111001100001

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arent you a lawyer johnny? misinterpreting is serious business.

my comment as being anti medi weed :lol:

it was an anti 'anything but full legalization' kind of thing. medi programs with a decrim law is stupid. even though misdemeanors come from prescriptions and weed isnt prescribeb; its recommended. so it kind of makes sense but its still contradicting. full legalization works for everyone.


Government thugs arrested over 800,000 human beings and locked them in a cage for possession of dried flowers (you smoke, vape, eat, etc the flowers, not the leaves)


if youre one of the 11 peeps or so gettin it from mississippi youre smokin leaves.

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