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Everything posted by saltyant

  1. This one is my favorite. Maybe I'll put it on my credit card.
  2. I just realized I have that song stuck in my head now. Thanks!! La la la.. fa la la.. la la la.. LA La la la la
  3. You can say This is great!!! again. @toast21602 removed the filter, making This is great!!! great again.
  4. What do you mean? I would never lie. I really was going tubing tomorrow night.
  5. I was supposed to go snowtubin' for Sip & Slide. Stupid rainy winter!
  6. Take it to the chiseled physiques thread.
  7. Daaaaamn I would take that deal in a second if it was at the end of a trip and I was in no hurry to get home.
  8. Maybe after you write the good bad and ugly you can bump some old threads for stoke to pass the time.
  9. But doesn't Atomic Jeff eat really fast like I do? Sometimes I just want to eat and get it over with. Maybe he can eat 1 piece of lettuce every 15 minutes.
  10. Not sure yet, depends on the weather.
  11. Best cartoon I've seen all year!!!
  12. Around 10-11, Lazy and Switchback were amazing. Some of the best skiing conditions I've had this year. Not even trollin'.
  13. I don't know... there were people around and next thing I know it was too late... guess I failed to plan ahead. Just happy it wasn't a snowmaker or something hard. Thanks for your well wishes.
  14. Hey All, I'm back from another fun session at Blue Mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at 07:45 and parked in Atomic's spot to make him jelly. It was around 28 degrees under partly cloudy sky's. In the house were JohnnyLaw, Enjoralas, Enjoralas's Dad, Enjoralas's Cousin, Enjoralas's delicious meats and shrimp, Tarponhead, Indiggio, TP4, PSUFly, BenM, Mixilplix, and many many others. First run was Challenge which was hard and solid, pretty legit. Then hit up Sidewinder, P-dizzle, and Main Street. Lazy Mile was in pretty damn good shape and later on was like a western groomer. The 6 pack seemed to be running slow again, so I rode the quad which was running at a higher speed. Eventually the race team inundated the quad with lines so went over to the Main Street and Burma lift. Around that time met up with @enjoralas and @pops and we made a few runs on Switchback which was definitely ROTD and in very nice shape, smooth as butter. Then we hit some glades (I skied between 3 trees). Then on Lower Main Street tragedy struck. I crashed into the middle Slow Down orange sign and became Jerry of the day. No one laughed at me too much so I brushed it off, and my legs and RTMs continued to function normally. Tried to put the sign up but my efforts were futile. Parking lot shenanigans were great. The meats and shrimp were outstanding, 10/10. Stayed until around 1 pm. All in all a great day at Blue the True. Some lyfestyle shots below.
  15. Yep, I'll be at True Blue today. Left it in my Sonic.
  16. This is great! What do I have in common with an everything bagel?
  17. Just got back from Camelback, the True Mountain. In the house was @saltyant and a lot of Jerrys. Pulled into the Gaper lot at 1700 hours and stepped into my RTMs to ski to the waterslide lift. Made gnarly runs on Nile Mile, Cliffhanger, and the green trail. Sadly I'm starting to forget the names of the trails since I'm getting old (almost 32) and haven't skied at Camelback enough. Cliffhanger was chock full of ice and giant moguls. All black diamonds were icy AF and my RTMs were making loud scraping sounds. Had some fun conversations on the lift. Talked to some cool older dude with a wolf hat he got in Utah in 1987, and told him his hat is older than myself and @AtomicSkier. When he was younger he biked a loop from Indiana to Yellowstone, so we talked about our road cycling adventures. Also rode the lift with a giant toolbag jabroni who had a backpack full of beers but lost it somewhere, and was drunk as a skunk. We rode up with an Ernst & Young consultant from downtown Manhattan and had an interesting conversation about life. Overall a great night and made a lot of epic runs. I still really like Camelback and maybe will get a season pass there again. JADIP.
  18. At Camelback. It's so sick. So far did Nile Mile, Pocono Raceway, and some trail that used to be the park. The snow is the slushy crap I don't care for mixed with icy spots but making the best of it. Gapers and Jerries everywhere, especially annoying when they blast their Gaper Club music on the lift right in my ear. @GrilledSteezeSandwich enjoy the Perder while you can get it, I cant wait to ski some real snow in 3 weeks.
  19. I could use a change of scenery so think I'll hit up Camelback tonight. They opened Cliffhanger so it should be pretty rad. Maybe I'll even high five a cartoon camel again.
  20. Not sure how fast the 6 was running, forgot my stopwatch. But it did seem like the quad was running as fast as a fixed-grip.
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