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Everything posted by saltyant

  1. It was different when I checked this morning. I'll bring my GoPro.
  2. Looks like it's gonna dump Thursday morning/afternoon now. Hope my Shit Sonic can make it back home!
  3. The Valentine's Day storm of 2007 was Armageddon in Hazleton. Power out for days, people trapped on the Interstates, grocery store shelves empty. I remember walking around the neighborhood hearing chainsaws and trees falling, and remember the distinct smell of the portable kerosene heater burning in the living room, trailer park neighbors huddled around for warmth.
  4. I like this one better - Hitler wants to ski pow at Vail. But I did enjoy the part where he wanted to drink hot cocoa. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35sfp9k5avI
  5. This is grate but why didn't you pair up with the person in front of you to save 5 seconds? The chair looks wide enough to separate by 6 feet. Asking for a friend @eaf
  6. Which one is your favorite? I cant decide between Connector or Shuttle
  7. Everyone busts on me for my short RTMs but I can zip thru trees with ease like zippidty doo dah
  8. Yup, would never wanna go in glades with 'em.
  9. Correct but I was hoping to ski the deep purd mid morning and early afternoon so I can get home in time for chicken tendies
  10. This is grate!! Though I just saw snow showers for early Thursday morning. I want the big leagues, snow showers are child's play. It there's Perder I'll play Riders of the Storm on my bluetooth speaker while murderin' the perder on those super wide Monster 108s and getting radical face shots. I might even say alrighty before every run and maybe record some on my GoProfessional camera
  11. Thanks. I'd love to give Walt's Monster 108s a rip through the powder (promise I wont go off groomers with them though!)
  12. If it snows like they say I'm coming to Blue this time. Either Thursday or Friday. Which will be better? Friday morning I think?
  13. The sky's clear but it's basically raining out from all the ice dripping. Cant even go outside to feed my cats since I'll melt in the dripping
  14. You can always buy new skis. You cant ever get back those precious moments of skiing off piste at Blue Mountain. Now I sound like JohnnyLaw
  15. I know that feeling. After my 3 week tour of the west in 2017, I realized that long term living in a van life wouldnt be for me. I too enjoy coming home after a trip and having my routine back.
  16. This one time when Atomic Skier banned me for no reason, I didn't go on PASR at all for a whole week. Longest stretch since I joined this site. I bet when bike riding season starts Atomic Skier and I will be best bros again
  17. That's good cuz I'd like to ski out of bounds all day Saturday again. It was a blast. But ice might make doing that not so nice.
  18. Cause of 3-5 inches of snow and ice on Thursday night. Ice sucks but Vanilla Ice is grate
  19. Well you're one of the best skiers on the mountain. But Atomic Skier says he's the best so he must be the best 🤷🏻‍♂️ Today BenM and I were the best skiers on the mountain before PA Ridge came. But BenM was way faster than me so he was best of the best
  20. It's not stupid! You're my idol in skiing, but @GSSucks is my idol in bicycling (though I heard that Marty is the best skier at Blue Mountain)
  21. Yeah it was the funnest I've had skiing at Blue this season. Gotta get after it while conditions are top notch. Hopefully it takes a big dump on Thursday and makes everywhere skiable again. And hopefully the crowds start dwindling now that we're post President's Day weekend.
  22. Today was groomer heaven. Every run was amazing, and it was nice to finally ski Razor's and Razorback a bunch of times. I took the Main St Chair to do Widow Maker to Chute a few times in a row which was awesome. Wasn't feeling the ungroomed snow today as it was (obviously) harder than yesterday afternoon, so I stuck to groomers except 1 run on Coming Soon with @Schif Dawg way ahead of me as I picked a path down to avoid further scratching my RTMs. The first hour had virtually no lines, and by the time I left at 10:30 the crowds were pouring in. Overall a fun day but not as fun as yesterday when I skied all over the True Mountain
  23. @GrilledSteezeSandwich Check out this insane run I did on Main Street with @Benm. A terrific POV of my grate pole planting skills.
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