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Everything posted by saltyant

  1. I live in a trailer and the upkeep is pretty minimal. I keep it in nice shape, it's modern, clean and isn't a stereotypical "trailer park trash" trailer by any means. If we could stop getting low life neighbors who shoot each other, steal cars, deal drugs, have randos driving up and down the street all day long, blast their loud shitty music, drive by with obnoxiously loud motorcycles, and walk thru my yard constantly, I'd just stay here
  2. I couldnt actually do hotel house because my liking for living in the woods and having privacy from people (strongly opposed to having neighbors too close) outweighs my dislike for doing chores and fixing shit. So one day I will buy a small house that requires minimal upkeep and either have to pay people to fix shit or look up YouTube tutorials.
  3. Funk that sheit, I'm just gonna live in a hotel house @GrilledSteezeSandwich
  4. I think something from this list would probably work for me. I mean, I'm not X-Treme like you guys, jumping off couloirs and whatnot, so I don't need very stiff skis like Kästles or Francis Bacons. @AtomicSkier says Mantras for instance might impede my skiing rather than improve it. JohnnyLaw suggested Head Kores or Nordica Enforcers and both are on the list and at widths of 93 & 94, respectively. From what I gather, this width range should suffice for me as I just want something to charge thru ungroomed more forcefully rather than feeling like being tossed around. Since ungroomed is a rarity at Blue, I'm still thinking of demoing in Utah - maybe a rental at an off mountain shop for a few days. I'd like to test them in a variety of snow conditions rather than just groomers of NEPA. I appreciate the offers from Mixilplix and Eñoralas to let me try out their skis, and I'll certainly try them out for a few runs if they'd like.
  5. I always forget about Jack Frost, but I really need to get back there some time since it's grate and I've only been there once. Then I can tell Steeze how Flloyds was.
  6. Heres the list from inside the demo place, but the guy said the skis on it may or may not be demo-able and there might be other skis not listed
  7. @GrilledSteezeSandwich I wonder who the ding dong is that gave this thread a low rating??? I rated it 5 stars but it's only a 3 star thread..
  8. What's typically the least crowded day of the week? In case I decide to take a day off work to demo.
  9. The only way I would stand in that line would be if @eaf was there with me and we could both throw the biggest bitch fit ever as we stand there for 2 hours while watching singles continuously file into the 8 person gondola cars.
  10. I was very happy during our Steamboat trip. It was outta sight. Now if I woke up from our Villa one morning and saw that line, my frown wouldn't have turned upside down and I would have sat around all day eating pumpkin pie instead.
  11. Were they in line for the mountain coaster? @eaf
  12. And I'll add that @Johnny Lawwas kind enough to give me a great deal of information on skis Sunday morning and I took notes on my Jitterbug. I aim to demo the skis he suggested
  13. WJW. Because GrilledSteeze was confused so then I got confused too
  14. It was grate but I actually do listen to everyone's advice. I'm going to places you suggested in Utah, I went to Whiteface on Ridge's suggestion, and I bought a season pass at Blue Mountain because everyone said it was grate. Im going to John Paul Jones because someone suggested it's a groovy place to hang out. The only thing I didn't listen to was buying RTMs which were 7 cm longer than mine because I got a terrific deal on them 💁‍♂️
  15. Ok I'll ask him tomorrow when we meet up for supper at the Greasy Pig Saloon in Malvern
  16. Ok, thanks for the offer. I'll try demoing at Blue the True, maybe on a weekday. My friend Matt has 177 length Nordica Enforcer 93s and he says they're grate. He's around the same height and build as me though I think he's 10-15 pounds heavier
  17. Thanks!! It says 265 near the heel so I guess that's the sole length. It also says 307mm near the front part 🤷‍♂️
  18. Thanks, solid advice BenM. I'll be sure to collect all the boot shavings and put them in a baggie for when I'm ready to gorilla glue them back on my boots
  19. Wow you have a really hard life. Maybe buy some soda pops from the vending machine
  20. I supposed Mantras may be too stiff... @GrilledSteezeSandwich could I demo your Atomic Vantage skis this Saturday? I'll pay you in Captain Wafers and/or Yoohoos etc. I have no idea how to change the binding to fit me booties though 🤷🏻‍♂️
  21. Why? I've been reading about Mantras and they sound rad.
  22. He's a real cool dude. Somedays he thinks I'm CIA but yesterday he thought I was KGB.
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