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Everything posted by saltyant

  1. That's grate, I'll play that on my bluetooth speaker on maximum volume while riding the chairlift and also while bombing down Paradise on my brand new Nordica Enforcer 93's. Maybe MattEdge can wear a karaoke machine backpack with headset microphone like N'Sync and ski next to me while jamming out and get all dat tail
  2. Wao you guys could have been famous today https://www.wnep.com/mobile/article/news/local/susquehanna-county/conditions-at-elk-mountain-perfect-for-skiing/523-bfcd9e56-19eb-4f92-8155-38c94404cec8
  3. Thanks for the offer Mixilplix. After talking to Johnny of the Law, some skis I might want to sample are Nordica Enforcer, Head Kore, and Atomic Vantage. I've also been reading about Mantras and they sound pretty rad. There are so many options... or maybe I'll buy some Castles just like @AtomicDoug
  4. I'm hella jelly. It's been too long since I've been on a ski trip and I cant wait to be snorkelin' & smashin' the perd just like Atomic Skier.
  5. Correct. I'm not a gaper anymore since I ski on RTMs now
  6. I still have them, maybe I'll try skiing moguls with me Elans.
  7. WJW, that's the opposite of my experience. We went midweek and the only line was at Morningside area, I think... besides the initial gondola line on powder day. I absolutely loved afternoon skiing at the Pony Express side. Jumped right on the lift everytime. It was grate!
  8. Looks like JFDan, BenM, Mute, Ryan and Mute's wife
  9. That's absolute bananas. Never no way in a frozen hell. Ski resorts should make a Fast Pass lane like Disney parks. They would make bank
  10. Thanks Steeze, I didn't even type that - just copy pasted Toast's post on my 'Dacks thread
  11. They are probably the only people there hahaha
  12. That sounds like a narrow run
  13. Are you skiing or just posting on this stupid site?
  14. I wanna demo. Was it free? Did they have any RTMs? Why dont they do demo day on a weekend??
  15. Blue should hire Elk as their grooming consultant.
  16. I rated this thread 4 stars, but not 5 yet, since it's 3 pages long and you haven't posted a single helicopter shot or credit card worthy snapshot of you shredding neck deep snorkel worthy pow pow on your Këstles. When is the stoke barometer going to hit 100%?? I do like the HUD in your sportscar though, and nice lodge 😯
  17. Now it's my turn to be stuck at home while you guys are shredding the gnar. Hella jelly. Have a grate time and be sure to write a report!
  18. Wow not good to have your cell out while driving but thanks for adding the first stoke to this thread!
  19. Oooh, I Googled her and she's famous. I don't get Philadelphia news up here in the sticks. Today on my drive home I was randomly wondering if we stand in line or ride lifts with celebrities sometimes without even knowing. Kenneth Copeland a famous con artist televangelist skis at Steamboat all the time. I guess rich people have to share the slopes with us unless they have exclusive private hills.
  20. Perhaps she's there for the race thingies going on?? The race team must be super important since they get to completely cut the line all the time and board the lifts while us peasants get the joy of watching them cut in front regardless of how long we've been waiting there.
  21. I meant during ultra long drives (12+ hours) like Atomic skier did.
  22. Well done lad, that's 10 minutes faster than Google Maps even with fuel stops. You must have stopped doing your breaks every 2 hours. I try to only stop once every 350 miles for gas and dont drink anything so I dont have to stop a lot to make pee.
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