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Everything posted by AirheadD8

  1. Not too shabby today. One more and heading out. It’s getting good where the sun is softened it up. Would like to stay longer but work
  2. Cool I've got some touring places around Beltzville . It's been a long time sine I've done shrooms but I'll trust you.
  3. Sounds like you have an exclusive Covid strain.
  4. Well I’ve been on the south side of the lake when a front came though and blew all the fog off . So I guess if the direction is right. Lol Or maybe a school of Crappie tanking shelter under the Buoy 😁
  5. Please explain the significance of Beltzville for this newb please.
  6. Dang, Looks like I’m going to have a bit of a wait to ski some descent bumps. Couldn’t make it today. Monday morning it’s going to be 26 . Will there be anything left Sunday later?
  7. I rode on 2 I don’t remember if there was another. Short with respect to the mountain. They had offsets to control speed . Water would backup in the offsets and act like a brake but if you didn’t pull up on your tube when you hit those you would loose momentum and have to get off and run to get going again. That’s what caused the long lines. I would do it again but not on a weekend.
  8. Did you do Slide The Slopes this past Summer ? https://www.bcmountainresort.com/play/camps-and-activities/slide-the-slopes/ I got out one day with my son ,we had a blast but the lines were very really long .
  9. Saturday ,Sunday hot Pee rain 61-58 . Monday high 32 . Uggg
  10. Usually my phone doesn’t do justice but today it was okay . Should have done a time lapse too .
  11. AirheadD8


    When I left last night they were blowing tuts but looking like Northampton county got all the snow as the wind was ripping.
  12. Next time I sharpen my edges I have to remember to sharpen my poles too.
  13. Should be clear by 9 . Getting a bit windy later. https://www.usairnet.com/cgi-bin/launch/code.cgi?sta=KABE&state=PA I like this website I can read the pictures 😁
  14. Almost.... Two years ago at Bear Creek with my son . Paired up with another double , Some Jerry slides up after were up to the load line . WTF ? I'm on the right ,I thought about giving him a shove but yelled to the lifty to stop . To his credit he was quick. Kid still didn't get it , I had to count fingers and point at him !@@##$%^!!!
  15. LOL ....Did it work ? I don't ski there very much ,mostly when it's empty . I've had multiple to bottom 6 minute runs .
  16. little Camelback stoke from a few years ago " Camelbackwards "
  17. Below freezing in the valley but at 3000ft it’s 34 f
  18. One or two more and done gapers are out and getting a bit icy in spots. Still good to get out.
  19. Cool thanks although my pass is blacked out till 4 pm Saturday and Sunday . I have a blue/ black jacket. Loaf stickers on my helmet.
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